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GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
This is a story of a Gnome, a gnome who was in raid last week and the warrior came up to him and said "Could you link your enchants list". Being the proud owner of GW (TM) I quickly opened up the new and swanky GW and lo and behold I could not link my enchants list only individual enchants, I humbly told the warrior of my dilemma, all he said was ":D". I was a sad gnome after that.
Could you add the option if you shift-click the trade skill button at top right it puts a tradeskill link in chat, like when you do it from the spellbook.
thanks for the info. i'm aware there are some issues with how the queue'd reagents are being counted. my focus for the next revision will be to get that nailed down.
I have had similar issue to Oukami with the latest incarnation r28. Alchemy and Inscription tradeskills specifically.
Loved the bank fix that r28 brought but when it brings the items out of the bank, all correct and accounted for on "process" it says that there is nothing craftable.
Something funky is afoot. Going to give you as much info as possible so you might be able to localise the issue
Transmute King's Amber:
Name (GnomeWorks) [Actual Inventory]
1 x Autumn Glow (18) [Bags: 19]
1 x Eternal Life (14) [Bags: 1, Bank: 14, Mail: 6]
Ignoring the mail it looks like a -1 figure for inventory is being applied somewhere
Just done an experiment. Manually added 1 more eternal life to bag. 2 Eternal life now in bag (1 more than necessary) and it's worked.
Inscription where multiple numbers are concerned queue list acts as following:
Northrend Inscription Research
Gnomeworks Nothing in Inventory
-3 Ink of Sea (3 needed)
-1 Snowfall Ink (1 needed)
-0 Resilient Parchment (5 needed)
Walked to bank:
Retrieved 6 Ink of Sea from Bank
Retrieved 2 Snowfall from Bank
Retrieved 0 Resilient Parchment
Had to get out the 5 Resilient Parchment. Completed the research and the remaining
3 Ink of Sea
1 Snowfall
Was left in the inventory.
I'm also curious to know if anyone is running into an issue with the queuing/processing of items. I noticed last night when I went to smelt a bunch of saronite to get it ready to be transmuted to titanium that if I tried to queue up the max amount I had, and would be able to smelt, the number in the "process box" would turn red and I would be unable to process the queue. Then if I backed off the amount I wanted to smelt by one, it would smelt, but only in lots of 10 per press of the "process" button. Of course I was trying to smelt 80 saronites into 40 saronite bars at the time, but I then ran into the same issue on another character while tying to cook raid food. The number would turn red and not allow me to produce the max number I had, but as soon as I backed the end total off by one, GW would process the queue. Figured I'd put this out there to see if I was the only one running into this issue.
that is a good idea, like, having a queue button but also a create button?
I remember ATSW having several crafting options. Maybe lilsparky can implement something like that.
Hi again lilsparky,
since my last post, i have been following the day by day evolution of your mod with much interest. I have to say that this mod is rapidly making the "can't play without it" list and i am so glad of your determination. This comment is not so much about technical stuff as it is about encouraging you since almost all posts tend to be "want that", "that is giving problems", and i wanted to commend you on the work done. I am eager to see the release when you release it.
Keep up the awesome work,
skillet and atsw both have a static queue. at the time of queuing up an item, it recursively looks down all levels and adds all the recipes you need to make up for missing items. once in the queue, they stay there unless you remove them by hand.
i had debated using a price method, but i don't want to force people to use lsw nor do i really like a mod making decisions like that for you. my plan is to have lsw plug in and assist you in making good decisions (perhaps even toggling things for you) but i wouldn't want it to force you to craft something just because it thinks it's the cheapest way.
i think i've come up with a good solution, but i'm not totally sure yet. right now you can toggle a purchase into a craft, but because there are potentially multiple crafting branches (like transmutes or some enchanting reagents) it's not a binary thing. so instead of toggling, i think i'll have it cycle thru the different paths (perhaps right-click would present a menu with the different options). this way, you could manipulate the queue by hand. lsw could then add a function to auto-adjust the queue for you to get you the cheapest pathway to your item.
i think getting rid of the triangle expand buttons for all the sublevels would be good, too. that's not helping readability. having them only show up for crafts (and not purchases) would help.
I fully understand the complexity/intricacies of something like this, thats why ATSW was probably my most essential mod in WOW.
