Separate indicator with timer (and counter) for: Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Riptide, Earthliving, Earth Shield, Renew, Grace, Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis, Inspiration, Ancestral Fortitude and Beacon of Light.
Notice that GridStatusHots does not output icons, only colors and texts, so it will not work if displayed in e.g. the "Center Icon" indicator.
IMPORTANT (r174 alpha / beta or newer): ALL STATUSES SHOULD NOW BE DISABLED BY DEFAULT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO MANUALLY (RE-)ENABLE THEM! (e.g. Grid -> Status -> My Hots -> My Renew -> check enabled)
is anyone going to update this? :((
Can't play without this add on :(
"show when mine" checked and set to "Buff: My Renew"
but still get to see the other priests renews in raids all the time which is quite uncomfortable
anybody know how to fix this ?
I found out that the curse-client set me back to the release version 3.11 after i already had installed 3.14b.
with 3.14b though it works fine !!
thumbs up !!
1. Make sure you have the latest version.
2. Open the gridstatushots.lua file in your interface/addons/gridstatushots folder with notepad.
3. Search for the following line:
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
4. On the line directly underneath it paste:
if bismine == "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
Many thanks
The regular grid timer just screwed it over.
Im no coder, so I prolly wont make it, anyone else miss this feature?
Lifebloom HoT count is already colored, no need to show stack count for lifeblooms. Request patch to truck (removal of now-unused lbstack counter cruft as well.)
Line 1442:
"string.format("%d-%.1f-%d", lbstack, lbtime, total_hots)"
changed to:
"string.format("%.1f-%d", lbtime, total_hots)"
Line 1453:
"string.format("%d-%.1f", lbstack, lbtime)"
changed to:
"string.format("%.1f", lbtime)"
"Enable" is not working reliably on a per sub-mod basis
1: Config lifebloom
2: Disable lifebloom
3: Note that lifebloom continues to show on grid.
Show total count is not working reliably either; see #2.
Issues #2/#3 are happening with the release, unmodified version.
Excellent mod, thank you. :)
Files here:
Link Removed:
Changes include:
- Added tracking of Earth Shield (Spell ID 49284)
- Added config for earth shield allowing both number of stacks to change the color and time left to change the color
- Added ability to not show the time left on earth shield
- Renamed all internal variables for earthliving to be more distinct from earthshield tracking variables
Thanks in advance.
I'd paste a patch, but this idiotic tiny text entry box would almost certainly screw it up.
First, add
local spellIconCache = {};
local junk_name, junk_rank, junk_icon = GetSpellInfo(53601);
spellIconCache.SacredShield = junk_icon;
up at the top. Near where all you see all the similar lines initializing spellNameCache.
Then change the test to recognize SacredShield from
elseif bname == spellNameCache["SacredShield"] then
elseif bname == spellNameCache["SacredShield"] and btexture == spellIconCache["SacredShield"] then
and make sure that's all on one line.
I'll see if I can get a patch to the author directly.
Any way to have this mod ignore the shield that is created from the buff? (or is this a known bug)