This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Imports data from Cartographer gathering modules into GatherMate
There are 3 ways to work around the fact that this not being updated.
1) Use Gathermate_Data instead.
2) Allow WoW to load out-of-date add-ins, load the data into Gathermate, then disable out-of-date add-ins again if you prefer. (You only need this once to import the data - then gathermate remembers it all.)
3) Change the number in first line in the the Gathermate_CartImport.toc file to 3000. Now it's current (until WoW 3.1, at least).
Moved back up to mature, some people and dont ask me why are still using cart2
1) Use Gathermate_Data instead.
2) Allow WoW to load out-of-date add-ins, load the data into Gathermate, then disable out-of-date add-ins again if you prefer. (You only need this once to import the data - then gathermate remembers it all.)
3) Change the number in first line in the the Gathermate_CartImport.toc file to 3000. Now it's current (until WoW 3.1, at least).