Re-Write of the original HeadCount. This rewrite is to move to Ace3 and WoW 4.0
HeadCount2 is a configurable World of Warcraft add-on that automatically tracks raid attendance, loot, and boss kills.
HeadCount2 answers the following questions:
- How long is a player active in a raid?
- How long is a player on standby for a raid?
- How long is a player offline during a given raid?
- What loot dropped during a raid and who received it?
- What boss kills occurred during a given raid and who was there for the kill?
- Raid creation: Automatically creates a new raid as you join or start a raid.
- Raid finalization: Automatically ends an existing raid as you leave a raid.
- Raid management: The user can end raids, remove raids, or remove all raids on demand.
- Raid zone tracking: Zone name are automatically added to raids as you zone into a raid instance for the first time.
Player attendance
- Player tracking: Players are tracked based on their timed participation in the raid. Players can be tracked based on configurable raid groups for raid list activity (active raiding players) and wait list players (queue/standby players).
- Player removal: The user can remove tracked information for specific players on demand.
- Player history: View specific player history for a raid to see how and when a player moved from activity to standby to offline and back during a raid.
- No list tracking: Players can be tracked as non-raid list and non-standby players as needed. Players that go offline are automatically taken out of the raid and wait list groups for tracking purposes.
- Integrated wait list: Receive whispers from members outside of the raid group in order to track them.
Boss kills
- Boss kill tracking: Tracks the world bosses killed during the course of a raid and the raid list members present for the kill.
- Boss kill removal: The user can remove tracked boss kills on demand.
- Manual boss kill: The user can add a boss kill to the current raid at the current time with the current roster via the config UI
- Loot tracking: Tracks loot received during a raid based on configurable item level quality (default: Epic item level or higher)
- Loot removal: The user can remove specific pieces of loot on demand.
- Loot exclusion: The user can manage loot exclusion which will prevent certain pieces of loot from being tracked during a raid.
- Export: Users can export current raid attendance and received loot information to one of a number of formats (CSV, XML, Text, EQdkp XML string, phpBB forum post, phpBB with ItemStats forum post).
- Boss kill broadcast: The user can optionally broadcast when the raid kills a boss to a configurable chat channel.
- Loot broadcast: The user can optionally broadcast when a player receives a valid piece of loot to a configurable chat channel.
- Fault tolerance: If the mod owner quits WoW, restarts WoW, or reloads their UI during a raid and returns to the game, HeadCount2 will attempt to gracefully recover from the outage to continue tracking the active raid.
- Attendance delay: Configure how often HeadCount should manage attendance updates to increase or decrease performance and/or accuracy.
Nope, not really. I already tried this before, but this adds only the difficulty to the raid zone, not to the bosses. I think this is a relict from the past (<ICC) where you can't switch normal/hard-mode in the same instance.
check the options for EQdkp it should add that if you check add difficulty
Ok, concerning my last post... I've installed some other raidtrackers, created testraids, export all the strings and compared it. There are some differences in realm- & guildinfos for example but it makes no sense if I add them manually or not. But after I've added the <difficulty>1</difficulty> tag after the Bosskill-Name the import works and RaidLogImport detected it correctly.
10 non hc -> <difficulty>1</difficulty>
25 non hc -> <difficulty>2</difficulty>
10 hc -> <difficulty>3</difficulty>
25 hc -> <difficulty>4</difficulty>
Would it be possible to add this tag in the eqdkp-export string?
well all i could say is see if others are having the same issue, my guikd doesnt use eqdkp and the code thats build the export format string is from original headcount so it may be wrong.
Have anyone already tried to import the string (format: eqdkp) into an EQDKP-System? I just did it, but without success. ;( I've a german client & the boss/zone names in Raid-Log-Import are the same as in the string. As far as I could see the detection of the zone works but not for bosses.
I love this addon. We actually wrote a Java applet that parses the XML export to work specifically with our forum software (ZetaBoards) and it gives us a lot of functionality. However, I wanted to see if these problems I'm having are known issues or a user error:
For one, I can't seem to get the "assign as disenchant" or "assign as offspec" buttons to work. I click the button and the dropdown changes to Disenchant or Offspec respectively, but it doesn't get saved as such by the addon, nor when I export it.
