This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
the reagents in inventory doesnt seam to be 100% right. for example it shows that i got 26 in my bag while i really got 27 and just 6 saronite bars tho i got 10.
Its starting to look much better now.
I would like to know if u have planned a way to advertize our proffesion on trade chat and also a why to advertize we buying something for a certain price.
atm, i have about 20 macros to buy diferent items from raw gems, ores, etc...
Macro for professions -
/scriptCastSpellByName("Jewelcrafting");SendChatMessage("NOW with 21 EPIC gems 15g fee, blues 10g, Prospecting 5g a stack - "..GetTradeSkillListLink(),"CHANNEL",nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"));CloseTradeSkill();
Macro for buying of single item items - 36910 is the item ID
/runSendChatMessage("WTB Stacks of ",GetItemInfo(36910)).." for a reasonable sum of 100g, negotiable of course, /w me or C.O.D","Channel",nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"))
Macro for multiple items -
/runSendChatMessage("WTB all your ",GetItemInfo(36919))..", ",GetItemInfo(36922))..", ",GetItemInfo(36925)).." 75g each /w me or COD","Channel",nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"))
A way to make our custimized advertizement with GW would be so usefull, for people like me that pass most of our times buying and selling stuff, in a handy 1 buttom press instead of having to scroll down on my huge list of macros
Also i would like to ask if GW will ever work with Glypher from auctioneer suite, i still currently using Skillet only cause of this feature
I've reached the breaking point with Skillet (clone). I like its interface better than ATSW (and both are lightyears ahead of the Blizzard trade skill frame). I also use ARL. I don't mind being a beta tester but I'm not sure about an early alpha tester :-)
Any rough guess when you'll fell comforable with removing "early" from stage label?
Those errors are due to lilsparky coding against the current release version of ARL, in which I had made the recipe_list and other internals publically-accessible while waiting for the private AddOn tables to hit the live servers - they are now private to the AddOn (as Ackis had intended). Unfortunately, Ackis wasn't aware of what I was doing and ripped all of the public-facing API out of the code (which was really only a wrapper that fully exposed the "hidden" data anyway) and no replacement has been written as of yet.
poop. i guess i should have made sure i got the absolute latest arl before bothering with this stuff... seems they've decided to stuff their data into a private table which makes accessing it kind of hard without modifying the actual arl code...
not sure i understand the rationale for that exactly... sigh...
1xGnomeWorks-r22\plugins\arl.lua:399:attempttoindexfield'recipe_list'(anilvalue)GnomeWorks-r22\Details.lua:554:infunction`ShowDetails'GnomeWorks-r22\MainWindow.lua:847: in function `?'CallbackHandler-1.0-5:146: in function <...Tom\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:146><string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4><in C code>: ?<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":13: in function `?'CallbackHandler-1.0-5:91:infunction`SendMessage'GnomeWorks-r22\SkillList.lua:720: in function `ScanTrade'GnomeWorks-r22\MainWindow.lua:859: in function <GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:857>(tail call): ?:<in C code>: ?<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5>(tail call): ?:AceTimer-3.0-5:164: in function <...ns\Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:138> ---
1xAckisRecipeList-Devel\ARL.lua:1098:attempttoindexfield'?'(anilvalue)AckisRecipeList-Devel\Database\Jewelcrafting.lua:56:infunction<...ce\AddOns\AckisRecipeList\Database\Jewelcrafting.lua:47>(tailcall):?:GnomeWorks-r22\plugins\arl.lua:390:infunction`func'GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:356: in function `UpdateData'GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:378: in function `RefreshRows'GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:791:infunction`Refresh'GnomeWorks-r22\MainWindow.lua:886: in function `ShowSkillList'GnomeWorks-r22\MainWindow.lua:910: in function <GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:909>(tail call): ?:<in C code>: ?<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[2]"]:5>(tail call): ?:AceTimer-3.0-5:164: in function <...ns\Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:138> ---
49xGnomeWorks-r22\plugins\arl.lua:393:attempttoindexfield'recipe_list'(anilvalue)GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:367:infunction<GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:346>GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:362:infunction`UpdateData'GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:378: in function `RefreshRows'GnomeWorks-r22\ScrollFrame.lua:791:infunction`Refresh'GnomeWorks-r22\plugins\lsw.lua:375: in function `RefreshWindow'LilSparkysWorkshop-r96\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1226:infunction`triggerFunction'LilSparkysWorkshop-r96\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2182:infunction<...