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    Jun 28, 2013
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 5.3.0


tag v1.0
Ethan Centaurai <ethancentaurai@outlook.com>
2013-06-28 15:45:26 +0100

Tagging as v1.0


Ethan Centaurai:
    - Add marker pins for stealing flames from Alliance cities.
    - Correct Horde bonfire quest IDs in Northrend.
    - Fix the Horde bonfires in Uldum.
    - Fix the Horde bonfires in Twilight Highlands.
    - Correct Horde bonfire quest IDs in Outland.
    - Correct Horde bonfire quest IDs in Eastern Kingdoms.
    - Correct Horde bonfire quest IDs in Kalimdor.
    - Round up a few stray bits of data.
    - Remove debug.
    - Add mostly-working data for Horde players.
    Icons are accurate and correct but won't hide yet when the quest is
    - Use different icons for honouring, desecrating and stealing flames.
    - Show bonfire marker pins on the continent map.
    - Add the flames of the enemy cities.
    - A slight clean-up...
    - Fix the bonfires in Deepholm and Vashj'ir.
    - Improve the accuracy of Alliance bonfires in Northrend.
    - Improve the accuracy of Alliance bonfires in Outland.
    - Improve the accuracy of Alliance bonfires in Kalimdor.
    - Fix the bonfires in Tanaris.
    - Fix the bonfires in Winterspring.
    - Improve the accuracy of Alliance bonfires in Eastern Kingdoms.
    - Fix the bonfires in Southern Stranglethorn.
    - Fix the Alliance bonfire in Swamp of Sorrows.
    - Add Alliance bonfire data.
    - Fix a copy/paste fail in the continent data array.
    - Add Pandaria bonfire markers to the continent map.
    - Improve the accuracy of Pandaria bonfire markers.
    - Wording tweaks.
    - Added Pandaria bonfire data.
    - Internal tweaks.
    - Bump Interface number to 50300.
    - Upvalue the database array.
    - Bump Interface number to 50200.
    - Fix icons not showing up in phased zones.
    - Emphasize headings.
    - Update readme.
    - Remove the date check used to determine if the festival is active.
    - Fix an error that occurs when closing the dropdown menu.
    - Update README.
    - Fix dates of the Midsummer Fesival.
    - Update readme.
    - Bump Interface number to 50100.
    - Remove byte-order-mark.
    - Plumbing.
    - Update readme.
    - Add git related stuff.
    - Initial commit