Raid Tracker
Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing.
Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, FuBar, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window /rt io, or on the minimap menu.
Chat commands: /rt - main window /rt o - options /rt io - item options /rt help - help /rt hide - hide or show the application icon
Curse site release updates are working normally again. Raid Tracker, Hellbender DKP, Tell Track, AddOn Studio. Use links to get files same as before. Enjoy.
Using logansfive CT_RaidTrackerImport version 1.16.13
Raids prior to implementing bosses(events) still import fine.
Was getting dkp string not valid now getting following:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/*****/public_html/eqdkp/plugins/ctrt/index.php on line 241
Have feeling its something on my end anyways thanks.
Is it possible do build in a feature which starts a "new raid" on switching in another Raidzone? This is very nice if you clear Naxxramas and went to Malygos. So the RaidTracker auto use 2 Strings (1 for each Raid)
Actually I'm using NRT, but I want to try RaidTracker, but when I export the raid string to my eqdkp with ct_raidtracker plugin, I only get one event with one raid and all items in this raid.
But I want to create 1 event (Naxxramas) and then one raid for every boss that we kill, with his 3-4 items.
This is possible?
- fix db update issue, very sorry
- fix wrong DKP export version running, 1.5 was actually generating eq
- fix default setting for log guild to off
- fix issue re-version DB every load, causing 2 setting to be lost
- added remove icon feature
use /rt hide to how or hide mini-map icon or FuBar
- fixed event functional localization issues
- added realm to be stored in db per log, and generated on export
realm is set when log starts
- much more...
It is not saving export function choice, it appears to always reset to MLDKP.
When the raid ends, or at some other point, it is adding ALL guildies who are ONLINE to the raid. Requiring you to erase them manually before exporting string. It might be if you leave group BEFORE ending the raid tracking.
I am in a raid... la la raiding la la la, everything looks good. The raid ends, I then go to END, and end the raid.
I then tinker around, do some stuff...
I go back to export the string, and VOILA, everyone who was online is now stored as if attending the raid.
I manually delete the people who were not in the raid, and export successfully.
I have also had it that instead of "ending" the raid I simply dropped group, in which case it automatically created a new raid group with me alone in it.
I then go to export the previously (named and correct) raid instance string, and find a whole "bunch'o" folks added to it again.
BTW fantastic MOD!!!
We need a wiki to explain all this... :)
- fixed export issue
- fixed attendees db issue
- DB version update roll-up into two sections