
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A tiny name plate addon:

Relatively simple addon for my own use, recreates my Aloft nameplates but without all the extra gunk to make it take 2MB. It is unlikely that I'll be adding features or the ability to edit options in game.


  • Lowfoot memory print (18kb)
  • Compact Frames
    • Name and Level text inside status bar
    • Level = level if unit HP is 100%, otherwise shows remaining HP
  • Custom Threat Highlighting (same as Aloft default override)
  • Stacking points text
    • Druids: Combo Points (cat), Lacerate (bear)
    • Warriors: Sunder Armor
    • Rogues: Combo Points
    • Paladins: Seal of Vengeance/Corruption stacks

Bug Reports

Please direct all support requests to Wowace.

Be specific as to the version number of knameplates, revision (found in the TOC file), WoW version

Provide a complete stack trace from an addon like Bug Grabber


No in game options

For custom options, create a new file in the addon folder named CustomOptions.lua. Include any of the following variables and change their value (currently the shown values are the defaults)

kNPCustom_frameheight = 11
kNPCustom_framewidth = 120
kNPCustom_castbarheight = kNPCustom_frameheight * 0.8
kNPCustom_agrocolors = {
	-- alpha is not currently used here, these are really just placeholders
	[0]		= { 1.00, 0.00, 0.00 },	-- "gray" equivalent (translate gray glow to red, the default hostile nameplate color; low aggro)
	[1]		= { 0.00, 1.00, 1.00 },	-- "yellow" equivalent (tranlate glow to a bright cyan; you are at risk of pulling/losing aggro)
	[2]		= { 1.00, 0.00, 1.00 },	-- "orange" equivalent (tranlate glow to a bright magenta; you are really close to pulling/losing aggro)
	[3]		= { 1.00, 0.67, 0.00 },	-- "red" equivalent (tranlate glow to a bright orange; this target is securely yours)
kNPCustom_barTexture = [[Interface\Addons\kNamePlates\media\Smoothv2]]
kNPCustom_glowTexture = [[Interface\Addons\kNamePlates\media\Outline]]
kNPCustom_font = [[Interface\Addons\kNamePlates\media\Calibri1.ttf]]
kNPCustom_fontSize = 9
kNPCustom_fontOutline = "OUTLINE"
kNPCustom_stackedPointsfontSize = kNPCustom_fontSize + 3
kNPCustom_castbarfontsize = 8
kNPCustom_thousandstext = "%.1fk"
kNPCustom_millionstext = "%.1fm"
kNPCustom_HPValuefunction = function(value, minhp, maxhp)
	if value < 10000 then
		return value
	elseif value >= 10000 and value < 1000000 then
		return string.format(thousandstext, value / 1000)
	elseif value >= 1000000 and value < 1000000000 then
		return string.format(millionstext, value / 1000000)
		return value
  • frameheight: the height of the healthbar
  • framewidth: the width of the healthbar
  • castbarheight: the height of the casting bar, width is same as framewidth
  • agrocolors table: r,g,b values in percent for a color, changes the agro outline coloring
  • bartexture: the statusbar texture to use
  • glowtexture: the agro border texture
  • font, fontSize, fontOutline: font face to use, size, what kind of outline to use
  • stackedPointsfontSize: the stacking points number size
  • castbarfontsize: cast bar timer font size
  • thousandstext: a formatted string used in the hp of a mob
  • millionstext : a formatted string used in the hp of a mob
  • HPValuefunction: a function that is called when updating the HP/level of a mob, used for custom formatting


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