Just another Nameplates addon:
- Lightweight and minimal CPU usage.
- Displaying of multiple skins support, configuring a list of display conditions for each skin.
- Retail and Classic versions.
Classic Extra Features:
- Target Casting Bar.
- Player Casting Bar Skinning (to mimic the look&feel of target casting bar)
KiwiPlates Profiles:
You can install Kiwiplates Profiles addon to get some preconfigured profiles and themes:
Or import the profiles in text format (Goto Profiles>"Import Profile" to import profile strings):
LortiUI Classic style with black borders profile (Click Here to download):
(Enable "Blizzard Border Textures" in General Settings)
ModernUI profile (Click Here to download)
(Disable "Blizzard Border Textures" in General Settings)
In reply to michaelsp:
Ohh thanks!
Display buff debuff time?(classic)
Love your great addon ♥
Could you please add the NPC profession to the nameplates?
original / with nameplates on ->
another example ->
There is a simple addon for the retail version named NiceNameplates.
In reply to WhisCaat:
Added this feature in version r61-beta, now Text Name widget can be multiline and display extra info, but it is not trivial to mimic the example screenshots : a new skin with all widgets disabled except "Name Text", and with proper display conditions must be created (friendly units or not hostile units).
In reply to michaelsp:
Thank you so much!!! Just tested, works great! ♥♥♥
I just added conditions for pets. The customization options for this addon are just amazing!!!
And here my hostile target:
No more need for this,:One more request:
If the custom second text line does not contain a string, then take the contents of the first line and hide the first line. Then you wouldn't have an empty line between name and health bar.In reply to WhisCaat:
Yes the conditions system allows some complex customizations, its the only reason i coded the plates (there are already plenty of general purpose nameplates addons), for example, my plates appearance is different depending of my combat status and the combat status of the enemies. When i'm in combat, the plates of non aggroed enemies became very small and dimmed, in this way i can differentiate the current in combat pull from nearby non aggroed pulls, i use this to avoid targeting and attacking by mistake nearby pulls.
Umm it seems you already realized that, but there are not two lines, its a multiline text, and the text is trimmed to remove the empty spaces and newlines, maybe you used some escape color code in the last line (simply put the color reference at the end of the first line, like in the default mask text provided by the addon).
In reply to michaelsp:
Yes, it works perfect now for me! It's really amazing ♥
WoW Classic - For some reason this addon only works for me if I have some other addons enabled, for example Capping (battleground timers) or Classic Threat Meter.
With only Kiwi enabled, the nameplates don't show up and the options are also missing from Interface Options. But when I enable the other addons, it works as it should.
It looks like the other addons provide some sort of dependency or library for Kiwi which is otherwise missing.
Edit: Here are some other addon which make Kiwi work: DBM, GatherLite, Grid2, Handynotes
I also can't get the name plate distance higher than 20. When I set it higher, it snaps back to 20.
In reply to Forge_User_76736893:
In classic version nameplates distance cannot be increased. I will include the missing library in next version.
In reply to michaelsp:
Ah, I see. OK, thank you.
Got another question. Is it possible to hide the .0 on health numbers when the NPC have under 1k HP?
And also im wondering if the aura icons are supporting OmniCC for timer numbers on them.
In reply to NiLLx_:
In retail yes, in classic no timers/cooldowns for auras exist (only for player auras).
In reply to michaelsp:
This weak aura is supposed to add my debuffs+timers on the nameplate (timers via OmniCC addon)
Not sure if its working (cant test nameplate debuffs atm)
Really nice addon, im happy with how it looks. Got only one suggestion, can you add a Target Highlight? Made an example here:![](
In reply to NiLLx_:
I dont like lateral arrows :P, to highlight the target, create a new skin, change the border, colors, fonts, sizes, positions, textures, wherever you want and in display conditions add a Target=true condition (move this new skin up in the skins list to take more priority than the default skin), example image displaying 3 differente skins for target, in combat units, and out of combat units.
In reply to michaelsp:
thanks that works too!
Is there any reason why you made the softMax so small?
I've had to change,
Health Bar from 200 to 400 (I actually have the in game setting at 275)
Health Text Font Size from 23 to 50 (I have it set to 31 in game)
Name Text Font to 50 (I have it 25)
Level Text Font to 50 (I have it 35)
Could you please update and double all softMax values
love the addon its just like tidy-plates
But i've tried everything to get the threat plate working.
am i doing something wrong or are they not working. when i have threat, the plate is blue but when some one pull off me it doesn't change color. i got it to change color one time but never again after that. any one know anything about this.
In reply to aliceathebear:
Goto "Colors:Threat"section:
-Check if the threat color is assigned to the Health Bar (Health bar toggle checked)
-For testing purposes you can assign the threat color to another widget too, like the color of the unit Name.
Now the tricky part, Health Bar has by default another color, and some colors types override the color applied by the threat module.
So go to "Health Bar" section> Bar Color option:
"Blizzard" and "Health Percent" options do not work with threat module because they override the threat color applied, so do not use this options, and use another color type like: "Unit Reaction" or "Custom Color".
This part is confused i know, its really half finished, i will try to finish this part in the future, or at least display the configuration in a more intuitive way.