Data extract for GatherMate2
How to install the data:
- 1.) install GatherMate2_Data
- 2.) Once in game, open gathermate (/gathermate)
- 3.) Select the Import section
- 4.) select the data you want and click import.
- 5.) Profit
State in Shadowlands
GatherMate2_Data and the background tools have been updated for Shadowlands, and early data for both Herbs and Mining locations is already available in the latest update. We'll keep updating the database as more information is uploaded to Wowhead!
I don't understand these updates. Nothing changes between versions except "## X-Curse-Packaged-Version". The data files (ArchaeologyData.lua, FishData.lua) etc. are identical. See for yourself, compare the files in version 13.7 with version 13.6 and you will see they are identical. Same for 13.5, 13.4 and so on.
Am I missing something?
Updates are automated to run every week. However last few versions there has been an issue apparently with the file commit. I'll be checking the logs today to see what the issue is
Thanks for looking into it!
Thanks for the early data update, but, just as an FYI, the .toc is still set to 50001 instead of 50100. ;)
i have everything downloaded and updated, but when i go on to the game it says dependency missing. i tried activating it in game but it would not let me. how do i fix this?
Your missing dependency would be GatherMate2, so download and install it!
all i get is a "GatherMate2Data has been imported." and noting will get added to map.I am doing something wrong or?
When I used it in Azuremyst Isle for herbs, it showed a lot of herb points, but when I was at that points, no herb was present.
it will only show nodes that other people found. Sometimes they will spawn again at those nodes, so you need to search for all possible nodes in the area.
Hi, does not work for me either, nor the archaeology nodes. Thanks.
Hi any info on fishing data ? Still import still dont work
import doesn't seem to add any fishing or archaeology data
I'm having the same issue as htl2001. Importing fishing nodes either by overwriting or merging doesn't seem to work, and just deletes the nodes I have physically fished in(those get recoreded and stored as nodes).
I am also having a problem importing data (even for just the starting zones). The nodes I've physically visited are there, but the wowhead db stuff won't import no matter what I do...
EDIT: Upon further tinkering, I've discovered that everything appears to be importing except the data for the Classic stuff. I can see chests, other random items (clams, netherwing eggs etc) but the herbalism module (the one thing i need) appears to not be working.
if you dont have any its because I dont have any. fishing data harvest is from user data ive been sent as wowhead/wowdb dont mark this information.
In my opinion, the versioning is completely inexplicable. Curse Client installed "v12.5" today. This number has no substance. "12.5" tells nothing of what time period the update describes.
A meaningful version number would, at the least, include the date. As in "GatherMate2_Data version 10052012" wherein the date is of the form "DDMMYYYY" or similar structure.
thanks for the great work with this excellent resource. Is there any way you could add the locations for the Onyx Eggs (Cloud Serpent rep grind) to one of the existing data sets (oh lets say treasure lol)?
Wowhead co-ordinate link is here:
Thanks kindly.
Hello, great addon, but theres a litte Problem with the item "Dark soil".
Tried to farm this, and was wondering that the addon only shows one spot (
Normally it should look like this (
So i looked to the source code and found that the constant "545" (dark soil) is only linked to one cordinate (5280481000).
Would be nice to get a Database with the correct cordinates :)
Edit: Version 12.2 works, the cordinates are right, only 12.3 seems false.