A basic mod that tracks enemy interrupt abilities on a neat little bar. I consider this mod feature complete.
- Feral Charge
- Counterspell
- Pummel
- Kick, and
- Spell Lock
- Mind Freeze
- Skull Bash
- Rebuke
Left Click the bar to move it. Go to the options to lock the bar. You can also hide buttons until they're active.
Type /ib in-game for a list of options
In the options you can make it so the bar only shows when an ability is fired.
To edit the order of abilities open InterruptBar.lua and change the order of the numbers in the 'order' table. Each number is labeled indicating what spell it is.
Adding new abilities isn't intended.
This way you can make your bar bigger, smaller, move it or split it in to seperate parts.
local spellids = {[6552] = 10, [72] = 12, [2139] = 24, [19647] = 24, [16979] = 15, [1766] = 10, [47528] = 10, [47476] = 120, [10308] = 60, [48827] = 30, [57994] = 6}
local order = {6552, 72, 2139, 19647, 16979, 1766, 47528, 47476, 10308, 48827, 57994}
This adds shield bash, strangulate, hammer of justice, avenger's shield and wind shear.
1. Open up InterruptBar.lua with a simple text editor, notepad is perfect.
2. Go to and search for your spell, in this case Hammer of Justice,
3. You see "spell=10308"? That's the spell ID.
4. Now go to InterruptBar.lua and find the line "local spellids = "
5. In between { and }, at the end, add "[10308] = 60". 10308 is the ID of the spell, the number is for how long cooldown it is.
6. Go to "local order = "
7. Same thing here, in between { and } add in the end "10308" which is the spell id
Now you're done!
Here is my lines if you're lazy:
local spellids = {[6552] = 10, [2139] = 24, [19647] = 24, [16979] = 15, [1766] = 10, [47528] = 10, [10308] = 60, [72] = 12}
local order = {6552, 2139, 19647, 1766, 47528, 16979, 10308, 72}
There's no point in tracking 90% of those interrupts though.
This mod is really not "feature complete".
Its lacking tracking of several interrupts: Shield Bash, Earth Shock & Wind Shock. When those interrupts are cast, the mod is useless.
/ib hidden command hides that bar, upon use they appear with the cd time ticking down in the center. Would love to see strangulate added to this, however.