Langoustine is a CtRa/oRa2 replacement. Its inspired by both those mods and supports similar features.
Features to be included:
- Tank windows w/target and optionaly Target of Target [FINAL TWEAKING]
- ClickCast support for MT frames. [ NEEDS TESTED ]
- Mass invites by guild rank or level [DONE]
- Auto promotion of assists [DONE]
- Auto loot method, with Master looter option [DONE]
- Ready Check support [DONE]
- Quick Disband support [DONE]
- LDB support [ COMING UP NEXT ]
Thats it, if you want durability, item, resist checks then stick with oRa2/CTRA or get better raiders. This is intended for end game guilds who have a solid raiding core that doesnt require all that extra fluff. Tank windows include player or raid leader defined! Ie removed the Vote option from the feature list.
By doing this, Langoustine can now operate 100% without any comm channel required.
sounds like excuses mate :P hope all settles down and you get a chance to pick this mod back up again :)
currenlty laggin behind, ive ben in RL hell with work i.e. 16hr days every day for last 3 months so i havent had time for anything.
really interested in this project, what's the current status?
Any progress on this?
Don't worry about it. I can wait. I'm just eager to get my hands on it (when it works on my locale).
ill get back to heavy dev on this after teh 6th of july. ill be off of raiding for a few weeks and work has me just doinging desgin stuff for that time so i can work on this and finish it up.
Sadly it didn't. The issue comes up with AceLocale 3 in Langoustine Options. I tried just copying the enUS files (and renaming all the US to GB of course). It can't translate the entries. So I can't access the options at all, I do get tank frames (with the enGB in Langoustine, without it, I didn't get tankframes either)
Example of error:
Odd thing is :
In AceLocale, that's noted and honestly that makes sure that GB clients can use US translations, but why is it not registering?
I added an enGB locale that should cover you.
Can you by any chance, copy enUS translations as enGB, because I keep getting an error about missing translations.
Since my current frames don't have party targets, could you potentially have a checkbox to "show party when not in raid" the way MainAssist does it?
configUI?? whats that?? lols j/k most of the functionality will be via cmdline and a LDB object. i havent even started touching it yet
Allthough it could be nice to be able to do so in combat, I'm certain that you could expect ppl to only create new PT's out of combat, making those frames somewhat easier to create on the fly, I presume.
And ofc seperate enabling checkboxes for MT and PT (so players can choose for themselves whether they want to follow the sh!thead pug raidleader or not :)
And one last thing (for now). For the config dialog GUI and all that jazz, please make it a seperate addon, so it doesn't take up a huge chunk of memory on something we might never get to use in that game session. I'm sure you've thought of it, but if you hadn't, I bet it's alot easier to implement now, than in x revisions :) For inspiration, look at Inline Aura and so on :)
im adding the ClickCastFrames support peice that is used in stuff like Clique
the MT, mt taarget and MT tot will be secure frames
ill consider adding player tank windows. im still debating the internal on how some of it will work. ATM ive got invite, auto promotes, auto loot all dry coded. Im working on the ready check frame right now.
Sounds nice, and looking forward to see what this will ewolve into.
Sounds great I bet many of us are waiting for the next oRa2. May I suggest something like player watch on oRa2 (same unit frames than MT frames)? not all raid leaders set MT on it and helps a lot on healing/assist particular players, and its quicker to set than argue with the raid leader why he should do it, or pass assist :/
Finally something for us who want to kiss Ace2 byebye !!
When you say clickcast support, does this mean you'll make a config window as to what happens when you right/left/middleclick on the mt/ma windows, or that those frames will be "normal"/secure frames that can be used as normal via Clique or whatever click-casting addon you want to use?
Please please also include a Player target option, where the single user can define who (s)he wants to put up there, for better flexibility in guilds that don't adhere to a strict MT/MA scheme.
And ofc, integrate Blizz's MT/MA structure, so if you set MT/MA in Langoustine, it's set in Blizz's system and vice versa :)
I can't really wait for this to come out !! Go go go :)