This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Status indicator that shows if a unit is hostile (probably mindcontrolled)
Was it your intention to have friendly mind-controlled units show up as hostile even though they are not attackable? I understand that you use UnitIsCharmed for performance reasons, but having priests' mind controlled NPCs show up as hostile is confusing. Would it be possible to swap the original hostile check,
...with this one that additionally checks hostility only if the unit is actually charmed?
I don't know if this is happening for anyone else, but every time I'm using a "vehicle" (i.e. riding Gymer, the Storm Giant King, for the quest The Storm King's Vengeance) I get the following error for the entire time I'm using the "vehicle":
GridStatusHostileUnit\GridStatusHostileUnit.lua:140: Roster-2.1: Bad argument #3 to 'GetUnitObjectFromUnit;. "vehicle: is not a legitimate UnitID.
If "UnitIsEnemy()" still returns true for an enemy currently under mindcontrol I can add your fix.
Was it your intention to have friendly mind-controlled units show up as hostile even though they are not attackable? I understand that you use UnitIsCharmed for performance reasons, but having priests' mind controlled NPCs show up as hostile is confusing. Would it be possible to swap the original hostile check,
...with this one that additionally checks hostility only if the unit is actually charmed?
The additional UnitIsEnemy call hardly affects performance in this case, because 99% of the time it won't be called.
GridStatusHostileUnit\GridStatusHostileUnit.lua:140: Roster-2.1: Bad argument #3 to 'GetUnitObjectFromUnit;. "vehicle: is not a legitimate UnitID.
Should be fixed with v0.5 now.