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UploadedJun 11, 2009
Size10.84 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
James D. Callahan III:
Added references to LibItemBonus-2.0 to .pkgmeta, the TOC, and embeds.xml
Added initial (crude) usage of LibItemBonus-2.0.
Replaced empty-socket "scanning" code with LIB checks.
In ConstructItem(): Added saner default values, completely re-worked rating system to use LIB.
Moved all of the checks from GearGuauge:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() to GearGauge:Scan().
In GearGauge:Scan(): Added check for non-friendly players.
In the tooltip, replaced text for missing enchant/gems with icons.
Replaced item tooltip with a tooltip containing LIB information for further refinement.
Added Shirt and Tabard equipment slots.
Players of the opposing faction will now have their rating shown in red.
Changed some upvalues.
Added Babble lookups where appropriate.
Moved empty socket detection.
Added LibBabble-Class-3.0 to .pkgmeta, embeds.xml and GearGauge.toc/lua
Fixing embeds file
Something else to toy with.