Raid Tracker
Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing.
Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, FuBar, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window /rt io, or on the minimap menu.
Chat commands: /rt - main window /rt o - options /rt io - item options /rt help - help /rt hide - hide or show the application icon
Curse site release updates are working normally again. Raid Tracker, Hellbender DKP, Tell Track, AddOn Studio. Use links to get files same as before. Enjoy.
Celess, glad you have been waiting to come back.
I read English composition is a clumsy and you can understand if you do not know.
The RaidTracker of the main window, the button can be localized to propose a way.
I personally use it and it was added. But in a different language can be used for user deulegedo local language would provide a convenience I think.
In raidtracker.lua File Function RaidTracker: FrameUpdateView () Function to find the opening in the window if chugahaeju, the language is defined in a local file by changing the display language.
RT_DetailFramePlayersTab1:SetText(L["Player name"])
RT_DetailFramePlayersTab2:SetText(L["First join"])
RT_DetailFramePlayersTab3:SetText(L["Last leave"])
RT_DetailFrameItemsTab1:SetText(L["Item name"])
RT_DetailFrameItemsTab2:SetText(L["Time looted"])
RT_DetailFrameRaidsTab1:SetText(L["Raid date"])
RT_DetailFrameEventsTabBoss:SetText(L["Kill date"])
if (RaidTrackerFrameViewButton:SetText("View Items")) then RaidTrackerFrameViewButton:SetText(L["View Items"])
else RaidTrackerFrameViewButton:SetText(L["View Players"]) end
Hey Celess, good to have you back working on this. =)
I authored many of the changes found in Shadowwolf's link (which still works, btw). I performed a file compare and you caught almost everything that should change. A couple of things you missed were
I had missed one of the changes you made (a 'this' var being used in UI_Button) in my interim update of RaidTracker. After you get the level max changed to 85, all should be right as rain (... til the next patch at any rate ;) )
- basic updates for api changes in WoW 4.0.x
- added GuildLaunch Forum export option
- added Cata 5 mans: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, The Vortex Pinnacle, The Stonecore, Lost City of the Tol'vir, Halls of Origination, Grim Batol
- New Right-Click menu based on built-in Blizz Menu system, (replace DewDrop)
- Packaging fixups for nolib option. (do not use unless doing specific dev testing)
- Cata tweaks for performance at idle.
- DewDrop has finally.. evaporated... EasyMenu not that bad, as I realize nearly the rest of the RT menu system is based on blizz menus anyway... i mean it was looking realy familiar, then it dawned on me..
DrewDrop died somewhere along 4.0.1, where it crashes now. DewDrop was based on Ace2, and although pretty much standalone, it needed AceLibrary, which crashes now and is EOL (declared End of Life by the Author), so this is the final death of DewDrop. There a few replacements out there sort of half done, but another classic is really finally gone. If you have played WoW for maybe over 8-12 months and used addons at all you have probably seen DewDrop. Its very very very old... and has proably been in nearly every major addon, directly or indirectly, at one point or another. If you've looked at the Rock/FuBar code trying to shoehorn support for DewDrop, even few years go, which was already very late in the life of DewDrop, you can see why is gone now. But you could never take away from how long it supported WoW addons and did its job.
If you really want an immediate DewDrop replacement while you transition to something more correct, esp for a single level menu, something sort of like (flavored for your own situation apropriately):
local _menux, v2 = {}, nil;
for i, v in pairs (_menu.args) do
..v2 = { text =, func = v.func, arg1 = v.passValue, tooltipText = v.desc, }
..if v.set then v2.func = v.set end
..if v.type == "toggle" then v2.notCheckable = false; v2.keepShownOnClick = true; v2.checked = v.get and v.get(); end
..tinsert(_menux, v2)
tinsert(_menux, {text="close"})
EasyMenu(_menux, CreateFrame("Frame", "OhHai", UIParent, "UIDropDownMenuTemplate"), "cursor", 0, 0, "MENU", true)
So it was always rediculously easy and I agree theres really no need for replacement... Also before someone has a cow... try to not create a new frame each time, and please try to cache the translation. EasyMenu will crash if you dont put a frame name. Also I used UIParent, as my toggle would have closed the parent and thus closed the the menu which i didnt want. UIParent should normally be a replaced with a reference to your parent frame. This is just an example based on a very specific need. But really its that easy.
Read posts below... :)
- basic updates for api changes in WoW 4.0.x
- added GuildLaunch Forum export option
- added Cata 5 mans: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, The Vortex Pinnacle, The Stonecore, Lost City of the Tol'vir, Halls of Origination, Grim Batol
- Fu-Bar is finally... fubared... support was dropped for the RockLib on which it is based by the Author... sad, i love FuBar...
