Ingela's Rapture
Ingela's Rapture
Updated for 4.2. Please report any errors or bugs.
Ingela's Rapture is a lightweight and highly configurable addon that gives you a cooldown bar for the internal cooldown of Rapture.
When Cataclysm came with new talents and increased spell-costs, the tools to regenerate mana becomes a lot more valuable. With the talent Strength of Soul and casting Heal, you cannot throw a shield every time the Weakend Soul is off, thinking you will procc rapture. This addon helps you out so you can time it correctly and gain as much mana as possible from this talent, making this a simple yet great tool to help you reach better performance in both raids and heroics.
In game commands are /rap or /rapture
To do:
- Nothing at the moment. Read below
Willing to help out?
With increasing downloads and popularity I might give this some more functions to please a bigger user base. Got any suggestions? Willing to beta-test? Got any errors? Please post a comment below, PM me or use the ticket system on wowace.
If you go do an instance and shield your tank, after your power word: shield has absorbed fully, then a bar should be showing. Try this and tell me if it's working or not! Good luck.
is there a way to change the sound or volume? it's so low sometimes i don't even hear it -_- so i want to up the volume or change to something easier to hear.
instead of the rapture-bar i get a boss-cooldown from the last boss (from normal raptures AND when i click the run-bar-button in the options). This bar has icon and name of the boss-skill, position and look of bigwigsstyle, but with 12 secounds cooldown from rapture...
Greets tim
Heya Shubeyash, I don't know what's causing this and it seems very strange as it never occured for me. I've added another failsafe to the text frame that hopefully will fix it. If you seem to be able to figure out what's causing it, please inform me in anyway. There's now also an option to disable the message frame completely, and you could always make different profiles in the profile tab, one with sound disabled and frame disabled for your ele shaman, and one profile with everything enabled for your priest.
Thanks though and I'll look into this more if I see it or you tell me it keeps happening.