Unfortunately nameplate unitIDs aren't valid targets anymore in 7.1 because blizzard didn't like the idea of grids like iTF, so iTF doesn't work anymore.
Even if someone finds away to create addons like this, blizzard said they would block the methods used so unless blizzard decides to allow such addons, you won't be seeing any updates to ITF (unless people want me to modify it for debuff tracking)
Mirrors nameplate units into static grid with different indicators
use /itf or /itargetingframes to open config window
If you encounter an lua error or you feel like the addon is missing something, write a ticket or leave a comment below.
Clickable unitframes with
- Unit Name
- Cast bar
- Health bar
- Debuffs (with spell name or spell id blacklisting)
- Duration text
- Stack count
- Flashing for < X duration
- Click-to-cast (general, class, spec specific bindings)
- Cast spell
- Macro text
Conditionals for indicators:
- Range
- Unit out of combat
- Current target
- Focus target
- Threat
- Losing aggro
- Gaining aggro
- Aggro
- Priority NPC
- Custom
- Usage: function(unitID) <stuff> return true end
- Glow
- Left
- Right
- Bottom
- Top
- Border
- Healthbar
- Frame opacity
Custom conditional examples
Default layout & indicators explained
almost default layout: link
addon in use by Juzu: link (not using default layout)
Perfect - thank you!
Great Addon, really like it. Especially the options for customization.
Don't know if it's possible, but can you add Bossframes to the grid, so that these always show up, independant of the nameplates (and thus positioning/ view angle) ? And possible even hide these nameplate frames of bosses when they are shown as fixed ?
my plan is to add boss units when i figure out how to filter out duplicates, and tbh while i was thinking of an answer for you, i might have figured it out :>, so +1 for you, ill upload it tonight assuming i'm right and it can be done using the method i'm thinking of :)
edit: looks like i was wrong :(, but i won't give up!
it would have been a nice addition, but if its not easy to implement skip it. the core mechanics of this addon are reason enough to use it :)
The old nameplates had different textures for rare and boss units, if I recall right, maybe you could check for this texture border on the original ones? I don't know the new Nameplats API though, as they changed a fair bit.
Just have to ask this question, also for other interestes ppls. which know EnemyGrid.
Beside all the customization settings, what does it do better/other than EnemyGrid?
I like diversity so no shaming about that something alike already exists, just wanted to know. :)
if you are worried about shaming, check the Created dates ;)
But as far as i know, things that iTF does that EG doesn't at this moment (im not 100% sure, if im wrong, feel free to point it out):
I have never played with EG so i'm not the best person to point out all the differences, but i'm always trying to create a better addon based on my own experience and feedback, if you feel like iTF is missing something, leave a ticket or comment and i'll see what i can do about it :)
Love this idea. Will be experimenting with it to see if I can transition from 3d world nameplate clicking (and frustrations that oft accompany it) to this. Healer-style targeting simplicity/consistency for DPS/tanks? Yes, please.
Great addon! Would like to see option to turn on/off when entering and leaving from combat!
Thanks a lot! Really helpful!