HandyNotes: Warlords of Draenor (Treasure Hunter + Rares)
A HandyNotes plugin to show the Draenor Treasure Hunter items on your map.
They're rare spawns, so they're not guaranteed to be there... but at least you'll know where to look.
Also includes a number of items which don't qualify for the achievement, but are still nice to find.
Items that you've already collected won't be displayed. (This uses the "flag" quests that the game relies on to keep track of the items. Sometimes these glitch; generally if they do so, you also won't have gotten achievement-credit, so you'll likely still be interested in the item.)
Requires HandyNotes.
To edit the settings, visit the HandyNotes config panel, expand the "Plugins" section, and click on "TreasureHunter". You can then choose which achievements to show, and whether to show ones you've already found.
What else might help me find things?
- Handy Minimap Arrow will make your player-arrow on the minimap appear above all the notes I'm adding to it
- What's On The Map? will show a list of the vignettes currently up nearby
- Minimap Range Extender will make map vignettes visible from further away
For what it's worth, there's already an option to hide the rares.
That's a bug with Astrolabe, which is the library that HandyNotes itself uses for map icon display. Hopefully it'll fix itself up.
I cannot seem to manually hide icons on the map. When I right click I get the window with the option to hide the icon but it does not highlight when I mouse over the close option and when I click on it nothing happens. I could have sworn this worked on the last version.
edit: I have tried multiple ways to get this to work. Running only Handynotes with only this plugin, removing the .lua in the saved variables folder, reinstalling the addon fresh did nothing.
Thanks for pointing that out! It turns out that if you didn't have TomTom installed, those menu items wouldn't be clickable. I've fixed that, and put up v7 with that fix, which should roll out to curse shortly.
Don't know if it's this addon causing it, but in Frostfire Ridge whenever i go to Bladespire Fortress my arrow in the minimap turns into one of the nearby treasure icons. And as soon as i leave the fortress it turns back again. Really weird. Edit: Yep, without this addon activated there's no problem, so you know.
Hi there. What I need to do to sync treasures on two computers?
Treasures that you've found aren't saved in the addon, they're marked as completed quests ingame, which is data that the addon retrieves from the actual WoW client - your already-discovered treasures will always be the same across any computers you play from, no matter whether or not you use this addon. The addon merely shows you where they are, and only shows them if you've not already found them.
But why I still can see treasures collected on another computer? And "Hide node" button not working for me.
There are some treasures which don't have a quest associated with them, so I can't tell whether they've been picked up or not. Others are daily (the level 100 rares, the elixirs of shadows). Also, treasure-completion is per-character, not per-account. Are you seeing all treasures showing up again on another machine, or just some?
For "hide node"... I found out that if you didn't have TomTom installed those menu items wouldn't be clickable. I've fixed that, and put up v7 with that fix, which should roll out to curse shortly.
Thanks for answer. I've just reinstalled addon and it all fell into place.
Good point about SilverDragon. It'd be nice to see options to show/hide different categories of treasures. Like rare mobs, garrison resources, toys, pets etc. That way players could choose to show only what they're interested in (or any combination of them).
Personally this doesn't need to do the rare mobs, silverdragon does them already and having both installed creates redundancy.
I'm tossed on this one or Draenor treasure.
Draenor treasure dose a better job with the rare mobs by using skulls and blue sculls for the lvl 100's.
Treasurehunter does a better job at descriptions on the items.
Otherwise they do exactly the same thing. If only this one did the skulls for the rare mobs instead of the picture that confuses between the treasures.
Well, I'm better, obviously!
But seriously... both addons were created on the same day, so there's some parallel construction going on here. Most noticeable difference at this point is that draenortreasues hasn't been updated since WoD launched, whereas this has, so this addon is a bit more accurate at this point.
so i looted an chest got what was in it the chest disapeared and counted but it still shows on the map anyway to manually remove the item form map
Right-click on the node on your map, and there's a "hide this" option. (Assuming you're on the latest version.)
The "hide node" button doesn't seem to work. I even disabled all addons except handynotes and still can't get hide note to work. Tried left clicking, right clicking, holding them down, pressing random buttons, full screen map, minimized map, nothing.
Hello! What the difference from http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/handynotes_draenortreasures/ ?
I just killed the Solar Magnifier in the spires of Arak and he dropped a primal spirit, 9 x apex crystals (probably random amounts) and Cloudsplitter Greatstaff ilvl 620, Intellect Polearm. Just posting because i noticed the mark on the map questioned if he dropped loot.
Thanks! I added it.