Incidentally this marks a simi-historic event as far a WoW mods go. RockLib was a split in ideology form AceLib which marked a split in idology by the two founders and hubs of the Ace community which was the real hub of mod development for what I'm guessing was going probalby well over 5 years back and was seeded way back in the origins of wow mod development before then. AceLib was the basis on which 90% of the second tier mods were almost entirely based, and about 60% of the top tier mods (like several several of the top tier mods used neither). My opionion is that the split and sort of minor war between the two was ultimatly mostly semantics in architecture that didnt really, looking back, create that big of a difference in functionality or otherwise. It did however cause a lot of headaches in trying to work across three base systems (Ace2,Ace3 and Rock), where most devs tended to jsut drop support for fubar, or support it to some really substancally lesser degree. RT tried to be agnostic, which was the genisys of the KarmaLib where it used Ace2/3 if it was loaded or Rock or both for a subset of tasks that involved use of Ace or Rock based libs, which of course the creators of Rock and Ace hated. This allowed full support of things like Fubar and a myriad of other functionallity necessary for RT and substancial re-use of many community libs otherwise not possible. It was sort of a shim layer, that allowed interaction where say an AceDB was required to exist it could, and things like shoving a Rock 'dewdrop' like menu in an Ace app, and a pure DewDrop menu in Rock, which allowed things liek creating a menu that coudl actually work in Fubar and else where. The core of RT uses neither as well.
Anyway quire a bit of sweat and odd hakery went into remaining agnostic and playign nicely all around. Reguardless it looks like the war is over...
Read posts below :)
Also toward Agramonia and shadowwolf, special thanks. I cant see what shadow did since the link is gone now. Bfor Agra that was a good find, and nearly completely the right thing. THe problem ran deeper but yu found the essence of what was causing 99% of the issue. There were a few places left I had somehwo missed removing argX dependancies pre cata. I know the code is farly complicated and some places hard to read on some ways, of course tryign to keep it light and compact for performance, so its amazing you got to that.
If you are curious, argX globals were finally removed wiht oneof the patches for cata, and the variable arg '...' needed to be passed down the call chain, as those functions were sort of handlng events in the background as sort of proxies. The op of the function for that particular part needed to scrape the arg off od the var arg list like arg1 = select(1,...) while leaving it in the var arg list, so the original arg coudl propagate down the chain. I had to actually fix a few places like that. You can see the result int eh current code.
You guys are wonderful. Thanks you
A lot shoudl have been fixed by the changes i meade to get it up to 4.0.x level. I sencerely apreciate everyting every one did to make it go while i was gone. This means a lot to me. For whatever is left please let me know. :)
You can take any charecter to kill a Frostsaber, just outside of Darnasus, and RT will basically operate like its in a real instance. The 'Frostsaber Stalkers' (the spotted ones) are the Bosses, and the area to the right (as you leave Darnasus) is the instance. 'Teldrassil' is actually considered an RT instance, but the only Stalker bosses are in that one area. This should work in raids, parties and solo.
This has been hacked in for a looong time, for me to do quick tests. I'm throwing this out there now, so you guys can try verify RT yourself, and for those trying to give feedback.
If you are solo, with default options (default loot rules and solo is set to log), and you manually start a session in RT it will log a Frostsaber kill as a boss kill, and log the loot. If you are solo and you set Solo to 'Auto Create', and you have no session yet, it will auto create the session on a boss kill, and log the boss kill and loot. Also, since the 'instance' might have other players around you (which wouldn't happen in a real instance), you will notice things like 'non-boss' kills by other random players will trigger the trash timer and other side effects :), which all elude to the raid functionality working. Also if you set the options right, you can watch the auto instance fire over and over as you walk between Darnasus and Teldrassil, partly simulating entering and leaving and instance.
Incidently, there are mechanisms in RT which allow you to add trigger zones and bosses, so you might have fun with this... having your own 'world raids' or some such fun concept, dream up what you want... have fun. Finally, hogger time...
would really like if someone can find out how to get it running again..
Thank, Agramonia!
but, the error is identical to version 4.0.1.
As add-on loading error occurs.
Message: Interface\AddOns\RaidTracker\Data.lua:16: attempt to index global 'LibKarma' (a nil value)
Stack: Interface\AddOns\RaidTracker\Data.lua:16: in main chunk
Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'LibKarma' (a nil value)"
After some investigation, I managed to make this mod work again.
Just adapt RaidTracker\libs\LibKarma-1.0\LibKarma-1.0.lua
Find: function LibKarma:OnEvent( frame, event, ... )
Replace with: function LibKarma:OnEvent( frame, event, arg1, ... )