HotCandy is a Heal-over-Time tracker initialy designed for Druids, but has grown into a full HoT/Buff tracker for all healing classes.
HotCandy was designed to be very simple and easy to use, with only a handful of options to customize the style of the bars. However its core is powerful and supports all known set bonuses, talents and glyphs that increase the length of your HoTs.
HotCandy is driven solely by the CombatLog events which provide it with all information it needs to display accurate timers for the HoTs you cast on other players (or yourself, of course).
Supported Spells
- Druids
- Lifebloom (with stack display)
- Rejuvenation
- Regrowth
- Wild Growth (disabled by default)
- Priests
- Renew
- Power Word: Shield
- Prayer of Mending (with remaining charges display)
- Holy Word: Serenity
- Divine Aegis (disabled by default)
- Paladin
- Beacon of Light
- Shamans
- Riptide
- Ancestral Healing
- Earthliving (disabled by default)
- Hunter
- Mend Pet
All supported spells can be enabled/disabled in the HotCandy configurarion, as you see fit.
You can access the HotCandy configuration through the Blizzard Interface AddOns Options, or with the /hotcandy slash command.
on line 306:
function HotCandy:CombatLogHandler(event, timestamp, clevent, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, spellId, spellName, school, type, stack)
function HotCandy:CombatLogHandler(event, timestamp, clevent, hideCaster, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, spellId, spellName, school, type, stack)
You basically add the 'hideCaster,' to compensate for the additional parameter added to combat events in 4.1. This can be used to fix a lot of other mods that involve combat log parsing.
Glayde is offline Report comment to moderator
Date: 2011-04-26 17:08:29
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\HotCandy\HotCandy.lua line 182:
table index is nil
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:543: EnableAddon()
[C]: LoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:256: UIParentLoadAddOn()
..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:279: CombatLog_LoadUI()
Swatter, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
Ace3, v
Altoholic, v4.0.006b
Ampere, v3.1.0.15
Arh, v0.91
AucAdvanced, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucFilterBasic, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.10.5098.2531
AucMatchUndercut, v5.10.5098.2531
AucStatHistogram, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucStatiLevel, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucStatPurchased, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucStatSales, v5.10.5098.2842
AucStatSimple, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucStatStdDev, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.10.5098.3311
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.10.5098.3175
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.10.5098.3142
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.10.5098.3583
AucUtilFixAH, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
AucUtilGlypher, v5.10.5098.5065
AucUtilGlypherPost, v5.10.5098.5075
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.10.5098.3108
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.10.5098.2545
AucUtilScanButton, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.10.5098.2530
AucUtilScanStart, v5.10.5098.4784
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.10.5098.3655
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.10.5098.4546
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.10.5098.2530
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
BadKitty, v
BigBrother, v3.2.0
Clique, vv40000-1.3.4
Configator, v5.1.DEV.282
DataStore, v4.0.001
DataStoreAchievements, v4.0.001
DataStoreAuctions, v4.0.001
DataStoreCharacters, v4.0.006
DataStoreContainers, v4.0.001
DataStoreCrafts, v4.0.001
DataStoreCurrencies, v4.0.001
DataStoreInventory, v4.0.005b
DataStoreMails, v4.0.001
DataStorePets, v4.0.001
DataStoreQuests, v4.0.001
DataStoreReputations, v4.0.001
DataStoreSpells, v4.0.001
DataStoreStats, v4.0.001
DataStoreTalents, v4.0.001
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.275
Dominos, v1.24.1
DominosCast, v
DominosRoll, v
EasyMail, v
flagRSP2, v2.4.4
Gatherer, v3.2.3
GatherMate2, v1.13
Grid, v1.40000.1403
GroupCalendar5Clock, v5.2.5
GuardianSpirited, v090911
HotCandy, v1.6.3
LibSharedMedia30, v3.0-62
LibSink20, v
LightHeaded, v327
MarketWatcher, v2.11
MikScrollingBattleText, v5.5.91
MoveAnything, v12.1.4
Omen, v3.1.0
Outfitter, v5.2
PowerAuras, v4.17
Prat30, v3.4.19
Prat30Libraries, v
Quartz, v3.0.5
RatingBuster, v
Recount, v
RecountDeathTrack, v
RecountGuessedAbsorbs, v
SatrinaBuffFrame, v3.2
SexyMap, v
SharedMedia, v3.0.4-179
SlideBar, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
Stubby, v5.10.5098 (CrouchingKangaroo)
Titan, v5.0.3.40000 - Revision 519
TitanBag, v5.0.3.40000
TitanClock, v5.0.3.40000
TitanCurrency, v0.4
TitanDurability, v1.22
TitanGatherer, v4.0.0
TitanGold, v5.0.3.40000
TitanLocation, v5.0.3.40000
TitanLootType, v5.0.3.40000
TitanMail, v4.04
TitanPerformance, v5.0.3.40000
TitanRepair, v5.0.3.40000
TitanSpec, v1.