I think the best way is to work top-down and look at all the reagents the recipe needs, and for each one look at the data that is already stored for its auction market value, versus the reagent cost of creating it via purchased mats (from lil sparky and such), and go with the better value, with the exception that if you have mats on hand already, then its a safe assumption that you want to just create it with what you have (though I suppose there could be an option to "always show best value" or something, but I dont see what you'd want to buy the mats when you already have enough to make it at the moment).
The problem is how many levels down do you look? I *think* ATSW (and skillet too probably) only looked one level down. For example if a tailoring item needed 6 imbued frostweave (+other stuff), it would just look at the price of the mats to make 1 imbued frostweave vs just buying 1 from the AH. I dont think it then looked down to whether it was cheaper to buy 1 bolt of frostweave vs making one out of cloth. Thats where it gets tricky.
I haven't been playing WOW a whole lot lately but have been planning to get back into the swing of things, and I'll absolutely help you with any testing and whatnot as much as I can becuase I LOVE the way this is shaping up so far.
the queue drives the purchases and it's possible (likely even) that it didn't understand fully how many items you needed to purchase. i did a bunch of work on the queue .. largely in how the data is being displayed .. but i'm still not totally happy with it.
i'd like it to be very clear what you need to do to craft whatever it is you want to craft, but the potential ways to get there is a very overwhelming number when you think of all the branches you can take .. purchase a reagent or craft it. and if you craft it, do you purchase any reagents you need for it or do you craft those? etc.
the goal here is to let you go to the ah and find the items you need recognizing that for that tailoring recipe you have queued you can use either raw cloth or bolts (or some combo of the two) based on availability and/or price.
Ok, follow up to my previous post since I Just got on again and tried it out.
I had 7 Imbued Vials in my bags. I queued up 10 Elixir of Mastery, which would need 10 Imbued Vials. Went to the vendor and it bought two stacks of 5 for a total of 10 more vials, when it should have only bought 1 stack to bring me to 12. Here is the output in the chatbox:
[23:46:34] GnomeWorks: auto-purchased Imbued Vial x 5
[23:46:34] GnomeWorks: spent on reagents: 1.8g
[23:46:35] You receive item: [Imbued Vial]x5.
[23:46:35] GnomeWorks: auto-purchased Imbued Vial x 5
[23:46:35] GnomeWorks: spent on reagents: 1.8g
[23:46:35] You receive item: [Imbued Vial]x5.
i moved the shift-click link to the recipe name in the detail window. shift-click the icon to link the the item, shift-click the name to link the recipe. i know this isn't how the blizz frame does it, but i am reserving shift-clicks in the recipe list for group manipulation (shift-click with be used for selecting multiple recipes).
the queue all is definitely broken
i will incorporate some aspect of grouping by slot type, not yet sure how it's going to work technically so i haven't gone down that path yet.
1. You cant shift click to link items, recipes in chat.
2. You cant Queue all, or max option to queue up all available mats.
3. No way to break down by type or slot when looking at enchanting, may be the same for other profs.
qa3 is awesome for glyph posting. It's mostly what i want it for. i have to turn off you're lovely mod to get the qa tradeskill box to pop up. I'll make a screen shot in a little while and show you if you want so you can see what I'm talking about. :)
QA3 has the ability to go in and let you add items to it's own tradeskill queue by selecting an item and entering a quantity. I don't use it anymore since I currently use KTQ to queue stuff up in skillet (hoping we can get Kev to ad support for GWTF).
I'm guessing it's possible that GWTF somehow breaks the QA3 tradeskill queue. I can take a look at it later and post any error messages.
i haven't really used qa3 before, so i'm a little vague regarding what kind of support you'd like to see. adding the queue and buy buttons to the plugin list wouldn't be too hard.
i'll look into the queue stuff, but i'm not sure how integrated it can get. as gw matures, i'll have a better idea...
Do you think you could get gnomeworks to work with quick auctions 3? I had to turn gnomeworks off just to get the quick auctions tradeskill window to pop up.
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This is a story of a Gnome, a gnome who was in raid last week and the warrior came up to him and said "Could you link your enchants list". Being the proud owner of GW (TM) I quickly opened up the new and swanky GW and lo and behold I could not link my enchants list only individual enchants, I humbly told the warrior of my dilemma, all he said was ":D". I was a sad gnome after that.
