GridDynamicLayout is an additional layout for Grid that attempts to dynamically sort your raid :
- Four groups (tanks / healers / melee DPS / ranged DPS) + pets + "trash" group + warlock / hunter / DK pets
- Adaptative (ooc) groups using talent detection to assign raid roles.
- For each group you can define a list of members that will be forced into those groups
- Trash group allows you to configure how to display AFK, Offline or people who are simply not in your vicinity
i want to have the melee dps near tanks.
a little bug: dont show character from other realms (party by dungeon browser) when dynamiclayout is used in 5-man-grp
You can see the group indexes e.g. "local GROUPINDEX_TANK = 1"
Changing the numbers, for example in your case:
local GROUPINDEX_HEAL = 3 or 4
local GROUPINDEX_RDPS = 4 or 3
any ideas
Doesn't work with Phanx's changes to Grid anymore.
Thanks for the update. Awesome move using LibGroupTalents now. However, the options for how to deal with "Trash Players" (Offline/AFK) no longer function!
Is there anyway to make the layout more compact? Instead of making a new column for each group, continue from the last group anchor so there are no empty spots. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
I have to disable then re-enable Grid to get it to show proprly.
The error message points to GridDynamicLayout as the cause
Message: ...rface\AddOns\GridDynamicLayout\GridDynamicLayout.lua:456: AceHook-2.1: "LoadLayout" already has an active hook from this source.
Time: 10/30/09 05:40:35
Count: 1
Stack: [string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4>
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
...ns\Grid\libs\AceModuleCore-2.0\AceModuleCore-2.0.lua:25: in function <...ns\Grid\libs\AceModuleCore-2.0\AceModuleCore-2.0.lua:23>
...ns\Grid\libs\AceModuleCore-2.0\AceModuleCore-2.0.lua:505: in function `ToggleModuleActive'
Interface\AddOns\Grid\GridCore.lua:340: in function `EnableModules'
Interface\AddOns\Grid\GridCore.lua:271: in function <Interface\AddOns\Grid\GridCore.lua:267>
[C]: in function `pcall'
...erface\AddOns\Decursive\libs\AceDB-2.0\AceDB-2.0.lua:24: in function <...erface\AddOns\Decursive\libs\AceDB-2.0\AceDB-2.0.lua:23>
...erface\AddOns\Decursive\libs\AceDB-2.0\AceDB-2.0.lua:1863: in function `setFunc'
...ddOns\Decursive\Libs\Waterfall-1.0\Waterfall-1.0.lua:2514: in function `ToggleChecked'
...ddOns\Decursive\Libs\Waterfall-1.0\Waterfall-1.0.lua:2421: in function <...ddOns\Decursive\Libs\Waterfall-1.0\Waterfall-1.0.lua:2418>
Locals: Sometimes debuglocals() returns nothing, it's one of those times... (FYI: This message is a HotFix from Decursive to prevent a C stack overflow)
Leastways I removed GridStatusHots and the fault stopped.
How can I get this to work reliably? When I set for example the 10 player raid layout to dynamic it always switches back after a few seconds or at combat start. What am I missing? Version is 1.4.3 from Curse.
Does it support Grid2?
for a solution take a look at my previous comment
Line: 571
wrong: result = result + list[i]+","
correct: result = result .. list[i] .. ","
Line: 573
wrong: result = result + list[#list]
corrent result = result .. list[#list]
I've missed those two mistakes because i don't use the pet-layout
return table.concat(list, ",") does the same as lines 569 to 574 and is much more performant