TitanVolume, v5.0.3.40000
TitanXP, v5.0.3.40000
TomTom, vv40000-1.2.7
UlkesshernsInvitatron, v1.0
WIM, v3.5.4
WOWScribe, v4.0.3
XPerl, v3.1.2
XPerlArcaneBar, v
XPerlParty, v
XPerlPartyPet, v
XPerlPlayer, v
XPerlPlayerBuffs, v
XPerlPlayerPet, v
XPerlRaidAdmin, v
XPerlRaidFrames, v
XPerlRaidHelper, v
XPerlRaidMonitor, v
XPerlRaidPets, v
XPerlTarget, v
XPerlTargetTarget, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.1.0.40100 <us>
However, I think it's about time for an update. There seems to be a bug/issue in which Wild Growth refreshes itself each time it ticks. It didn't do that before 4.0 (of course! stupid patches breaking everything). I've been able to deal with it since, but every now and then it gets agitating and misleading. :P
Thank you~!
is there any way to include the holy priest's lightwell into this ? I understand it may be more complex to do since it requires the party or raid member to click on the well themselves .. but at over 13k heals over 6 secs .. I'd really like to be able to track that
thank you again !
would it be possible to restrict the display of hotsto a few selected targets? for instance just seeing hots active on the tanks?
would be a fantastic addition to an already awesome addon :)
Recently I was wondering if it is possible to add tics for the hot/dot bars (like EventHorizon for example), so you can manage reapplying of the casts more easily...
Many thanks
Its basically ready for testing, if you want to test head over to WoWAce and grab the latest Alpha from there.
Additionally, i'll look into adding more spells for shamans and paladins later tonight.
Could you add "Gift of the Naaru", "Earth Shield" (with stack display) and "Earthliving" please.
Many Thanks
HotCandy.lua:line 86:
mendpet = {
id = 136,
duration = 15,
handofprotection = { id = 10278, duration = 10, },
handofsacrifice = { id = 6940, duration = 12, },
handofsalvation = { id = 1038, duration = 10, },
handoffreedom = { id = 1044, duration = 6, },
beaconoflight = { id = 53563, duration = 60, },
sacredshield = { id = 53601, duration = 30, },
holyshield = { id = 48952, duration = 10, },
HotCandy.lua:line 132
-- hunter spells
mendpet = true,
-- paladin spells
beaconoflight = true,
sacredshield = true,
handofprotection = true,
handofsacrifice = true,
handofsalvation = true,
handoffreedom = true,
holyshield = false,
Can't really do Divine Plea; well, i could, but the glyph makes the timer keep resetting - and HotCandy has no idea how a spell timer could reset.
But you could just follow everything else i added to add Divine Plea. i also decided that a pally tank doesn't need to, by default, see Holy Shield, since that should be up all the time, and part of the 9-6-9-6-9 rotation.