GladiusEx is an arena unit frames addon based on Gladius.
What's new
New features include:
- Party frames: support for showing frames for your own team
- Cooldown tracker: a highly configurable module for tracking all types of cooldowns
- Skill history: shows the icons of the last few skills used by the unit
- Alerts: makes the frames blink in a noticeable way during some configured events (including low health, auras and specific spells being cast)
- Pets: new module for displaying pet bars
- Interrupts: See the interrupts directly on your arena & party frames.
And the classic modules, most of which have been improved in various ways:
- Auras: now with more filtering options
- Class Icon: new display modes: by spec, role and portraits
- Cast Bar: now shows which spells can't be interrupted
- DR Tracker: track the diminishing returns timers on both the enemy team and your team. Now lets you select which icon you want displayed for every category!
- Health Bar: now displays incoming heals and absorbs
- Tags: configure every text to show exactly what you want, now with more built-in tags and improved performance
How do I bring the user interface up ?
You can use the /gex slash command, or you can access the options from the addons tab in the interface panel.
Where did the trinket and the dispels modules go ?
They have been replaced by the cooldowns module, which now allows you to have several groups of cooldowns configured independently. By default, the trinket cooldown is shown in group 2 and a few other cooldowns in group 1.
What is that additional set of frames that I see ?
Those are the party frames. This is incremental functionality that will help you track not only your enemies but also your friends. If you use your own you can turn these easily off in the general settings. You can also disable only your own frame, but keep the GladiusEx party frames.
Is it possible to have text timers for the auras, cooldowns or the DR icons ?
The timer module has been removed, but this can be achieved with OmniCC or other similar addons.
Bugs and feature requests
Please use the ticket tracker to report any issues or request features.
Please report all the problems and bugs!
First I'd like to say that this addon is so awesome it cannot even begin to praise you enough for it. It makes like ... 10 or 12 other addons completely obsolete. That being said, few things would improve it to be even better:
- "make my Buffs / Debuffs bigger" option, maybe with a scaling "how much bigger". Display not only mine or all or dispellable, just mine get bigger. Similar stuff was done in Pearl Unit Frames. This, plus movable castbars and ability to be used outside arenas, would allow Gex to completely substitute for basic frames except for target and focus (adding which might be an option, as long as they are optional).
- since the addon itself has code to recognize CC on someone, maybe adding an option that automatically uses the "alert" script when it happens wouldn't require too much work - it would be awesome. If it could alert only on dispellable CC, even better. I don't have problems with this myself when I play a healer, but when I play a DPS with a dispel (ele shammy, balance druid, mage), i tend to overlook hexes (which is not hard to add by itself to an alert), and when I play a priest, I overlook most other types of magicCC (and there are a lot of them - so adding them one by one is a lot of work),
- "healer" mode to display buffs and debuffs with timers inside the HP frame of a party member - perhaps with options to enlarge certain buffs (such as PW:S, Lifebloom, Earthshield, Riptide, Beacon of Light) or debuffs (Weakened Soul etc.). This would allow healers, such as myself, to completely get rid of party addon in an arena which I myself currently only use to monitor who has what. Unfortunately, GladiusEx does not pass the exam in this deparment, as there is no way to arrange auras in a way that makes them easy to check with a glimpse.
Still, as I said, these are just suggestions, and the addon itself is 12/10 type awesome by itself. Additional functionality is by no means required for it to fulfill its purpose. Still, seeing as you want to improve it to get rid of many other (not needed) addons, I thought I'll give suggestions a shot.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your feedback ! I am always looking for ways to improve the design of the addon so don't hesitate to give your suggestions. To answer your points:
- I would like to add the option to have some auras bigger than others.
- There isn't really anything to detect CCs on the addon. There is a default list of "important auras" to show in the class icon and that's it. I don't really want to maintain another list of spellids that changes with every patch in random ways, so anything that requires that is unlikely to happen.
- You can already have the buffs and debuffs inside the frame by enabling advanced options and setting an appropiate anchor and relative point. That, together with an appropiate list of aura filters should let you do what you want (unless what you really want is grid-style indicators, but that would be something different).
Thanks for the quick answer!
