Ingela's Rapture
Ingela's Rapture
Updated for 4.2. Please report any errors or bugs.
Ingela's Rapture is a lightweight and highly configurable addon that gives you a cooldown bar for the internal cooldown of Rapture.
When Cataclysm came with new talents and increased spell-costs, the tools to regenerate mana becomes a lot more valuable. With the talent Strength of Soul and casting Heal, you cannot throw a shield every time the Weakend Soul is off, thinking you will procc rapture. This addon helps you out so you can time it correctly and gain as much mana as possible from this talent, making this a simple yet great tool to help you reach better performance in both raids and heroics.
In game commands are /rap or /rapture
To do:
- Nothing at the moment. Read below
Willing to help out?
With increasing downloads and popularity I might give this some more functions to please a bigger user base. Got any suggestions? Willing to beta-test? Got any errors? Please post a comment below, PM me or use the ticket system on wowace.
I keep being told rapture is ready... when I play my elemental shaman. An option to only enable the message/sound on specific characters would be nice.
Edit: I no longer have this problem. Also, the author of this addon is awesome!
Can you add a option to invert the bar. Instead of it running out and disappearing, can you make it fill up and stay on screen reminding you you could get a proc ?
Lost the habit when cata came out, 2.5% did not pay for shield. :(
Make it hide when a new proc apears, show bar/hide text.
Thanks 4 your time.
If you want to try it in combat, I find out those 79-80 Ancient Watcher elites ( right outside of Dalaran works perfect. Just shield yourself, pull with your wand and watch him hit you 2-3 times and your shield should get fully absorbed.
Good luck!
Change the line around 564 to the following:
if destName == player_name and sourceName == player_name and spellId == 47755 then