Supported WoW Retail Versions
Changed in v24
- Add option to show loot only for your current character
- Better labels for tooltip loot, showing item types
- Better fix for the C_TransmogCollection changes
Changed in v23
- Updated for 9.2.5, fixing errors about C_TransmogCollection (in a rush, so there might be followup fixes)
- Frightened Kodo spawn points in Darkshore will appear on your minimap now
Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- More information in tooltips for items which haven't loaded from the server yet
Changed in v22
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms: add a point for Malketh inside the Pools of Power
- Mechagon: add the Secret Fish achievement, also see HandyNotes: Secret Fish for the follow-up
- Nazjatar: hide the ravenous jellies once you've done their daily
- Stormsong Valley: the lush flower bed point wasn't properly hidden after you did the event
Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Paths will now highlight their associated route when you mouse over them
Changed in v21
- Bring in updates to the handler code from ShadowlandsTreasures
- Minor fixes to paths
Changed in v20
- Updated for 9.2
- Bring in updates to the handler code from ShadowlandsTreasures
Changed in v19
- Updated for 9.1.5
- Add progress tracker for the Friendly Alpaca
- Bring in updates to the handler code from ShadowlandsTreasures
Changed in v18
Changed in v17
- Update for 9.0.5
- Fix in the Get Hek'd achievement
Changed in v16
- Now includes Darkshore, Arathi Highlands, Uldum, and Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Mechagon loot with associated quests now can count as "completed" if you've done the quest -- blueprints, paints, vinyl
- Includes the honey events in Stormsong
- Added missing loot to various rares
More new features from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Show a check/cross in summary tooltips next to knowable loot
- Ability to track associated quests on loot
Changed in v15
More new features from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Toggle for the overlay button if you want to disable it
- Daily rares which drop collectable loot can be told to count as complete if you've got their drop
- Rares which are part of an achievement can be told to count as complete if you've got the achievement, regardless of their quest status
- Changed how tooltips anchor on the map
- Get Hek'd achievement is no longer missing some points
- In the Belly of the Jelly achievement added to Nazjatar
Changed in v14
Changed in v13
Changed in v12
- Config to hide particular achievements
Changed in v11
- TOC for 9.0.2
- Options for showing/hiding points in particular zones
- Optimize some checks by using GetPlayerAuraBySpellID
Changed in v10
Add achievements:
- Drust the Facts, Ma'am
- A Loa of a Tale
- Dune Rider
- Carved in Stone, Written in Blood
Changed in v9
- Make work in Shadowlands
- Pepe'jin was hiding too well
- Filled out some missing Jani trashpiles
- Fixed Grayal's Last Offering for Alliance
Changed in v8
- Mechagon chests from Jeremy Gaudet
- Nazjatar rares and chests from Znuff
- Feline Figurine Found achievement in Nazjatar
Changed in v7
- 8.2: Mechagon and Nazjatar rares
- Added the Hoppin' Sad achievement in Nazmir
- Assorted missing treasures and rares
Changed in v6
- Updated for 8.1.5
- More complete in Drustvar
- Include locations for Legends of the Tidesages
- Include locations for Shanty Raid
- More Zuldazar fixes from NLZ
Changed in v5
- Include location for These Hills Sing
- Include locations for Scavenger of the Sands (NLZ)
- Include rares for Mushroom Harvest (NLZ)
- Include rares for Life Finds a Way... To Die! (NLZ)
- More questids and fixes for Vol'dun (NLZ)
Changed in v4
- More questids for Tiragarde (done!) and Vol'dun
- Removed the now-impossible "search for a group" feature
- Fixed some misplaced icons
Changed in v3
- Secret of the Depths in Boralus (which involved a few under-the-hood code changes to support...)
- Stagger the Tiragarde Sound treasure-map treasures, so you only see them once you've found the right map
- Fix hiding of found things if only the achievement criteria is known
- Add various rare mob questids, for better tracking
- Missing Stolen Thornspeaker Cache in Drustvar
- More junk treasures
Changed in v2
- Rare mobs for Adventurer achievements added
- Bugfixes ported from LegionTreasures
- Added in some junk treasures (hidden by default)
Changed in v1
- Created with the achievement-related treasures