Data extract for GatherMate2
How to install the data:
- 1.) install GatherMate2_Data
- 2.) Once in game, open gathermate (/gathermate)
- 3.) Select the Import section
- 4.) select the data you want and click import.
- 5.) Profit
State in Shadowlands
GatherMate2_Data and the background tools have been updated for Shadowlands, and early data for both Herbs and Mining locations is already available in the latest update. We'll keep updating the database as more information is uploaded to Wowhead!
the big problem is the mac client for wowhead hasn't been updated since like patch 3.0 (literally) and it installs a pretty non functional clint that cannot connectto update server, therefor it cannot install a current version of addon or client (if they even exist) was noting but a nightmare trying to get it to work, and i have a lot of data too. I just literally did EVERY quest in all the 1-60 zones on both continents. found tons of nodes that were in each zone that aren't on wowhead or gm2, and they ddin't get any of them, such a waste :\
ah edit, they fixed the client on 29th it looks like for mac
Like DUROTAR have only 2 ????
wtf ?
It will take time to get all the new data again.
And I don't mean ''how do I get the data into WoW?'' I'll figure that out myself...
I mean, how do you get the data?
P.S. Italics would have been nice.
I run WoW on a totally different partition (D:/WOW) under Win7 64bit. I also have UAC turned off (poor implementation of a great idea, IMO). I've had no issues with WowHead Looter. Keep in mind that WowHead Looter doesn't actually "install". It is just a self-contained application that you run.
Random example: I have deviate fishes swimming on hillsides now. Kind of funny except if you're trying to find deviate fishes (yes, I know I could have picked gas clouds but...)
Please remove the data from Northern Stranglethorn. It is pulling Old full Stranglethorn Vale complete data.
Having a hard time contributing my data via the wowhead looter since it can't be installed on 64bit OSs (apparently). Anyone know of a workaround? (thread about the 64bit problem)
After overwriting my database with v1.6 today, I noticed (and appreciated) the wiping of the pre-shattering herb/mine nodes... but I still saw deviate fish schools in the middle of the mountains of Northern Barrens... :)
I believe the overwrite option was just to initially purge old data. If you use the overwrite option every week, it could potentially wipe any new nodes you've found (if the Wowhead database doesn't have them for some reason).
Additional thought: Pitbull4 has two VisualHeal folders, and VisualHeal5's .toc file has a neat trick forcing it to only load on WoW 4.x clients, and VisualHeal only loads on WoW 3.x ... could that be done with GatherMate / GatherMate_Data (3.x) and GatherMate2 / GatherMate2_Data (4.x)? It might cut down on pollution. Maybe. Hopefully.
I'll run the WowHead Looter as often as I can. Hopefully the data isn't polluted on their end by Chinese players, who are still on patch 3.x.x
Just to be clear; for now, use "overwrite" rather than "merge" for the import? No need for me to dump zones if I have already deleted the saved variables, for someone else, that would work.
Another thing: when I search WowAce for "gathermate" neither GatherMate2 or GatherMate2_Data show up on the return. To find this page, I had to click Addons at the top and scroll back through the updated addons list. Failing that, find it on Curse and click the link.
I deleted all data for all types via GM2 last night. I then imported GM2_Data v1.6. Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor seem to be clean, with all but a few nodes in realistic areas. Northrend still has a huge number of totally wrong node locations for every zone. It took about an hour to manually delete all the obvious ones (nodes over open ocean, out of the zone completely, and stuff like Tiger Lily nowhere near water).
I've started using the Wowhead client again, just to help the effort. I'm concerned that all my efforts last night will just be wiped out on the next update though. What files do I need to back up in case that happens?
If you wana help cleanup the database install the Wowhead client and help upload data
the WowHead looter is what provides data to wowhead (assumign you actually upload the data afterwards)
You could set your merge style to overwrite to have it dump zones and reload it for you. A portion of bad data is coming from wowhead where some zones are coming back with old data that shoul dbe the new post sundering data.