Make sure you swap to the MoP/WoD version of this addon.
MoP/WoD version available: GridStatusRaidDebuff2
Adds a status to Grid for debuffs applied by Raid Bosses.
You either need to install one of these zone packs or turn on "Detect New Debuff" to detect new zones and new debuffs in those zones otherwise the addon does nothing.
Cataclysm Raid Debuff List
Wrath of the Lich King Raid Debuff List
The Burning Crusade Raid Debuff List
How do I get the Raid Debuff to show up in Grid as the Center Icon?
- Open Grid Options
- Select the Indicators tab at the top
- Select Center Icon on the left
- Check Raid Debuff
(This option is also under Status->Raid Debuff->Center Icon, they both toggle the same setting)
If you are having problems, please make sure that you are running the latest version of Grid. Grid versions prior to 1384 has a known issue with debuffs showing.
Bug Reports:
Thanks, stassart and Greltok.
roll back to 270 solve it
this addon compatible with grid2? any alternatives?
1x GridStatusRaidDebuff-v3.01\Core.lua:635: attempt to index global 't' (a function value)
Waterfall-1.0-90130 (Grid):2306: in function `Refresh'
Waterfall-1.0-90130 (Grid):707: in function `AddControl'
I could post/link to the entire error if needed. Thank you
don't loaded options menu
1x GridStatusRaidDebuff-v3.01\Core.lua:394: attempt to index upvalue 'db' (a nil value)
GridStatusRaidDebuff-v3.01\Core.lua:435: in function `Debuff'
GridStatusRD_WotLK-1.0\IcecrownCitadel.lua:6: in main chunk
self = <table> {
ScanUnit = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:317:
UpdateAllUnit = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:294:
OnInitialize = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:196:
external = true
CreateZoneMenu = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:664:
UpdateRefresh = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:272:
RegisterCustomDebuff = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:791:
menuName = "Дебаффы рейда"
UnregisterEvent = <function> @ FuBar_DurabilityFu\libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:493:
debugging = false
Grid_UnitJoined = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:286:
title = "GridStatusRaidDebuff"
LoadZoneDebuff = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:494:
defaultDB = <table> {}
RegisterStatuses = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:277:
LoadZoneMenu = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:479:
options = <table> {}
name = "GridStatusRaidDebuff"
ScanNewDebuff = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:300:
debugFrame = ChatFrame1 {}
category = "UnitFrame"
db = <table> {}
ZoneCheck = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:248:
notes = "Дополнительный модуль для Gridа, отображает дебаффы рейдовых боссов."
CheckDetectZone = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:231:
version = "v3.01"
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:226:
author = "Azelkeeber(KR-Tirion),Toadkiller"
Debuff = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:409:
PLAYER_TALENT_UPDATE = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:290:
super = <table> {}
uid = "12FF3B78"
BossName = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:448:
UnregisterStatuses = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:282:
CreateMainMenu = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:703:
OnEnable = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:202:
UnregisterEvent = <function> @ Grid\GridStatus.lua:50:
Reset = <function> @ GridStatusRaidDebuff\Core.lua:220:
en_zone = "Icecrown Citadel"
first = 70980
second = 1
icon_priority = 6
color_priority = 5
timer = nil
stackable = nil
color = nil
default_disable = nil
noicon = nil
zone = "Цитадель Ледяной Короны"
name = "Кокон"
icon = "Interface\Icons\Spell_Nature_EarthBind"
id = 70980
args = nil
data = <table> {
order = 1
icon = "Interface\Icons\Spell_Nature_EarthBind"
debuffId = 70980
order = 1
detected = nil
bzone = <table> {
The Hinterlands = "Внутренние земли"
Icecrown Citadel = "Цитадель Ледяной Короны"
Arathi Highlands = "Нагорье Арати"
Orgrimmar = "Оргриммар"
Undercity = "Подгород"
Desolace = "Пустоши"
Karazhan = "Каражан"
The Barrens = "Степи"
Un'Goro Crater = "Кратер Ун'Горо"
Ironforge = "Стальгорн"
Dalaran = "Даларан"
Burning Steppes = "Пылающие степи"
Wetlands = "Болотина"
Winterspring = "Зимние Ключи"
Dustwallow Marsh = "Пылевые топи"
Naxxramas = "Наксрамас"
Darkshore = "Темные берега"
Loch Modan = "Лок Модан"
Blade's Edge Mountains = "Острогорье"
Hyjal Summit = "Вершина Хиджала"
Vault of Archavon = "Склеп Аркавона"
Shattrath City = "Шаттрат"
Ashenvale = "Ясеневый лес"
Serpentshrine Cavern = "Змеиное святилище"
Stormwind = "Штормград"
Nagrand = "Награнд"
Wintergrasp = "Озеро Ле
-Don`t work with Grid r1300 Fix pls
Seems to be related to a missing library?
Just downloaded the new update today. I am in ICC and it looks like I no longer have the ability to NOT show a raid debuff. Specifically, the Curse of Topor from Deathbringer Saurfang, is very annoying and I'd rather just not see it. But when I load the debuffs for ICC and click on Curse of Topor, I don't have any options on the right config window. There used to be a way I could disable them independently. Please help. Thakn you!
Skyburn84: just post anything that is missing.
carrasco: are you getting errors?
Any chance of updating the heroic 10/25 man spells IDs? I am happy to help if you need.
Toxic Waste (periodic damage aura, from Pit of Saron)
Overlord's Brand (raid debuff, Pit of Saron, last boss)
Embrace of the Vampyr (raid debuff, Old Kingdom, 2nd boss the Prince)
Just some examples
Is there an easy way to remove the tracking for Scent of Blood I do understand how some healers might need this but myself as a utility class it is important for me to see the buffs that I need to see this isn't one of them.
GridStatusRaidDebuff not work with the game in Spanish Icecrown citadel even taking the translation. any solution?, Thanks