Could you add the option if you shift-click the trade skill button at top right it puts a tradeskill link in chat, like when you do it from the spellbook.
It will make gnomes happy again. :-)
Sweet, thanks for the heads up. :)
thanks for the info. i'm aware there are some issues with how the queue'd reagents are being counted. my focus for the next revision will be to get that nailed down.
I have had similar issue to Oukami with the latest incarnation r28. Alchemy and Inscription tradeskills specifically.
Loved the bank fix that r28 brought but when it brings the items out of the bank, all correct and accounted for on "process" it says that there is nothing craftable.
Something funky is afoot. Going to give you as much info as possible so you might be able to localise the issue
Transmute King's Amber:
Name (GnomeWorks) [Actual Inventory]
1 x Autumn Glow (18) [Bags: 19]
1 x Eternal Life (14) [Bags: 1, Bank: 14, Mail: 6]
Ignoring the mail it looks like a -1 figure for inventory is being applied somewhere
Just done an experiment. Manually added 1 more eternal life to bag. 2 Eternal life now in bag (1 more than necessary) and it's worked.
Inscription where multiple numbers are concerned queue list acts as following:
Northrend Inscription Research
Nothing in Inventory
-3 Ink of Sea (3 needed)
-1 Snowfall Ink (1 needed)
-0 Resilient Parchment (5 needed)
Walked to bank:
Retrieved 6 Ink of Sea from Bank
Retrieved 2 Snowfall from Bank
Retrieved 0 Resilient Parchment
Had to get out the 5 Resilient Parchment. Completed the research and the remaining
3 Ink of Sea
1 Snowfall
Was left in the inventory.
Hope this is of use.
Loving the mod so far, great job lilsparky.
I'm also curious to know if anyone is running into an issue with the queuing/processing of items. I noticed last night when I went to smelt a bunch of saronite to get it ready to be transmuted to titanium that if I tried to queue up the max amount I had, and would be able to smelt, the number in the "process box" would turn red and I would be unable to process the queue. Then if I backed off the amount I wanted to smelt by one, it would smelt, but only in lots of 10 per press of the "process" button. Of course I was trying to smelt 80 saronites into 40 saronite bars at the time, but I then ran into the same issue on another character while tying to cook raid food. The number would turn red and not allow me to produce the max number I had, but as soon as I backed the end total off by one, GW would process the queue. Figured I'd put this out there to see if I was the only one running into this issue.
Hi, that is a good idea, like, having a queue button but also a create button? I remember ATSW having several crafting options. Maybe lilsparky can implement something like that.
I think it would be nice to be able to quick crafts fro the main window without having to add to queue then process the queue.
Loving this mod :)
but i am seeking input from folks, so i'm not discouraged by people asking for features and pointing out issues.
Hi again lilsparky, since my last post, i have been following the day by day evolution of your mod with much interest. I have to say that this mod is rapidly making the "can't play without it" list and i am so glad of your determination. This comment is not so much about technical stuff as it is about encouraging you since almost all posts tend to be "want that", "that is giving problems", and i wanted to commend you on the work done. I am eager to see the release when you release it. Keep up the awesome work,
skillet and atsw both have a static queue. at the time of queuing up an item, it recursively looks down all levels and adds all the recipes you need to make up for missing items. once in the queue, they stay there unless you remove them by hand.
i had debated using a price method, but i don't want to force people to use lsw nor do i really like a mod making decisions like that for you. my plan is to have lsw plug in and assist you in making good decisions (perhaps even toggling things for you) but i wouldn't want it to force you to craft something just because it thinks it's the cheapest way.
i think i've come up with a good solution, but i'm not totally sure yet. right now you can toggle a purchase into a craft, but because there are potentially multiple crafting branches (like transmutes or some enchanting reagents) it's not a binary thing. so instead of toggling, i think i'll have it cycle thru the different paths (perhaps right-click would present a menu with the different options). this way, you could manipulate the queue by hand. lsw could then add a function to auto-adjust the queue for you to get you the cheapest pathway to your item.
i think getting rid of the triangle expand buttons for all the sublevels would be good, too. that's not helping readability. having them only show up for crafts (and not purchases) would help.
