GladiusEx is an arena unit frames addon based on Gladius.
What's new
New features include:
- Party frames: support for showing frames for your own team
- Cooldown tracker: a highly configurable module for tracking all types of cooldowns
- Skill history: shows the icons of the last few skills used by the unit
- Alerts: makes the frames blink in a noticeable way during some configured events (including low health, auras and specific spells being cast)
- Pets: new module for displaying pet bars
- Interrupts: See the interrupts directly on your arena & party frames.
And the classic modules, most of which have been improved in various ways:
- Auras: now with more filtering options
- Class Icon: new display modes: by spec, role and portraits
- Cast Bar: now shows which spells can't be interrupted
- DR Tracker: track the diminishing returns timers on both the enemy team and your team. Now lets you select which icon you want displayed for every category!
- Health Bar: now displays incoming heals and absorbs
- Tags: configure every text to show exactly what you want, now with more built-in tags and improved performance
How do I bring the user interface up ?
You can use the /gex slash command, or you can access the options from the addons tab in the interface panel.
Where did the trinket and the dispels modules go ?
They have been replaced by the cooldowns module, which now allows you to have several groups of cooldowns configured independently. By default, the trinket cooldown is shown in group 2 and a few other cooldowns in group 1.
What is that additional set of frames that I see ?
Those are the party frames. This is incremental functionality that will help you track not only your enemies but also your friends. If you use your own you can turn these easily off in the general settings. You can also disable only your own frame, but keep the GladiusEx party frames.
Is it possible to have text timers for the auras, cooldowns or the DR icons ?
The timer module has been removed, but this can be achieved with OmniCC or other similar addons.
Bugs and feature requests
Please use the ticket tracker to report any issues or request features.
Please report all the problems and bugs!
Which frame - the Enemy frame?
It should be by default Down.
If you do /gex under general you can select in the GROW Direction how you want your frames setup.
As far as cooldown and DR tracker yes you can modify/position those wherever you like under General options for those two modules - under size, position and widget
And this is not GLADIUS - and you shouldn't run both addons at the same time :)
Is there anyway to make the frame one on top of the other like it is in gladius and in the picture u have posted up here? I hate the whole side by side thing and It seems like you need to write your own code to change the layout or w.e. idk how to write code... PLZ HELP I NEED GLADIUS lol
love this addon, but please consider relocat the trinket icon. thankyou!!
Keep this shit up, bro. You're doing good work. The cooldown module alone makes this shit way better than Gladius.
Awesome man. It's not too big of a deal but it would be a nice touch. This is how the trinket cd looks in regular gladius:
Thanks so much for making this addon guys. I just got back into wow and tried everything to get gladius working, but then found this lifesaver. I hope it gets more popular soon and it should.
hmm - seems like we have quite a bit of interest in separate "frame" for the PvP trinket. Do you want me to try to get that going. I might have some time this weekend
That message seems to be from Gladius. I suggest you don't have both addons enabled at the same time.
Thank you thank you thank you times infinity for making this. I love you forever lol. Now if you can extend this out to be used outside of arenas you will change everrrything for me. Thinks its possible?
Can you elaborate ? What are you talking about, the cooldowns module ?
Locking or moving the frames should make it stop appearing in test mode all the time.
hey, i just downloaded this today at the recommendation of a few friends. i definitely prefer it to the original gladius, but one thing really bothers me: how do i make it NOT show the test frames every time i log in or switch characters? i looked in the options, but i must be retarded or something because i can't find anything pertaining to that.
the trinket should be placed as an individual icon....aligned with cooldowns are just too hard to see. i prefer either left or right of the health/target bar. with same size as Dr Tracker. but they should be separeted as well. so they can be placed on eachside
i agree with this, if the trinket was on the left or right of health bar it would be more visable. otherwise great job
I can look into it - so you're asking to treat the trinket separately from all other cooldowns right?
In the meantime, this might help: Open up the cooldowns options. Click on the Category Tab Move the PvP Trinket into a separate group (adjust the slider so it says 2)
This will make the PvP Trinket show up on separate line - better visual.
This is pretty cool. Is there a way to make it so enemy trinket CDs can be displayed beside the unit frame, with its size adjustable independently of other buffs?
Getting this error message:
ClassIcon: Update Aura missing Gladius Ex.db.aurasFrameAuras
should be fixed now - please confirm
Found an issue - will be fixed in a jiffy.
I have about 30 people running this currently in arenas. Can you post a ticket with the LUA errors you're getting? Which version are you using? (latest is not an answer :) ) Steps to reproduce the error?
to test its /gex test3 to open options /gex
Make sure you download the full package not the no-lib..