
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A highly configurable in-game layout creation tool for Grid.

Main Features:

  • Group filters which allow you to create groups by Role (Tank, Melee, Healer, Ranged), Raid Group, Name Lists, Out of Zone and/or Offline, and Guild, as well as a catch-all filter (Everyone). You can allow repetitions, or have players appear only in the first group for which they match the filter.
  • Sorting within groups by Name, Raid Index, Class, or Role. You can also choose to have yourself appear at the beginning or your group, or even to manually specify names that you wish to appear first if present.
  • Pet group class filters that allow you to see pets only for the classes you want.
  • Colored group borders that tell you what type of group you are looking at (the colors can be customized).
  • Layouts you create are saved and can be assigned within the GridLayout options to be the default for whichever party type you want (e.g. solo, group, raid10, raid25).
  • Roles are determined using both player talent spec and also Blizzard role information. You may choose to give priority to Blizzard information, in which case talents are only used to disambiguate for classes that have both a melee and a ranged damage spec (i.e. shamans and druids).
  • Quickly change layouts by left clicking the Grid icon on the minimap. This feature is off by default. A checkbox to turn on this option appears in the Grid configuration UI, next to the option to enable the minimap icon.


  • When using role filters, a default role based on class will be assigned until the module can inspect the unit or Blizzard role data becomes available.
  • Zone information is not available in 5-man parties, so the out-of-zone filter will not be used.
  • The flexibility comes at a cost: group composition cannot be updated in combat. Generally speaking, all that this means is that you may not want to use this module in Battlegrounds, where raid composition could change in combat and you could have brief periods where you are missing newly added players. In PvE you would have to try really hard to make this an issue.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 11, 2010
  • Last Released File
    May 19, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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