I fully understand the complexity/intricacies of something like this, thats why ATSW was probably my most essential mod in WOW. I think the best way is to work top-down and look at all the reagents the recipe needs, and for each one look at the data that is already stored for its auction market value, versus the reagent cost of creating it via purchased mats (from lil sparky and such), and go with the better value, with the exception that if you have mats on hand already, then its a safe assumption that you want to just create it with what you have (though I suppose there could be an option to "always show best value" or something, but I dont see what you'd want to buy the mats when you already have enough to make it at the moment). The problem is how many levels down do you look? I *think* ATSW (and skillet too probably) only looked one level down. For example if a tailoring item needed 6 imbued frostweave (+other stuff), it would just look at the price of the mats to make 1 imbued frostweave vs just buying 1 from the AH. I dont think it then looked down to whether it was cheaper to buy 1 bolt of frostweave vs making one out of cloth. Thats where it gets tricky. I haven't been playing WOW a whole lot lately but have been planning to get back into the swing of things, and I'll absolutely help you with any testing and whatnot as much as I can becuase I LOVE the way this is shaping up so far.
the queue drives the purchases and it's possible (likely even) that it didn't understand fully how many items you needed to purchase. i did a bunch of work on the queue .. largely in how the data is being displayed .. but i'm still not totally happy with it.
i'd like it to be very clear what you need to do to craft whatever it is you want to craft, but the potential ways to get there is a very overwhelming number when you think of all the branches you can take .. purchase a reagent or craft it. and if you craft it, do you purchase any reagents you need for it or do you craft those? etc.
the goal here is to let you go to the ah and find the items you need recognizing that for that tailoring recipe you have queued you can use either raw cloth or bolts (or some combo of the two) based on availability and/or price.
Ok, follow up to my previous post since I Just got on again and tried it out. I had 7 Imbued Vials in my bags. I queued up 10 Elixir of Mastery, which would need 10 Imbued Vials. Went to the vendor and it bought two stacks of 5 for a total of 10 more vials, when it should have only bought 1 stack to bring me to 12. Here is the output in the chatbox: [23:46:34] GnomeWorks: auto-purchased Imbued Vial x 5 [23:46:34] GnomeWorks: spent on reagents: 1.8g [23:46:35] You receive item: [Imbued Vial]x5. [23:46:35] GnomeWorks: auto-purchased Imbued Vial x 5 [23:46:35] GnomeWorks: spent on reagents: 1.8g [23:46:35] You receive item: [Imbued Vial]x5.
i moved the shift-click link to the recipe name in the detail window. shift-click the icon to link the the item, shift-click the name to link the recipe. i know this isn't how the blizz frame does it, but i am reserving shift-clicks in the recipe list for group manipulation (shift-click with be used for selecting multiple recipes).
the queue all is definitely broken
i will incorporate some aspect of grouping by slot type, not yet sure how it's going to work technically so i haven't gone down that path yet.
3 things this doesnt do that I think it needs to.
1. You cant shift click to link items, recipes in chat. 2. You cant Queue all, or max option to queue up all available mats. 3. No way to break down by type or slot when looking at enchanting, may be the same for other profs.
@ Marthisdil you described it better than I could :p
qa3 is awesome for glyph posting. It's mostly what i want it for. i have to turn off you're lovely mod to get the qa tradeskill box to pop up. I'll make a screen shot in a little while and show you if you want so you can see what I'm talking about. :)
QA3 has the ability to go in and let you add items to it's own tradeskill queue by selecting an item and entering a quantity. I don't use it anymore since I currently use KTQ to queue stuff up in skillet (hoping we can get Kev to ad support for GWTF).
I'm guessing it's possible that GWTF somehow breaks the QA3 tradeskill queue. I can take a look at it later and post any error messages.
i haven't really used qa3 before, so i'm a little vague regarding what kind of support you'd like to see. adding the queue and buy buttons to the plugin list wouldn't be too hard.
i'll look into the queue stuff, but i'm not sure how integrated it can get. as gw matures, i'll have a better idea...
Do you think you could get gnomeworks to work with quick auctions 3? I had to turn gnomeworks off just to get the quick auctions tradeskill window to pop up.