Joust do it!

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Automatic swapping to and from Lances and weapons during Jousting.

Joust do it! Joust in case you find yourself jousting, and need your weapons equipped joust in time... Lol... I went too far on that pun and killed it.

Joust Do It! slash commands:

  • Show the Joust Do It! options
    • /joustdoit
    • /joust


To start jousting, do ONE of the following:

  • Manually equip a lance and go into a Jousting vehicle like normal. Nothing fishy at all
  • Keep a lance in your bags, and spam right click on the jousting vehicle. Joust Do It! will automatically equip the Lance, then mount the vehicle.

To stop jousting:

  • If you leave the jousting vehicle for any reason, Joust Do It! will automically equip your combat weapons once you leave combat. If you manually equipped your weapon to leave the mount, Joust Do It will not attempt to make another (redundant) swap.

If Joust Do It! tries to automatically equip your lance, but you don't have one in your bags, Joust Do It! will alert you in a "Raid Warning" type fashion that you need to get to a Lance Rack!

Titan Grip support:

Joust Do It! supports Titan Grip Warriors. It will re-equip both your weapons when needed.


  • Swap to weapons when entering combat while not in a vehicle. (Default = off)
    • This option toggles a fail-safe in case you enter combat while you're not in a vehicle. It will automatically equip your weapons right before you enter combat if you had a lance equipped. This is useful if you ever find yourself with a lance equipped at the wrong time.
  • Auto dismount when equipping lance. (Default = on)
    • This option is just a convenience option. It will automatically dismount you if you try to enter a jousting vehicle while mounted. It does not work if you already have a lance equipped.

Important Note Regarding In-Combat Swapping

Joust Do It! can not automatically swap your weapons while in combat unless it is changed to use the Equipment Manager. The small inconvenience of waiting for combat to end pales in comparison to the potential clutter of having additional Equipment Sets for every add-on. Therefore, it is unlikely that Joust Do It! will ever be adapted to use the Equipment Manager.

In most cases you will not notice this restriction. However, when you finish the jousting event in Trial of the Champion, you may notice a delay before your weapons are automatically equipped. This is because you stay "in combat" for a few seconds after the event is over. However, the combat lockdown is released well before you have to fight the champions - so do not panic.

In rare cases where you enter combat with a lance equipped, you may need to manually equip your combat weapons. However, there is a fail-safe available in the Joust Do It! options which can help prevent this scenario.



  • x87bliss


  • Dridzt


  • English (100%)
    • x87bliss (Yes, it is hard translating my own thoughts into English, my first language, so give me credit)
  • French (100%)
    • Pettigrow
    • ckeurk
  • German (100%)
    • yoshimo
    • Freydis88

Translations needed: - WowAce login credentials should be the same as your Curse login; WowAce is just the author oriented end of the site.


As always my donation policy is simple. The button is there for you to use IF YOU WANT TO. Aside from this brief message, I will never ask, demand or beg for donations. You should never feel as if you must donate. I will never threaten to cease development solely due to lack of donations. However, I do greatly appreciate any and all donations.

Additionaly, it is important to note that this is not a registered charity. Therefore, any and all donations are NOT tax deductible.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 12, 2009
  • Last Released File
    Mar 28, 2010
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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