HealInc is a heals-in-progress monitor. It is made to reduce overhealing on a target. It shows the cast bar of all healers currently casting a heal on your target. It recolours the bar red, orange or green if the casted heal is going to overheal or not.
Note. The library uses LibHealComm-3.0 for its communication. While your average raid healer will probably have this installed a version checker is included.
Also included is a resurrection monitor. Very much alike to SmartRes (credit to myrroddin for the basic idea). This uses LibResComm-1.0 for its communication, making it compatible with Ora2.
Addon is up to date with modern standards. LDB launcher, Ace3 and SharedMedia.
Type /healinc for options. Or use the launcher. From there you can lock or unlock the bars. Set the texture and scale.
To test the addon. Target yourself and cast a heal on yourself. You should see a bar.
A red bar indicated the heal is completely going to overheal. Red means 90% overhealing. And green means only 25% overhealing. Orange is in between that.
Resurrection monitor
A red bar means someone else is already resurrecting and will been finished earlier. An orange bar means that that the target is already ressed and has a accept resurrection box up.
Can this be rewritten to show the bars with cast/target of all other healers all the time instead of just showing it on my current target?
mfg, Ben
It would require about 6 line changes or so. Feel free to do it yourself.
Ace Profiling maybe?
I love this addon... especially since it means I'm the only one not spamming a rez inc macro - I've recommended this to other healers in all my raids too =)
So lets say I use healbot and have this addon installed and the other healear only have this, and it shows up on both healbot and this addon when someone heals someone?
HealBot has LibHealComm-3.0 included. So a healer using HealBot will show up on HealInc.
The other way around though (a HealInc (LibHealComm-3.0) user showing up on HealBot) has been attempted to make to work. But in a totally wrong way. Tell the HealBot author to take a look at the API page for LibHealComm to properly register for callbacks instead of parsing the communication channel:
This seems to work great so far, just I cannot set the bar textures -- it only lists "Blizzard", using the latest available (1.0.1).