Custom status indicator for grid to show the time remaining on your own lifebloom. The timer is color coded to indicate how many stacks of lifebloom there is (you can either use only the color as corner icon or the timer as center text).
The mod uses ace libraries so it should be compatible with different language versions of WoW (texts haven't been localized though).
This addon is not working with the current version of Grid. Grid is now using LibBabble-Spell-3.0 while this addon uses Babble-Spell-2.2.
It would be nice if someone who knows what they're doing could update this mod, its rather small.
I'll take a look at updating it today but not sure how much effort getting it to work requires.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but this function isn't working at all for me. It's showing as enabled inside my /grid config command... My question is... do you have to put this folder inside the actual Grid addon folder, or just in the addon folder? Mine is currently in the addon folder.
ya i just got and was working till i change the font now every time i cast the third LB it stop showing it. the first to cast it shows but not the third tried puting font bake and reloads nothing works=/
I love my Grid+Clique+Lifebloom status combo, or... atleast I did until it stopped working correctly during a raid last night o.0
This add-on is great, and I have had zero problems with it up until now. I'm trying to find out why this is happening (even with the latest versions of all mods)
I have my lifebloom duration and color for stacks appear on the text/player name bar on grid. As of recently, if I apply more than one lifebloom on a target their text bar goes black and doesnt show color or duration or stack amount. I have tried many reconfigs, nothing is making them show up again... I can't keep track of my lifeblooms, any suggestions in fixing this?
Hi I am currently trying to move from SRaidframes to Grid. First I missed a counter how may stacks of my lifebloom a chars has. Than I found this addon for Grid, but when I tested it yesterday in a raid I noticed, that even if I only had one lifebloom up on a tank, if another druid also has lifebloom stacks up on the same tank, then GridStatusLifebloom was not showing the correct stack number of my lifeblooms.
Is this a known issue?
I modded the duration Color and added 2 new Icons in Grid, so i have the red->yellow->green Stack Icon and above the green->yellow->red duration Icon. Cool thing!
local thecolor2 = settings.color
if lifebloomDuration >= 5 then
thecolor2 = settings.color3
elseif lifebloomDuration >= 2 then
thecolor2 = settings.color2
elseif lifebloomDuration < 1 then
thecolor2 = settings.color
self.core:SendStatusGained(name, "alert_LifebloomDuration",
(settings.range and 40),
string.format("%.0f", lifebloomDuration),
6 )
as a druid, i cant tell you how much i appreciate this addon for Grid. Thanks!
O.o nice addon