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2174>Locals:scrollFrame=ScrollFrame2{OnLeave=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:399:FilterData=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:301:DrawColumns=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:794:columnHighlight=<unnamed>{}numRows=22numData=0RegisterRowUpdate=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:440:dataMap=<table>{}RefreshRows=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:376:OnClick=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:411:offset=0headerWidth=611.7990478842scrollChild=<unnamed>{}scrollDownButton=ScrollFrame2ScrollBarScrollDownButton{}columnFrames=<table>{}rowFrame=<table>{}DrawRow=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:163:scrollUpButton=ScrollFrame2ScrollBarScrollUpButton{}rowUpdateRegistry=<table>{}IsEntryFiltered=<function>@GnomeWorks\MainWindow.lua:775:data=<table>{}InitColumns=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:665:columnHeaders=<table>{}DrawRowHighlight=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:735:selectedIndex=2UpdateData=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:346:InitRow=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:125:rowHeight=15Refresh=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:757:AddColumn=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:635:HighlightColumn=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:620:0=<userdata>OnEnter=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:387:columnWidth=<table>{}SortData=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:239:scrollBar=ScrollFrame2ScrollBar{}SetHandlerScripts=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:427:scrollOffset=0Draw=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:184:}data=<table>{parent=<table>{}index=1key="Detiria:25229:Blizzard"autoGroup=truelocked=falsename="Consumable"expanded=trueentries=<table>{}}depth=1firstCall=nil(forindex)=1(forlimit)=7(forstep)=1i=1entry=<table>{craftBag=1index=2cost=134390parent=<table>{}recipeID=62242value=0fate="v"name="Icy Prism"itemColor=<table>{}craftBank=1depth=1craftAlt=1craftVendor=1}(forgenerator)=<function>defined=[C]:-1(forstate)=<table>{1=<table>{}2=<table>{}3=<table>{}}(forcontrol)=3name=3reg=<table>{func=<function>@GnomeWorks\plugins\arl.lua:388:plugin=<table>{}}UpdateData=<function>@GnomeWorks\ScrollFrame.lua:346:---
yeah, i think a "craft" button makes sense. i really need to sit down and sort out the controls a bit more for the queue stuff. right now i've got the very minimum in there just so it actually functions and people can pound on it a bit more.
i just uploaded a new version that fixes a few minor issues that have been reported and also fleshes out the arl integration a bit more. my goal is to make plugins capable of a lot of things.
the lsw integration, for example, adds columns to the frames as well as sorting and filtering mechanisms.
the arl plugin adds some direct functions (basically that just call arl code) as well as filtering on the recipe column (right now it's only recipe source but that could change). it also adds recipe source information into the detail frame (which now scrolls with the mouse wheel).
One thing that isn't possible atm: Crafting a single item with just one click (like in Skillet).
Maybe we can add an additional button to the mainframe ("Craft"), that adds only one item from the current selection to the queue and begins to craft it without an additional click in the queue frame? Very helpfull for daily transmutes *g*
I think a queue all with some logic behind it is a good thing but beeing able to just insert the number I want to craft is something I wouldn't like to miss :)
Just imagine I have 20 epic gems (e.g. blue color) in my bags and want to craft 10 of them. Clicking queue all would place 20 of them in the queue and I have to click ten times on the number to bring it back to ten. At least that's how I understand the logic.
Lilsparky, do you know Broker_TradeCooldowns? It shows the different cooldowns on e.g. the transmutes of my alchemists and with Skillet I do a transmute, close Skillet and have to reopen it again before Broker_TradeCooldowns get's aware of the new cooldown.
Do you think you could add a mechanism to GW that allows Broker_TradeCooldowns to "see" the new cooldown without this procedure? Maybe a cooldown update when a queue is cleared or just empty after a transmute?
the controls are still very early in development (that's why they're just simple little buttons at the moment).
i can certainly add the fixed number to queue, but i'm hoping the queue all will function in such a way as to make it unnecessary. the way the queue all should work is to queue up all the items you can make based on the least smallest number craftable. once you queue up those items, the smallest number will then be the next biggest number (since the queue will reserve the reagents available). so clicking it again will queue up to the next amount.
for example, you have an item that has the following craftable counts:
5/7/7/13 .. 5 from your bags, 7 if you include vendor items, 7 if you also include bank items (ie, no change from vendor), 13 if you include items on alts.
click once and it queues up 5 items, the count will then be 0/2/2/8.
click again and it will queue up another 2, the count will the be 0/0/0/6
click again and it will queue up 6 more.
more clicks will queue up one at a time.
at least, that's the theory. there's a bug right now that makes this not work right.