For two, there are still lots of bosses that it doesn't have detection for—Valiona and Theralion are giving problems, as I can't figure out how you formatted their names on the hidden whitelist so I can manually add kills for them.
no i cant, when you logout the client sends a 'left raid' message, and before you get control back on login its told you joined a raid. HeadCount is creating the raid cause it saw the last raid you were you in you left, closing the raid out and finalizing it. I dont have this issue cause when i need to switch its fast for me generally to just alt + f4 restart wow and relogin that waiting for the countr to finish.
be possible to add a button to "make raid active"? running 1.04 and logging out deactivates current raid and can only start a new one.
it doesnt actually need the localization, the warning he got was to let him know its missing from babble boss, and most likely we dont have a transaltion of the instance lock name.
HeadCount2, tracks boss by instance locks. I dont watch combatevents or deaths at all. IT watches enter/leave combat and queries the instance locks to determine you beating an encounter. the only time i need to indicate anything for an encounter is if the boss isnt marked as a boss but as an elite or its a multi boss encounter to indicate which encounter they belong to.
Also be aware some older instances bosses didnt die, they went friendly. worse case missing localizations may mark the boss incorrectly is all.
> kagaro
why you don't use UnitGUID("boss1") to detect without localisation? I am doing so in my PhoenixStyle and it detect all bosses exept Halfus, to detect it I use his abilities
psbossnamesdef= {{"Argaloth"},{"Magmaw","Omnitron Defense System","Maloriak","Atramedes","Chimaeron","Nefarian"},{"Halfus Wyrmbreaker","Valiona & Theralion","Twilight Ascendant Council","Cho'gall"},{"Conclave of Wind", "Al'Akir"}}
psbossid= {{{47120}},{{41570},{0,42180,42166,42178,42179},{41378},{41442},{43296},{41376}},{{44600},{0,45992,45993},{0,43735,43686,43687,43688,43689},{43324}},{{0,45871,45870,45872},{46753}}}
I am tracking Unit_Dead and combat regen disabled, and it's more easy no?
Ah yes, and for localization boss names in my addon - when it detect boss it takes his name UnitName("boss1") and owerrite that english name :)
P.S. LibBabble-Boss-3.0 has russian localization, I have checked it now
"- added another hook for logout to keep duplicates raid from being created - Hopefully this fixes the keep making new raids on reload issue"
was running 1.03 and just noticed last night relogging i couldn't reactivate or merge raids, that's what this refers to yes?
nice and simple tracker mod, thanks a bunch.
submit a translation to the LibBabbleBoss project and well pickup the change on the weekly submission
[00:53:49] HeadCount2 (1.0): Boss Ал'Акир not found in the instance lock list.
Russian's bosses are not added into addon automaticaly, what to do? +_+
few bugs fixed today:
Broadcasting should now work I think i fixed the bug causing random raids to vanish
Yeah I wanted to do this but I know for sure while they are on the waitlist they want to do daily quest, heroics, pvp so they can't stay in the grp. Anyway right now I note them in an excel file so we know they were there but if you have some spare time to find a solution about this it would be cool :)
Keep up the good work man on this great addon.
when you logout via /logout or /quit the client technically sees you leave the raid group so thats why its making a new raid if you alt-f4 to exit it wont happen. ill try to work on a fix to detect the logout and not auto end the raid in that case.
mackaque: ill see what i can do right now waitlists are stored via each raid. You could added them to your new raid in a waitlist group i.e. et your waitlist groups to 6-8 and put them in there when you make your second raid or have them re-whisper you.
Another point I would like to know if we can do about it is if we want to keep the attendance of our waitlist in Headcount ... the problem I founded is if we start with a raid (Baradin Hold) I ask ppl to msg me for the wait list .. we kill the boss then we switch to another raid (Blackwing Descent) and since they are only in the Baradin Hold raid as waitlist we see them at 50% attendance for the day but they were there all night rdy to help. Is it possible to fix something about this like adding them manually to the other raid so they are 100% of the night or I don't know.
Cool. Works for reloads but not quick logouts. Thanks for fix
I think ive got it fixed with the making multiple raids issues