Unfortunately nameplate unitIDs aren't valid targets anymore in 7.1 because blizzard didn't like the idea of grids like iTF, so iTF doesn't work anymore.
Even if someone finds away to create addons like this, blizzard said they would block the methods used so unless blizzard decides to allow such addons, you won't be seeing any updates to ITF (unless people want me to modify it for debuff tracking)
Mirrors nameplate units into static grid with different indicators
use /itf or /itargetingframes to open config window
If you encounter an lua error or you feel like the addon is missing something, write a ticket or leave a comment below.
Clickable unitframes with
- Unit Name
- Cast bar
- Health bar
- Debuffs (with spell name or spell id blacklisting)
- Duration text
- Stack count
- Flashing for < X duration
- Click-to-cast (general, class, spec specific bindings)
- Cast spell
- Macro text
Conditionals for indicators:
- Range
- Unit out of combat
- Current target
- Focus target
- Threat
- Losing aggro
- Gaining aggro
- Aggro
- Priority NPC
- Custom
- Usage: function(unitID) <stuff> return true end
- Glow
- Left
- Right
- Bottom
- Top
- Border
- Healthbar
- Frame opacity
Custom conditional examples
Default layout & indicators explained
almost default layout: link
addon in use by Juzu: link (not using default layout)
Does is addon still work for 7.1? I can't get anything to display since the update
Unfortunately nameplate unitIDs aren't valid targets anymore in 7.1 because blizzard didn't like the idea of grids like iTF, so iTF doesn't work anymore.
Even if someone finds away to create addons like this, blizzard said they would block the methods used so unless blizzard decides to allow such addons, you won't be seeing any updates to ITF (unless people want me to modify it for debuff tracking)
It would be quite nice to have for debuff tracking. I use nameplates, but sometimes they can be a pain.
If it would be possible to modify it for debuff tracking, I think it would certainly see some use!
I really hope you keep up this addon! It's fantastic. I really enjoyed 'the other nameplate grid addon', but the customization options just aren't very good. Your addon is exactly what I wanted from the other, and then some. Keep up the awesome work!
hi , for some reason when i bind ctrl + click for target , it doesn't work , the click targetting work but not the ctrl+click
I have just downloaded the addon, applied where I want the targeting box too be, set my click sets and keybinds but I never have any enemies pop up int he window too target, are there any set up guides for noobs like me?
Make sure you have nameplates enabled in the interface options :)
is that the WOW interface options or ITF?
I cant find any nameplate options int he itf window
Wow interface options
Great addon, best of its kind!! 10/10
I appear to be unable to find the profile selection, and the ability to lock/unlock the frame to move it.
Can anyone help me please? Great addon so far :)
there is no support for multiple profiles or (un)lock toggle, you need to use Vertical/Horizontal Position sliders under 'frame' options to move the frame, if the profile support is something that users want/need i might add it in the future, but im most likely busy for the next week atleast, playing the new expansion ^^
Is there a way to track when a mob is in execute range via border / frame recolor?
Yes, I'm not at home right now so i can't check the exact options but go to options -> custom indicator -> select "health threshold <50%" under "Load template", change 50 to your execute range in the edibox and switch update to "OnHealth" from the dropdown and add a name to your custom indicator and if you want to load it for only specific specs select those under "Load for" dropdown menu.
worked great, thanks! well made addon.
one last question, as I am having trouble finding an option like this. Is there any way to completely disable castbar text?
currently no, but i don't see any reason not to add it, would you also like to disable cast bar or just the text?
both options would be great!
Any chance of adding display of a mob's health % as text? I don't see an option for that now, and while the health bars are there, I find I prefer seeing a number...
i will add it when i figure out should the new text be available as a indicator or should i add 2 different texts, one for health and one for indicators, or just forget about text indicator and just add the health text :D
edit: uploaded a new version with unit health text with many options, like usual :)