This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Simple DataBroker plugin to display current GuildLevel, current GuildXP, max GuildXP & percentage actually earned of daily capped experience.
You must have a Data Display addon(which inherits LibDataBroker-1.1) to use this such as:
I was able to get it toload with the Titan Bar, howeverI am getting a NIL referencee at lines 103 on init and 62 on referesh for the dailyXP variable. Please advise.
Hi, just started using this addon, and really like it.
Just have one request, as the numbers are so big (21 million ect) could you please make the numbers have commas. So 12345678 would be 12,345,678. Just would make it A LOT easier to work out the numbers.
Could you add a presonal Guild experince bar to this addon? Showing how much you have done this week and when the weekly cap resets because I have 10-85s. I would like to know how close I am to being capped on the character I'm on. Also a ability like titan panel has with gold per account but for guild experince. Showing how much I've done daily and weekly per character and total per the account for the day.
Option frame is in development (so that some things can be shown/hidden etc. + some new features) - but as i want to stay the addon ace3-free (not necessary to use it) i will keep the options simple and clean, and make the main-text editable in a great way
Please see my comments below. Having this in the top right corner of my screen, your auto-placed tooltip goes right out of screen and I lose all relevant information.
Any chance of this addon showin you YOUR Reputation with the guild and what your Weekly cap is? with how much more you need to get before your cap? i have found NOTHING that does this yet.
Seconding this suggestion, and adding suggestions for more options on what to display and how. What I would hope for is to see on my Chocolatebar: GXP: daily 23.89% / lvl 5 57.32% IMO seeing the exact numbers (the 4928K/23220K) is relatively unimportant, and if the user wants to see those, he can mouseover to get the dropdown to show him. Ideally, a display should be able to be configured to show us the important bits at a glance. The 'days till next level' line in the dropdown is great, though. Love that bit.
That output "GXP: daily 23.89% / lvl 5 57.32%" would be ideal! That's the info I'm most after. ((How hard do we have to work to make sure we got today's quota of guild exp capped?)) And I agree the actual numbers are too much, but good in the dropdown.
yeah it's already removed on my laptop version which is not up yet due to laziness :>
was there for "localization" but i decided to not locale the addon anyway - as XP is mostly global name for such a thing
I was able to get it toload with the Titan Bar, howeverI am getting a NIL referencee at lines 103 on init and 62 on referesh for the dailyXP variable. Please advise.
Is there any way to get this plug-in working for the titan bar?
Now if only below all that it listed each of your alts and their current guild rep progress.
@jeremyemerson: depends on time i got
Just have one request, as the numbers are so big (21 million ect) could you please make the numbers have commas. So 12345678 would be 12,345,678. Just would make it A LOT easier to work out the numbers.
Thanks, keep up the great work.
GXP: daily 23.89% / lvl 5 57.32%
IMO seeing the exact numbers (the 4928K/23220K) is relatively unimportant, and if the user wants to see those, he can mouseover to get the dropdown to show him. Ideally, a display should be able to be configured to show us the important bits at a glance.
The 'days till next level' line in the dropdown is great, though. Love that bit.
Thanks for the good work!
yeah it's already removed on my laptop version which is not up yet due to laziness :> was there for "localization" but i decided to not locale the addon anyway - as XP is mostly global name for such a thing
Ya, that would definitely do it.