Default Macros
IHML Default Macros
This is a listing of default macros contained in the addon IHML. You can also view a listing of macros in the addon by viewing the IHML API page.
This is outdated.
Burning Crusade
Skettis Dailies
Blackwind Lake, Lower Veil Shil'ak, Skettis, Terokk's Rest, Upper Veil Shil'ak, Veil Ala'rak and Veil Harr'ik
#showtooltip item:32406 /use [flying] item:32406
Ogri'La Dailies
Vortex Pinnacle
#showtooltip item:32698 /use item:32698 /stopattack /petpassive
Forge Camp: Wrath and Forge Camp: Terror
#showtooltip [flying] item:32456; [noflying] item:32696 /use [flying] item:32456; [noflying] item:32696
Netherwing Dailies
Netherwing Ledge
#showtooltip [flying] item:32680; item:32503 /use [noflying] Yarzill's Mutton /stopmacro [noflying] /targetexact Disobedient Dragonmaw Peon /use Booterang /cleartarget
Shattered Sun Offensive
Isle of Quel'Danas
#showtooltip item:34368 /targetexact Erratic Sentry /use Attuned Crystal Cores
Sun's Reach Sanctum
#showtooltip item:34338 /use Mana Remnants
Throne of Kil'jaeden
#showtooltip item:34257 /use Fel Siphon
Spirit Fields
#showtooltip item:35233 /use Multiphase Spectrographic Goggles /equip Multiphase Spectrographic Goggles
The Dead Scar
#showtooltip item:34475 /use Arcane Charges
The Dawning Square
#showtooltip [dead] item:34414; item:34533 /use [dead] Shattered Sun Banner; Astromancer's Crystal
Dawnstar Village
#showtooltip [dead] item:34368; item:34533 /use [dead] Attuned Crystal Cores; Astromancer's Crystal
Greengil Coast
#showtooltip [exists] item:34483; item:34533 /use [exists] Orb of Murloc Control; Astromancer's Crystal
Bash'ir Landing
#showtooltip item:34248 /use Bash'ir Phasing Device
The Sin'loren, The Dawnchaser and The Bloodoath
#showtooltip item:34489 /use Flaming Oil
Razorthorn Rise
#showtooltip [pet, harm, nodead] Ravage; [pet] Expose Razorthorn Root; item:34255 /use [nopet] Razorthorn Flayer Gland /cast [pet, harm, nodead] Ravage; [pet] Expose Razorthorn Root
Cooking Daily
Ancestral Grounds
#showtooltip item:33851 /use Cooking Pot
The Black Morass
The Black Morass
#showtooltip item:24289 /use item:24289
Magisters' Terrace
Halls of Theory
/targetexact Pure Energy /startattack
The Curator
/targetexact Astral Flare /startattack
Terestian Illhoof
/targetexact Demon Chains /startattack
/targetexact Corrupted Lightning Totem /startattack
Serpentshrine Cavern
Fathom-Lord Karathress
/targetexact Spitfire Totem /startattack
Lady Vashj
/stopmacro[noexists][harm] /run i=31088 t="target" if GetItemCount(i)>0 and HasFullControl() and IsItemInRange(i,t) then n=UnitName(t) s=SendChatMessage m="<-- TAINTED CORE TO --> " s(m..n.." !","RAID") s(m.."YOU !","WHISPER",nil,n) end /use item:31088
Mount Hyjal
#showtooltip item:24494 /use Tears of the Goddess
Black Temple
High Warlord Naj'entus
#showtooltip item:32408 /use Naj'entus Spine
Wrath of the Lich King
Storm Peaks
The Forlorn Mine
#showtooltip item:42837 /use item:42837
The Blighted Pool, Valkyrion
#showtooltip item:41612 /use item:41612
Garm's Bane
#showtooltip item:40676 /use item:40676
Sons of Hodir Dailies
Fjorn's Anvil, Frostfield Lake
#showtooltip item:42246 /use item:42246
#showtooltip item:42164 /use item:42164
Valley of Ancient Winters
#showtooltip [dead] item:42479; item:42774 /use [dead] item:42479; item:42774
The Pit of Fang
#showtooltip item:42499 /use item:42499
Ice Crown
Njorndar Village
#showtooltip [dead] item:42480 /use [dead] item:42480]]
#showtooltip [dead] item:40587 /use [dead] item:40587
#showtooltip item:39571 /use item:39571
Strand of the Ancients
#showtooltip item:39213 /use item:39213
Caverns of Tme: Stratholme
#showtooltip item:37888 /use item:37888
Grizzly Hills
Venture Bay
#showtooltip item:37621 /use item:37621
Howling Fjord
Howling Fjord, Ledge of Garvan
#showtooltip item:40946 /use item:40946
Drak Sotra
#showtooltip [dead] item:38556;item:38544 /use [dead] item:38556;item:38544
#showtooltip item:38566 /use item:38566
Macros From Code
- m_skettis
#showtooltip item:32406 /use [flying] item:32406
- m_pinnacle
#showtooltip item:32698 /use item:32698 /stopattack /petpassive
