
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Gnome Dust infuses enchanting rods with potent Gnomish arcanic might to automatically summon the rarely seen Enchanting Fairy when casting an enchant on an item. Simply sprinkle on the Gnome Dust and go about your enchanting business. If you enchant it, they will come.

What to expect in an Enchanting Fairy:
Enchanting Fairies are naturally drawn to the arcane energies that focus in your hand when you begin to cast an enchant. As you carefully aim your finger at the target of your desired enhancement, the energy moves them and they flit and dance eagerly in anticipation of your infinitely wise selection. To them, magic is pure joy, and you, the enchanter, are the source of all love in the world. Then, as you so delicately touch the item of your choice, the mystic energies of the enchanting process begin to flow into the item and the Enchanting Fairy is consumed in a horrible, violent death. Sucks to be an Enchanting Fairy.

By the way, for those non-enchanters out there who are... well, let's face it, jealous of the special bond between enchanters and these wonderful little creatures. I've been told that Enchantment Fairies can be summoned if you can get their attention. Of course, the guy that told me this was Dancing, Bowing, and Cheering for no reason, so maybe he was not exactly what folks might call "sane". He seemed pretty convinced, tho, because he finally ended up Yelling that he could Summon an Enchanting Fairy.

Should you somehow actually manage to attract one, you can usually scare them off by Yelling at them. They can be pretty timid.



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  • Created
    Jul 28, 2008
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