I hope you plan on making a button like Skillet where I can input the numbers of items I want to craft. Unless I'm missing something about the mod. Seems like I have to keep clicking the Queue all button to add the amount of items I need to craft. But I know you're still working on this mod. :) And I really like it. I would appreciate the option to tell the mod how many items I need to craft without having to keep pressing the Queue all button just like in Skillet. Keep up the great job! <3
For such an early release I'm loving this! Long time user of ATSW + LSW, glad to see someone capable is finally developing a new replacement for ATSW and Skillet, its long overdue and greatly appreciated. Couple of things:
Queue All is only adding 1 to the queue for some reason. I saw this mentioned in an earlier post but dont see a ticket for it so I created one.
I also saw that you mentioned still having a lot of work to do towards automation such as autobuying at merchants and such. I'd also like to recommend (in case you weren't already planning on it which you probably are) the ability to click (or shift click) an item name in the queue window while the AH is open to paste the name in to the search field, similar to ATSW
Also want to add another to the list supporting attaching queue to main window. However also need a way to see it while AH is open. Maybe pop the queue window up as its own window as it is now when the AH is opened, but attach it to GW window when that is opened?
the reagents in inventory doesnt seam to be 100% right. for example it shows that i got 26 in my bag while i really got 27 and just 6 saronite bars tho i got 10.
Its starting to look much better now. I would like to know if u have planned a way to advertize our proffesion on trade chat and also a why to advertize we buying something for a certain price.
atm, i have about 20 macros to buy diferent items from raw gems, ores, etc...
Macro for professions -
Macro for buying of single item items - 36910 is the item ID
Macro for multiple items -
A way to make our custimized advertizement with GW would be so usefull, for people like me that pass most of our times buying and selling stuff, in a handy 1 buttom press instead of having to scroll down on my huge list of macros
Also i would like to ask if GW will ever work with Glypher from auctioneer suite, i still currently using Skillet only cause of this feature
I've reached the breaking point with Skillet (clone). I like its interface better than ATSW (and both are lightyears ahead of the Blizzard trade skill frame). I also use ARL. I don't mind being a beta tester but I'm not sure about an early alpha tester :-)
Any rough guess when you'll fell comforable with removing "early" from stage label?
Those errors are due to lilsparky coding against the current release version of ARL, in which I had made the recipe_list and other internals publically-accessible while waiting for the private AddOn tables to hit the live servers - they are now private to the AddOn (as Ackis had intended). Unfortunately, Ackis wasn't aware of what I was doing and ripped all of the public-facing API out of the code (which was really only a wrapper that fully exposed the "hidden" data anyway) and no replacement has been written as of yet.
poop. i guess i should have made sure i got the absolute latest arl before bothering with this stuff... seems they've decided to stuff their data into a private table which makes accessing it kind of hard without modifying the actual arl code...
not sure i understand the rationale for that exactly... sigh...
arl v1.1.0-beta2-16-gd87857b + r22:
yeah, i think a "craft" button makes sense. i really need to sit down and sort out the controls a bit more for the queue stuff. right now i've got the very minimum in there just so it actually functions and people can pound on it a bit more.
i just uploaded a new version that fixes a few minor issues that have been reported and also fleshes out the arl integration a bit more. my goal is to make plugins capable of a lot of things.
the lsw integration, for example, adds columns to the frames as well as sorting and filtering mechanisms.
the arl plugin adds some direct functions (basically that just call arl code) as well as filtering on the recipe column (right now it's only recipe source but that could change). it also adds recipe source information into the detail frame (which now scrolls with the mouse wheel).
One thing that isn't possible atm: Crafting a single item with just one click (like in Skillet).