The option to enlrage certain auras (especially player-cast auras as a general cathegory) is the key to make this addon a great standalone (well, that and ability to use partyframes outside of arenas, which would be so epic Hans Zimmer would need to make a soundtrack to it ;p). I don't think most people (at least those I know to use Gex) would really need a target/player frame with such an addition, as far as arenas are concerned at least (and that is the scope, so I think it would be bad to go further than that, though exchanging arena1 for "target" outside of arenas would be an epic option if you ever had the time and will to add it).
In terms of CC / important auras, I had no idea how this worked (though I have some minor experience in programming scripts in python, .lua is alien to me and I have no time to actually remedy this). So a filter to alert on appearance of an "important aura" after a check if it can be dispelled by the player would probably be extremely time and resource consuming too?
I had played with anchor points and relative points for auras, but as long as auras are the same size / opacity / have the same outline, this does not achieve anything, as important stuff gets lost along the sea of garbage auras. I did not have "grid" layout in mind, but more like something not similar, but more like "inspired" by VuhDo's "notification bars / buttons" that can be displayed in a frame or near a frame as a bar, button, icon or layover based on a predefined condition (such as "display a nice green dot with black boarder with a number of stacks and a timer here when this frame has Lifebloom"). Few predefined places this can appear in, option to use a circle / square of a certain color or icon, stacks / timer. As of now, I have achieved this effect with quite an unwieldy configuration of PowerAuras, but I still think it's better than using some aberrant combination of partyframes, raven, powerauras, afflicted3 and other addons that basically does what GladiusEx does better by itself and cool looking, with no hassle. So the only thing that I had to leave from my old "partyframe" setup Was the poweraura thing, which doesn't really look that great, cannot be perfectly adjusted and does not provide functionality proportional to the setup time (including creating 3 anchors for party1, party2 and player for my case for like 8-10 auras per healing class / spec I use ;P). I guess addin something even remotely similar to this would require too much work for you, especially since "make auras cast by me bigger by X% / Y pixels" and/or "reduce / increase opacity of auras / auras cast by player" would go a long way towards fulfilling the goal of making hots / shields cast by the player noticable with the option to enlarge certain debuffs (such as Weakened Soul) with timers from OmniCC.
Edit: though if "grid-style" counters for hots/shields/shield debuffs with stacks and timers would be possible to achieve somehow that would be beyond awesome. But again, I have no idea how much hassle this would require to incorporate, so I'll be happy with whatever you do anyway :) It's your time it takes to make and maintain this addon and it is greatly appreciated (so greatly that this is actually the first addon I think I might donate if I dig up my paypal login/pass :P).
Thanks again for the reply and keep up the good work!
PS Have you considered changing the name / abbreviating the name to GEX - GladiusEx? When I try to talk my friends into using gladiusex, they can't find it, as google corrects the search to Gladius. Even "gladiusex curse" or the project site are hard to find via google when not using quotation marks ;-)
Sorry for the wall of text ;]
- To be clear, I like the idea of enlarged auras and will add it to GladiusEx, probably sooner rather than later.
- I absolutely understand how important specific aura indicators are for healers. The aura filters were partially intended to be a solution to that problem, but I agree that something more flexible is needed and I would like to add a new module for having indicators for specific auras (and possibly for other conditions too). This too is likely to be added sooner rather than later.
- Making the frames work outside of arenas is as much a technical problem as it is a design problem. To put it simply, the code and the design of addon is made with the assumption of arenas and a lot would need to be changed to make it a viable general UF replacement addon. Still, I would like to do it some day, but it is not likely to happen any time soon.
- While technically it wouldn't be very hard to add an option to display an alert when one of the important auras is active and can be dispelled, there are other problems with that approach (it would be blatantly a hack) that make it very unlikely to ever be added in that form. Still, I would like to eventually add some way to configure things like that more easily, but meanwhile the only option is adding the auras manually to the alerts module or whatever.
Once again thanks for your support and your feedback !
- Awesome.
-Double awesome.
