Separate indicator with timer (and counter) for: Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Riptide, Earthliving, Earth Shield, Renew, Grace, Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis, Inspiration, Ancestral Fortitude and Beacon of Light.
Notice that GridStatusHots does not output icons, only colors and texts, so it will not work if displayed in e.g. the "Center Icon" indicator.
IMPORTANT (r174 alpha / beta or newer): ALL STATUSES SHOULD NOW BE DISABLED BY DEFAULT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO MANUALLY (RE-)ENABLE THEM! (e.g. Grid -> Status -> My Hots -> My Renew -> check enabled)
In case anyone's still having the same problem as goodolarchie and me (other druids' hots appearing as your own), I found a temporary fix here:
Find the line that reads:
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
After that line add:
if bismine == "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
Works im using it on 3.11 still and only shows my own hots. it has something to do with the ismine change to bismine
Find the line that reads:
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
After that line add:
if bismine == "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
Works im using it on 3.11 still and only shows my own hots. it has something to do with the ismine change to bismine
I'm sorry, but I tried that method on multiple combinations of Grid versions and GridStatusHots versions. In fact, if you look at 3.12b (and subsequent releases), that exact fix, from ElitistJerks Resto UI Discussion, is in the GridStatusHots.lua file. However, it didn't fix the issue.
The latest alpha versions available at, starting with the one produced yesterday, 4/22/09, does fix all issues with all versions of Grid.
Thanks to Bogenlampe!
Yes, today's alpha release on wowace does fix it. I tested in a party and a raid with another druid, and both appeared to flawlessly display my own hots and never his.
Thank you :).
The latest beta still doesn't solve the issue of other druids' hots displaying. The "mine" option for hots display simply isn't working in Grid at all.
I also noticed that the "mine" filter of all spells are not being filtered. But I'm also hearing reports from others that DoT/HoT timers in general are not following "mine only" filtering.
I'm trying to look through the API changes on Blizzard's forums now to see if this was a documented change - can't find anything yet.
Edit: found it - it looks like a change made to handle vehicles Blue post by Zootfizzle on 3/2/2009 @ 11:34:52 AM PST post# 53
The spell id is 53601. Note that there is another buff, the actual shield proc, with the same name. You can distinguish them by their maximum duration (6 sec for the shield proc vs. >30 sec for the spell).
Also, you can remove Glyph of Flash of Light, since it has been changed to a flat 5% increase in crit.
Thank you.