GridDynamicLayout is an additional layout for Grid that attempts to dynamically sort your raid :
- Four groups (tanks / healers / melee DPS / ranged DPS) + pets + "trash" group + warlock / hunter / DK pets
- Adaptative (ooc) groups using talent detection to assign raid roles.
- For each group you can define a list of members that will be forced into those groups
- Trash group allows you to configure how to display AFK, Offline or people who are simply not in your vicinity
You could do that test with a warrior alternating between defensive and arm stance.
Okay. I'll have to find an alt, we currently are out of raiding shadow priests. I'll post back here once I have some more information for you.
Logic (without statistical analysis) :
- General rule : if listed in the forced heal / tank / melee / ranged then player is shoved into the specified group (yes, a priest ends up in Tank group if his name is in the forced tanks). Please don't ask me what happens if one guy gets listed in two groups, I never expected people to be this dump :)
- Warriors / DK : it is impossible to query for stance / presence, so : when first detected in raid I check the default DPS warrior / DK list, if they're listed in here I put them in melee DPS group, otherwise I put them in tank group. Afterward, if I detect them going defensive stance / frost presence => tank group, other stances / presences => melee DPS
- Hunters / Mage / Warlock : ranged DPS
- Rogue : melee DPS
- Priest : if in shadowform => ranged DPS else => heal
- Shaman : heal
- Druid : if in bear form => tank, kitty => melee DPS, boomkin => ranged DPS, caster => heal
- Paladin : if [whatever is the buff that gives +75% aggro on holy] is up => tank, else => heal
Please do that check for me : group your favorite shadow priest, convert to raid, and ask him to drop shadowform, he should get dumped to heal group, ask him to get back in shadowform, he should end up in ranged DPS group (for that to work he must be visible from where you are).
I've got the statistical analysis disabled.
There just aren't any updates. Does it filter based on aura and talents or on skills used?
Hmmm, I cannot reproduce it although I just tested with my shadowpriest entering and exiting shadowform. Are there specific classes that do not trigger the update ? Are you using the "statistical analysis" thingie ? It's supposed to curb down on the amount of updates needed by analysing at each fight end what role was used during fight (for priests / druids and paladins), that way druids that begin the fight in bear form are not detected as healer. Once set to a role it takes 2-3 fights in another role to get them updated.
I'm having the same issue as JacksonB. I constantly need to reset the "dynamic Layout" setting in any raid in order to refresh it. It also does not appear to add members who are not in close proximity. I love this addon, though. Thanks for your work, Mokhtar
This would've been before 3.0.8.
Thanks for looking into it.
I went into Grid's settings and switched it to something else and then back to Dynamic and I showed up, but not the shaman that's in the raid with me.
I deleted the "Forced Tank" I had set and the shaman showed up.
It also leaves a blank spot the size of a person's box on the top of the frame.
I was hoping for something that worked like the old LayoutPlus (which finally broke :( ), but so far, not so much.
Does exactly what you desire it to with absolutely no problems.
It should be on a second per second basis, I'll test it to see.. Maybe something weird happenned with 3.0.8, still downloading it...
I am not sure if this could be due to such configuration of Grid in that I have layout/group anchors to the "Bottom Left" and "Horizontal Groups" enabled. I say this because after a fresh install and removing the Grid saved variable files, Dynamic Layout worked properly, so it seems as if it's conflicting with some of Grid's default layout options. Please let me know if I can provide any more pertinent information. Hope this helps.
How often should this addon be updating? I'm finding I have to reset "Dynamic Layout" in the 10 man or 25 man raid options to get it to move people to the right categories.
r41 giving a file not found error:(
What seems to be the problem with anchors ?
Woot! Now just need the anchors fixed
ID: 54
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\GridDynamicLayout\GridDynamicLayout.lua line 435:
AceEvent-2.0: Cannot unregister event "Grid_UnitLeft". "GridDynamicLayout" is not registered with it.
Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:299: TriggerEvent()
[C]: ?
Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:298: TriggerEvent()
...e\AddOns\Cartographer\libs\Roster-2.1\Roster-2.1.lua:225: ?()
[C]: ?