This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Evaluates your gear using custom Lua scripts. Also contains modules to keep your equipment sets updated automatically.
There is now an (unfinished) introduction available here.
This addon is still in beta, which basically means that anything can change at any time. Make sure to keep your evaluators backed up!
does someone have evaluator function that involve stats+weight system? i think this one should be included by default so we can only change weights, and this will work for 90% use cases for this addon.
I am currently working on a rewrite of the handling of the evaluators, and I will include what you are asking for, with a simple graphical configuration UI.
I am currently working on a rewrite of the handling of the evaluators, and I will include what you are asking for, with a simple graphical configuration UI.
I'm currently working on a little tutorial how this thing works, so stay tuned. I expect it to be finished in the next few days.
So... what do I have to do, to actually let it evaluate my gear?
Project slug changed.
Go to that link to request a name change.