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  • Uploaded
    Oct 16, 2016
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    138.12 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 7.0.3


    - fix clearwtf slash cmd
    - iEncounterEventTracker.lua save destGuid for CLEU (not in use yet) fix filtering options for 7.1 PTR Comment out slider, its not done yet add /ieet wtf and /ieet clearwtf, it will sort the fights by zoneID and encounterID to iEET_ExportFromWTF table inside the WTF file so you can easily export the fights in to another file or something (and clearwtf will clear the table)
    add 216099 (Aw, Nuts!), 222278 (Grim Resolve), 222294 (Tranquil Presence), 117614 (Binding Shot Visual...another one...)
    add 111748(Shadowy Reflection (Blood Artifact)), 113344 (Beast), 113347 (Dire Beast) -- Hunters suck.
    - Add new events: UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTIBLE & UNIT_SPELLCAST_NOT_INTERRUPTIBLE Track Zones and create sub menus for them, sort encounter list by zones (shows "Unknown" for old logs)
    - add /ieet export slash cmd (save current fight)
    - remove extra scaling stuff and let the ui scale do its thing