This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Tired of grouping with people you ignored long ago but still end up in your group/raid?
Grid2StatusIgnored marks ignored people inside your Grid2 frame.
Note: This project is a rewrite of GridStatusIgnored (written by Cyprias). That package doesn't work under Grid2, so I've written this one, which does. Cyprias has graciously given permission to use his code under any license.
Marks ignored people using text ("ignored") and gray color
Color can be changed in Grid2 options menu
This addon doesn't hide ignored people from Grid2's window, rather it marks them (this is a major difference with the original GridStatusIgnored)
Feel free to supply localized versions of the following words:
Ignored (with a capital letter)
ignored (with a small letter)
Bugs / Suggestions
If you encounter any problems, or if you think there's something missing, feel free to post a ticket here.
How do I install it?
Just extract the zip file inside the Interface\Addons directory. No configuration should be necessary.
Help, I'm getting LUA errors!
As explained here, most issues can be resolved by clearing your Grid2 configuration.
Translation for de-DE: