InspectEquip attaches a panel to the inspect window that shows a list of the character's equipment sorted by source (i.e. Raid: Dragon Soul, Vendor, Crafted...). This gives you a quick overview of a character's equipment.
InspectEquip also adds detailed item source information (including boss names, item prices for vendor items etc) to all item tooltips.
Currently supported items include (no green items):
- All raid items with detailed boss information, including Mists of Pandaria raids
- Dungeon drops for all instances
- Quest rewards for dungeon/raid quests, including legendary items
- Justice/Valor Point items
- Honor/Conquest Point items
- Reputation items sold by faction vendors
- Crafted items
- Darkmoon Faire items, including the cards and the new rewards
- The Kirin Tor rings sold in Dalaran
- World Event items
- The Argent Tournament rewards
- Guild Vendor items
InspectEquip also works with Examiner and includes support for cached Examiner characters.
Please report bugs and missing items in the ticket system or leave a comment on this page. If you want to contribute a translation, please visit the Localization page. Thank you!
WoW 6.x/Warlords of Draenor support:
The latest version of this addon is compatible with WoW 6.0. Please note that the dungeon and raid drops are updated automatically via the Encounter Journal (i.e. they should be available immediately when a new WoW patch is released). Other data, such as vendor or crafted items, still require an addon update.
With InspectEquip loaded none of the drop info for the tooltip shows up on the main tooltip, only on the compared item (if enabled)
Yeah, I'm very busy right now - sorry. 1.7.3 should include the new items. I'll add vehicle scaling and updated Links support "soon" (hopefully).
I think we are missing s8 items, and im not sure if you thought about the new ring for the ashen verdict yet.
Thanks for your comments! I'll look at the vehicle scaling and Links integration.
Get the following note in the chat frame when logging in or doing a /rl
Deprecated API Links:RegisterHookFrame() called
the average ilvl is ok, but it takes into account the ranged slot which according to
isnt included for vehicle scaling.
Is it possible to see the FL average somehow?
I think they are, there also are additional materials you needed to turn in together with the token, but no idea what they were called.
@Armagone: Thanks! I'll have a look at it :)
@yoshimo: You're right, T3 is missing. I'll add those items. Unfortunately I don't have a list of the classic Naxxramas loot, so I can't add that :(;na=Desecrated;minle=60;maxle=60 should be all T3 tokens, right? I started playing WoW when BC was released, so I don't know how the T3 mechanism worked ;)
so how about marking the old t3 from the 40man Naxxramas and its associated tokens?
i still have some lying around and wondered what exactly they are ;)
oops, found a bug already, iLevelSum, iLevelSum2, iLevelCount, iLevelCount2 = 0,0,0,0 is missing in IE:Inspect
Hi there, I've been missing a display of "Average item level", so I patched it:
Here's the code (Including config checkbox to switch it off), only thing missing is Localization:
Would be nice if this got accepted (or cleaned up *cough* *cough*)
Thanks. These items should all be in 1.7.1 (because I also used the the Armory loot tables). The newly discovered Ashen Verdict rings (revered + exalted) are still missing, however. I'll add those in the next update. Emblem prices for the new items are also coming in the next release :)
update appeared:
I have uploaded a first version with 3.3 items. DB status:
Loot updated again, but im sure youll find that site ;)
@yoshimo: Yes, I will add the 3.3 items soon. I'm currently quite busy with other stuff, but I expect to have an InspectEquip version with as many new items as possible ready on patch day (and hopefully an alpha version next week).
Concering crafted items, that's a nice idea and I'll see if I can add something like that in a future version. Although I think the situation has already improved a bit with the new item-level display in the equipment list. Also, I want to add an option to choose "Group by Item Source" / "Item Level" or maybe raid tiers (which would then include crafted items) instead of just the default grouping by item source.