Maybe we can add an additional button to the mainframe ("Craft"), that adds only one item from the current selection to the queue and begins to craft it without an additional click in the queue frame? Very helpfull for daily transmutes *g*
Regards, Highend
You can be like ATSW and have both, a "queue all" and queue amount, where you specify amount to queue.
good point about not always wanting "all" to be queued. a number field it will be.
i'll see how tradecooldowns operates and do what i can...
I think a queue all with some logic behind it is a good thing but beeing able to just insert the number I want to craft is something I wouldn't like to miss :)
Just imagine I have 20 epic gems (e.g. blue color) in my bags and want to craft 10 of them. Clicking queue all would place 20 of them in the queue and I have to click ten times on the number to bring it back to ten. At least that's how I understand the logic.
Lilsparky, do you know Broker_TradeCooldowns? It shows the different cooldowns on e.g. the transmutes of my alchemists and with Skillet I do a transmute, close Skillet and have to reopen it again before Broker_TradeCooldowns get's aware of the new cooldown.
Do you think you could add a mechanism to GW that allows Broker_TradeCooldowns to "see" the new cooldown without this procedure? Maybe a cooldown update when a queue is cleared or just empty after a transmute?
Regards, Highend
the controls are still very early in development (that's why they're just simple little buttons at the moment).
i can certainly add the fixed number to queue, but i'm hoping the queue all will function in such a way as to make it unnecessary. the way the queue all should work is to queue up all the items you can make based on the least smallest number craftable. once you queue up those items, the smallest number will then be the next biggest number (since the queue will reserve the reagents available). so clicking it again will queue up to the next amount.
for example, you have an item that has the following craftable counts:
5/7/7/13 .. 5 from your bags, 7 if you include vendor items, 7 if you also include bank items (ie, no change from vendor), 13 if you include items on alts.
click once and it queues up 5 items, the count will then be 0/2/2/8.
click again and it will queue up another 2, the count will the be 0/0/0/6
click again and it will queue up 6 more.
more clicks will queue up one at a time.
at least, that's the theory. there's a bug right now that makes this not work right.
I hope you plan on making a button like Skillet where I can input the numbers of items I want to craft. Unless I'm missing something about the mod. Seems like I have to keep clicking the Queue all button to add the amount of items I need to craft. But I know you're still working on this mod. :) And I really like it. I would appreciate the option to tell the mod how many items I need to craft without having to keep pressing the Queue all button just like in Skillet. Keep up the great job! <3
For such an early release I'm loving this! Long time user of ATSW + LSW, glad to see someone capable is finally developing a new replacement for ATSW and Skillet, its long overdue and greatly appreciated. Couple of things: Queue All is only adding 1 to the queue for some reason. I saw this mentioned in an earlier post but dont see a ticket for it so I created one.
I also saw that you mentioned still having a lot of work to do towards automation such as autobuying at merchants and such. I'd also like to recommend (in case you weren't already planning on it which you probably are) the ability to click (or shift click) an item name in the queue window while the AH is open to paste the name in to the search field, similar to ATSW
Also want to add another to the list supporting attaching queue to main window. However also need a way to see it while AH is open. Maybe pop the queue window up as its own window as it is now when the AH is opened, but attach it to GW window when that is opened?
More I can close the queue and then I have no way to reopen the queue window without closing and reopening it.
what do you mean reactive? is it not updating when you collect materials and craft items?
One thing I noticed that seemed to be missing is a way to make the queue window reactivate. Am I just being dense and missing the command somewhere?
This is an amazing tool though. Thank you!
i think i've hit that one too. should be fixed next time i commit.
Received this error upon scanning my warrior's professions.
Date: 2010-05-30 18:14:12 ID: 1 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ..\AddOns\GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua line 106: attempt to compare nil with number Debug: [C]: ? GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:106: GnomeWorks\GetTradeSkill.lua:103 (tail call): ? GnomeWorks\plugins\lsw.lua:418: GetTradeSkillData() ...lSparkysWorkshop\frameSupport\blizzardUI_support.lua:65: ...lSparkysWorkshop\frameSupport\blizzardUI_support.lua:49 ...lSparkysWorkshop\frameSupport\blizzardUI_support.lua:98: TradeSkillFrame_Show() ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:978: ..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:454 [C]: CastSpellByName() GnomeWorks\TradeButton.lua:29: GnomeWorks\TradeButton.lua:22
Its still early Alpha, so work in progress, and it will eat ATSW for breakfast!