Grid module to emphasize units (by making them blink) based on some configured conditions.
A specific Grid unit frame is emphasized
via rapid blinking and (optional) coloration. Emphasis can be triggered based on a number of events:
- By existence via name or spell ID.
- By current time remaining.
- By current stack count.
- Health
- Raid target icons
- GridStatusPriestAoe targets
Open the Options
menu through the standard /grid
command, then navigate to Status > Emphasize
I like the idea of this addon but i cant get it to work. Or i dont understand it. I also use gridprieststatusaoe and i have them shown in top right corner icon. Though it check empasize nothing happens. Nore does anything happens if i enable center icon.
Are this to glow / pulse in colors or glow / pulse in size?
If you are using the current Grid alpha you will need to download the latest version of this addon, otherwise it won't show all the options.
You are supposed to have this status enabled in the "Frame alpha" and "Health Bar Color" indicators. If you have other status active in these indicators you need to make sure that Emphasize has the highest priority. To test I recommend adding an aura (in the Emphasize options, in the Status tab under the Grid options) that you can easily spam (like Renew) and casting it on yourself.
ty =)
Please an options to allow us to make it blink if the buff/debuff has a specified amount of time left. Example: Blink when Renew has 5 or less seconds left.
The problem is that Tanks.lua was deleted in r19, but not removed from the .toc file, and therefore causing that problem if you were updating from older versions and still had the file around. It should be fixed now.
r19-r21 all bug out on load and fail to function with the current release version (1.40000.1403) of Grid:
Same error on the same line number occurred with r19. No issues with v0.9.2. Have not yet permanently updated to the current alpha versions of Grid; after preliminary tests, they aren't ready to be used in a guild raid.
Anything else I need to change to get the bigwigs flash to work?