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UploadedJul 8, 2009
Size201.81 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
James D. Callahan III:
Fixed OnUpdate timer to also check for equality and to check if the tooltip is visible before refreshing it.
Fixed GearGauge.toc and embeds.xml with regards to LibDBIcon and LibDataBroker load order.
Updated LibDataBroker-1.1
Changed X-Category in ToC.
Made the equipment panel always appear in the center of the list panel instead of the center of UIParent.
Added Guild display option.
Made list sorting non-case-sensitive.
Added SortAsc() and SortDesc() - If one and two are equal, sort alphabetically by name. Not used with name sorting since we want to be able to go forward and backward alphabetically there, and names are always unique.