GladiusEx is an arena unit frames addon based on Gladius.
What's new
New features include:
- Party frames: support for showing frames for your own team
- Cooldown tracker: a highly configurable module for tracking all types of cooldowns
- Skill history: shows the icons of the last few skills used by the unit
- Alerts: makes the frames blink in a noticeable way during some configured events (including low health, auras and specific spells being cast)
- Pets: new module for displaying pet bars
- Interrupts: See the interrupts directly on your arena & party frames.
And the classic modules, most of which have been improved in various ways:
- Auras: now with more filtering options
- Class Icon: new display modes: by spec, role and portraits
- Cast Bar: now shows which spells can't be interrupted
- DR Tracker: track the diminishing returns timers on both the enemy team and your team. Now lets you select which icon you want displayed for every category!
- Health Bar: now displays incoming heals and absorbs
- Tags: configure every text to show exactly what you want, now with more built-in tags and improved performance
How do I bring the user interface up ?
You can use the /gex slash command, or you can access the options from the addons tab in the interface panel.
Where did the trinket and the dispels modules go ?
They have been replaced by the cooldowns module, which now allows you to have several groups of cooldowns configured independently. By default, the trinket cooldown is shown in group 2 and a few other cooldowns in group 1.
What is that additional set of frames that I see ?
Those are the party frames. This is incremental functionality that will help you track not only your enemies but also your friends. If you use your own you can turn these easily off in the general settings. You can also disable only your own frame, but keep the GladiusEx party frames.
Is it possible to have text timers for the auras, cooldowns or the DR icons ?
The timer module has been removed, but this can be achieved with OmniCC or other similar addons.
Bugs and feature requests
Please use the ticket tracker to report any issues or request features.
Please report all the problems and bugs!
In reply to jovial_keller272103: BUMP missing arcane surge, CDs should be reviewed
LUA error. I cant test 2v2/3v3 or 5v5
In reply to Frederick: I pushed 2.7.2 which should hopefully fix your issues
3.4.3 is broken. Via interface I cannot test it 2v2/3v3 etc, nothing shows up. The only thing I can see is the anchor, otherwise nothing is visible.
In reply to deathlypale: Same :-(
In reply to Cordiel: I pushed 2.7.2 which should hopefully fix your issues
In reply to deathlypale: I pushed 2.7.2 which should hopefully fix your issues
Great addon, thank you!
Quick question; currently going through all CD's for tracking and I notice the tooltip in the list is not up to date from some spells. Does this mean CD tracking in game will use a wrong timer aswell? Or is CD tracking on the arenaframes correct and is tooltip in the menu's just outdated?
In reply to JuicedG:
Info shown in menu is manual input and might have errors, if you send me a list I'll correct them. I do have the classes so I can test anything in case there's a doubt.
The tooltip itself, though, is generated by the game.
I did not write them down so I do not remember which ones I ment. I do remember Call of the Wild not being on there for BM hunter. Nor is Arcane Surge for mage or the hunter for DH.
Good to know tooltip will work, thank you!
Any ETA on an update? Causing me issues using, hopefully you have time soon to fix.
In reply to mark129:
What kind of issues?
In reply to Vendethiel: It shows me nothing, except a big empty box on the side on my screen, however if I go into another match, it will show me the previous team I fought against.
In reply to mark129: Can you post an error (install the addons BugSack and BugGrabber if you don't have them), and a screenshot? I've never had that.
If it fails to display, you can use these two commands to force reset it:
/gex hide
/gex show
Then when the gates open it'll pick up the specs etc.
Not working at all. Can't even test :-(
In reply to Cordiel:
The supported WoW version hasn't been udpated so you need to load outdated addons, but it should work fine outside of that.
In reply to Vendethiel: Tbh I'm starting to feel this may be some kind of interference with other addon...
Can't click on ARENA FRAME
Even though it seems like this in my options, it's not working. I can't right or left click to enemies. What's the issue?
In reply to wizykemy:
I just tried it and it works fine. Are you correctly enabling the Clicks module in the Arena section, not Party section?
Maybe 4 out of 6 SoloShuffle rounds I have to reload my UI because the frames are invisible or all over the place. I understand maintaining an addon is a lot of thank-less work, but it would be great to know if this is abandoned or not. Moving to new arena frames takes a lot of setup so I rather wait a bit and get these here updated but if I dont instant reload my UI I enter the arena sometimes a few seconds later than others and thats with a Nvme ssd. Normal Gladius was last updated January 2023 it seems so what are people using instead here?