-An option like "Display party frames outside of arena - use this at your own risk, as this is a test option" with an added "Enable / disable this module if in a party of 2 / 3 / 5" or "Enable/disable outside of arena" (if that is even possible) would be triple awesome. I don't really think we need to be talking "viable" here, just no need to run scripts to enable Gex outside of arenas at people's own risk (would completely understand why you wouldn't want to add half-baked solutions though). I think most people, including myself, would just like to not have to run an additional, often basic, party frame addon/module just to run a heroic or scenario from time to time. People who use gex, who found it and know what it does, usually play PvP first and foremost (at least I think so, why else would they need it? :P). Only party-pvp mode is an arena - rest is raid-based. So the only other group modes - dungeons while leveling / heroics / scenarios, are probably secondary for a person who uses a specific, profiled PvP UF addon and they don't really require anything fancy. I think if someone wants to run challenge modes or heroic scenarios they already have party UF suitable for that purpose and won't even notice. For the rest, at least imo, a basic fix (enough to have the UFs there and with working HP/power bars and auras) would suffice to run leveling dungeons and few hcs without the hassle of installing / turning on / off another addon for the sake of it. More than that, it would have an added benefit of being able to get used to Gex before entering an arena, and that is perhaps the most important part.
- Well I havn't really though about the alert important dispellable as a hack. So many addons do this that it seemed right to me (ElvUI party frames with two filters: important and check only dispellable; VuhDo; some configurations of Grid + modules). But I guess you're right - it does sound cheesy now that I think of it.
As you say, it would be a half-baked solution that IMO would cause more trouble than it is worth. If you really don't want to install other ÚF addon just use the blizzard's party/compact party frames - it wouldn't be much worse than using an addon that fails in random ways. I actually care a lot about making the addon as easy to use and bug free as possible (and I know it is not there yet), so knowingly adding an option that would break the addon is just not going to happen.
Also, note that it is not a list of dispellable auras that would be a hack, but rather the way it is implemented at the moment. The list currently is specific to the class icon module, and as such is independant of other modules. So the list would need to be moved somewhere else where it would be obvious that it is shared by different modules. You would probably also want to categorize it, because while dispeling a stun can be very important, perhaps you don't care that much about roots. And you probably would also want a different set of priorities, because while an unstable affliction may be the most important consideration when dispelling, you may care more about the CCs in the class icon. And having the capability to do all these things without having an overly complex configuration system that most people won't be able to understand is not easy. So yeah, I would like to improve it some day, but meanwhile having to configure the list of auras manually is preferable than another half-baked solution.
Either way, thanks again for your feedback ! I may not agree with every suggestion but I still find valuable to have other people's perspectives on the issues.
You should consider adding feral cyclone to the cooldowns section (20 sec cd). Also pet frames make a healer's life much easier, just small health bars would be perfect to be honest.
Thanks again!
I wasn't aware of the feral cyclone cooldown, thanks for pointing that out. It has been added in the current alpha.
Pet frames are a high priority and will be one of the next things added.
Sweet, looking forward to it.
Couple of more missing CDs I noticed: Remove Curse (baseline for mage) and Survival Instincts for ferals (currently only listed for guardian druids, not sure if that matters). Thunderstorm CD is also reduced by 50% by their 4piece pvp set bonus, from 45 sec to 22,5 sec.
Keep up the good work!
Fixed those, thanks!
Hello, love the addon, great work.
It would be nice, though, with an option move the cast bars of the arena frames freely. Personally I like to have them to the side of the frames so they are easier to see for interrupting. =]
edit: also I read someone comment asking to make party frames usable outside arena. I second that wish (but I realise it is hard/impossible/takes time) :)
Yeah, that would be easy to add and I agree that it could be useful.
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply and fix.
Hello Slaren,
I have a quick question. If I enable "show only dispellable buffs" in gladiusex, I do not see any debuffs for my partyframes. I'm a disc priest so shouldn't I at least see the magic and disease debuffs?
Yeah, I have just fixed that in the current alpha (you can grab it from the project page at wowace, or wait until I make a new beta). Let me know if it still not working as it should after updating.
when i go into arena, my party frames bug out and lets say for example, my partners are rogue and priest. the 2 party frames from gladiusex has a priest bar and rogue bar but it is swapped. like rogue has the white priest health bar and the priest has yellow health bar. so rogue would have white health bar but sublety icon on the side. and priest would have yellow health bar but disc priest icon on the side.
I have never seen that happen and without a way to reproduce it there isn't much I can do about it unfortunately.
I have a question. Is there a way to enable the GladiusEx Frames inside BGs, too?
I have to switch between Elv UI Arena Frames and GladiusEx Frames. Because I use the GladiusEx Frames inside arena and Elv UI Frames inside BGs cause Gladius doesnt show them.
Is it possible?
Thanks. :-)
Not at the moment, but I would like to make it possible in the future.
Great addon ! Instantly adopted it !
Hope it'll be maintained forever :)