This addon tries to complete base grids aura tracking capabilities. It adds Aura groups (one status, multiple auras), auras by spell ID, "only theirs", "all (of one group) missing" and more to possibly come.
What it can do
- one status for a number of auras (eg. list of boss debuffs)
- show "only mine" or "only their" auras
- show certain debuff types (magic, poison, etc) where you can add auras to exclude from (eg. "Frostbolt")
- show missing buffs/buffgroups (eg. show if "Powerword: Fortidude" or "Prayer of Fortitude" is missing)
- show auras of the targetted mob of a unit (e.g. for purging purposes)
- provides option templates for common use cases like "Missing buffs" or "Debuff types" to make configuration easier
How to use
- Under "Grid->AurasExt" add a new aura group by giving it a name using one of the "New xxx" text boxes (I recommend to use one of the template version if you use this addon the first time, "Simple aura group" for example). This will create a new status for this aura group under "Grid->Status".
- Configure the new status how you want. The options for a aura group status being displayed depends on the template you used. The templates renames some options as well as hiding some by giving them the value needed for that template. You can always change the template used for an aura group under "templates". If you change the template to "none" you will be able to see all settings available as well as how the previous template has set them. If you change back to an actual template only the options which have to have certain values for this template will be changed (the same options will be hidden by the template), everything else will stay the same.
- At last register the status under "Grid->Frames" with one of the indicators.
Updated for BFA GridStatusAurasExt
In reply to EnemyHere:
Is there a chance to get this updated for BfA, please?
Thank you. :D
Is it missing the function of standard Grid auras where you can chose what status information to be shown in the color & text or am I missing it? ("Present or missing" / "Stack Count" / "Time Remaining").
Currently can't show time remaining on my buffs added in auras extended, it simply shows up in the text indicators as the spell name. (and with the default Grid auras I 'm unable to add the spell ID sadly).
Honestly I'd prefer the functionality in AurasExt, since I cannot really see what other statuses I'd wanna filter. And having everything is the same place seems nice. :)
While I'm uncertain if this is the right place to ask for this, I'm going for it.
This addon is very very good and does make life easier on many levels, but there is on small feature missing that in my opinion would fit very well with what the addon does. That would be to allow groups to be shown only while the player is of a certain class/spec.
The most basic example of this would be that I'm only interested in seeing if "Missing Buff Stamina" is on when I'm a Warrior or Priest. Otherwise I don't really care.
I realize that this might not be easily added, but I do think that it would be an amazing addition to the addon.
You can simply use different Profiles of Grid for that purpose. You can even Tell Grid to load a different Profile when switching specs.
While I can use different profiles, that means that whenever I change something I need to remember exactly what I changed, how I did it and then implement that change on all chars.
I'm trying to use the same profile for all chars, and overall it works, but there are a few exceptions, mainly regarding what is dispelable by class/spec and stuff like weakened soul/forbearance.
Keeping 5+ profiles equally updated when they differ only in a few areas is a bit of a timewaste + errorprone, but I haven't found any extention that solves it. Your addon is by far the closest though.
Ok. I see your point. Is this an option you only need for GridStatusAurasExt or would it be useful for other Grid addons too? If the later I would add this option to GridStatusControlPipes instead of GridStatusAurasExt itself.
Thanks for the report. This is caused by a spell you added via spell-id but which doesn't exist anymore (or never did). Should be fixed with 0.72
I keep getting errors from this mod on login:
No clue what it means, but it keeps popping up.
Thanks! You are right, that is a packaging problem. Should be fixed mwith v0.71
Probably a packaging problem:
This sounds like a more complex problem to me were I can't help quickly in one single comment. Can you please create a ticket for the problem at
Then it will be easier for me to track the problem and help you.
Please excuse inaccuracies in the English names for options, spells, etc. I'm using deDE.
I'm trying to replace GridStatusMissingBuffs with this addon, but I can't only get it to work with an ugly trick ;-)
When I use a simple Aura for e.g. Powerword:Fortitude, the indicators work normally until I set "show when it's missing". Then it goes AWOL, independent of the status of the buff.
If I use AurasExt and create one missing buffs "group" for each buff, it works OK. Klunky...
Would it be possible to add an option like the debuff type, as an additional condition whether the status triggers?
A workaround for my problem would be to use aura IDs and not names, but then I would have to put in every ID for each possible rank to really be sure all is covered.
I have found a friend of mine that is just beginning to get into lua programming for wow. I will work with him to add this functionality of yoruclassfilter to your addon hopefully. It appears to me that your addon could do away with the need for several other addons but to me the ability to allow showing of buff/debuff based upon the class you are currently playing would allow me to setup grid just once and have it display correctly for each toon without the need of setting up different profiles for the 6 80s that i have. I also do custom grid setups for friends and have this invaluable since i just setup grid to function properly when they they install my setup without having to explain how to change profiles. I have also recently started using a program called reflux that allows me to change my complete setup based on profiles so adding a custom reflux profile for each toon is alot of work (reflux works by allowing me to setup one toon and applying that complete setup to my other toons by simplying applying that "setup" using /reflux switch PROFILE NAME)
Any help or advice you could offer me to pass along to my friend would be greatly appreciated - thanks.
the reason it would be nice is to setup grid once for all toons and have it work for all toons when a new a plugin comes out. i keep seeing new and interesting plugins for grid come out (like this one) and i have 6 80s, so if i use profiles i have to reset 6 profiles every time i get a new plugin. I really dont know anything about lua programming but might take this opportunity to try to figure out how to add this functionality from gridstatusmissingbuffs, not sure how hard it is havent doen any programming since the old days of Turbo basic LOL. any help you might have would be great - thanks
UPDATE - tried to make head or tails out of this programming. looks like he uses yourClassFilter in his .lua to enable and disable showing of auras, but i couldnt figure out how to intergrate this into your addon, any help would be appreciated since i dont really know lua programming
It is possible but I don't really understand how/why it is needed, you can always use different grid profiles for your different charakters.