This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Shows Per Unit Pricing for Stacked Items on the Auction House
function GPriceEach:OnEnable()
local Loaded, Reason
if ( not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_AuctionUI") ) then
Loaded, Reason = LoadAddOn("Blizzard_AuctionUI")
if ( Loaded ) then
ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Error! Addon not loaded: "..Reason)
If "Blizzard_AuctionUi" is already loaded, "Loaded" won't be set to true and the uninitialized "Reason" will be tried to be logged into the ChatFrame, which of course will fail. You should remember the return value of IsAddOnLoaded in "Loaded".
Should be working fine now. Color handling is done by some code based on abacus, it does g/s/c coloring. It does not however try to guess if something is overpriced and color it in bright red. The g/s/c coloring should make it to where you don't buy scam items.
Yup, looks like it's not interfacing with the AH screen for some reason. Can the author look into this? This is a really handy addin and I would greatly appreciate it.
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function GPriceEach:OnEnable()
local Loaded, Reason
if ( not IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_AuctionUI") ) then
Loaded, Reason = LoadAddOn("Blizzard_AuctionUI")
if ( Loaded ) then
ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Error! Addon not loaded: "..Reason)
If "Blizzard_AuctionUi" is already loaded, "Loaded" won't be set to true and the uninitialized "Reason" will be tried to be logged into the ChatFrame, which of course will fail. You should remember the return value of IsAddOnLoaded in "Loaded".