- m_forgecamp
#showtooltip [flying] item:32456; [noflying] item:32696 /use [flying] item:32456; [noflying] item:32696
- manaremnants
#showtooltip item:34338 /use item:34338
- m_blood4blood
#showtooltip item:34257 /use item:34257
- m_spectrogoggles
#showtooltip item:35233 /use item:35233 /equip item:35233
- m_deadscar
#showtooltip item:34475 /use item:34475
- m_ssbanner
#showtooltip [dead] item:34414; item:34533 /use [dead] item:34414; item:34533
- m_greengil
#showtooltip [exists] item:34483; item:34533 /use [exists] item:34483; item:34533
- m_dawnstar
#showtooltip [dead] item:34368; item:34533 /use [dead] item:34368; item:34533
- m_bashir
#showtooltip item:34248 /use item:34248
- m_flamingoil
#showtooltip item:34489 /use item:34489
- m_atamal
#showtooltip item:34500 /use item:34500
- m_soup4soul
#showtooltip item:33851 /use item:33851
- m_blackmorass
#showtooltip item:24289 /use item:24289
- m_archimonde
#showtooltip item:24494 /use item:24494
- m_najentus
#showtooltip item:32408 /use item:32408
- m_discipline
#showtooltip item:42837 /use item:42837
- m_essenceofice
#showtooltip item:42246 /use item:42246
- m_aberations
#showtooltip item:41612 /use item:41612
- m_landmine
#showtooltip item:40676 /use item:40676
- m_hodirhorn
#showtooltip item:42164 /use item:42164
- m_hodirdaily
#showtooltip [dead] item:42479; item:42774 /use [dead] item:42479; item:42774
- m_pitoffang
#showtooltip item:42499 /use item:42499
- m_leavemark
#showtooltip [dead] item:42480 /use [dead] item:42480
- m_corpserise
#showtooltip [dead] item:40587 /use [dead] item:40587
- m_windandwater
#showtooltip item:39571 /use item:39571
- m_strand
#showtooltip item:39213 /use item:39213
- m_cos
#showtooltip item:37888 /use item:37888
- m_fishyfish
#showtooltip item:40946 /use item:40946
- m_draksotra
#showtooltip [dead] item:38556;item:38544 /use [dead] item:38556;item:38544
- m_zuldrak
#showtooltip item:38566 /use item:38566
- m_venturebay
#showtooltip item:37621 /use item:37621
- m_grizzly
#showtooltip item:35908 /use item:35908
- m_halaa
#showtooltip item:24538 /use item:24538
- m_bluesky
#showtooltip item:37568 /use item:37568
- m_greattree
#showtooltip item:45046 /use item:45046
- m_chipofulduar
#showtooltip item:45281 /use item:45281
- m_edgeofwinter
#showtooltip item:45005 /use item:45005
- m_ghostfish
#showtooltip item:45902 /use item:45902
- m_winterhyacinth
#showtooltip item:45000 /use item:45000
- m_argentjousting
#showtooltip [nomounted] item:46106;item:45724 /use [nomounted] item:46106;item:45724 -- Argent /use [nomounted] item:46070;item:45724 -- Hord /use [nomounted] item:46069;item:45724 -- Ally
- m_bladefitforchampion
#showtooltip item:44986 /use item:44986 /tar Lake Frog /kiss
- m_lureit
#showtooltip item:34127 /target Reef Bull /target Attracted Reef Bull /use item:34127
- m_alliancebline
#showtooltip item:44212 /targetexact Skybreaker Recon Fighter /use item:44212
- m_brokenfront
#showtooltip item:43968 /targetexact Hulking Abomination /use item:43968
- m_drakehunt
#showtooltip item:35506 /targetexact Nexus Drake Hatchling /use item:35506
- m_vashj
/stopmacro[noexists][harm] /run i=31088 t="target" if GetItemCount(i)>0 and HasFullControl() and IsItemInRange(i,t) then n=UnitName(t) s=SendChatMessage m="<-- TAINTED CORE TO --> " s(m..n.." !","RAID") s(m.."YOU !","WHISPER",nil,n) end /use item:31088
- m_flk
/targetexact Spitfire Totem /startattack
- m_booterang
#showtooltip [flying] item:32680; item:32503 /use [noflying] item:32503 /stopmacro [noflying] /targetexact Disobedient Dragonmaw Peon /use item:32680 /cleartarget
- m_crystalcores
#showtooltip item:34368 /targetexact Erratic Sentry /use item:34368
- m_razorthorn
#showtooltip [pet, harm, nodead] Ravage; [pet] Expose Razorthorn Root; item:34255 /use [nopet] item:34255 /cast [pet, harm, nodead] Ravage; [pet] Expose Razorthorn Root
- m_vexallus
/targetexact Pure Energy /startattack
- m_curator
/targetexact Astral Flare /startattack
- m_illhoof
/targetexact Demon Chains /startattack
- m_halazzi
/targetexact Corrupted Lightning Totem /startattack