Shows you a much bigger icon selection frame
Supports Macros, the Equipment Manager, Guild Bank, Warbanks and includes a search box!
(The icon selector window is no longer resizable)
Notice 2024-08-08: LargerMacroIconSelection briefly used IconFileNames as a separate addon but it's now in LargerMacroIconSelectionData, so you can safely remove the IconFileNames addon.
you're welcome![](
Search box is absent for me, too. Retail v1.8.3
In reply to RicochetRita:
The search box still appears for me, I downloaded v1.8.3 and tested it on the current 10.1.5 live realms. Do you have any errors? You can get them with BugSack. Does it work with all other addons disabled? Otherwise I do not know what to say...
Search doesn't seem to work anymore, hasn't been for a while. Also I wish the frame was as big as the one in your image lol.
In reply to Psydfex:
Search is still working for me with v1.8.2 on retail.
Yeah, after the rewrite I didn't have the time to make it bigger again as in the image...
5x ...lector-1.0-LMIS/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS.lua:228: bad argument #1 to 'GetAddOnMetadata' (Invalid AddOn name AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData. - Usage: local value = C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(name, variable))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetAddOnMetadata'
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/Libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS.lua"]:228: in function `LoadKeywords'
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/Libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS.lua"]:1130: in function `RestartSearch'
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/Libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS/LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0-LMIS.lua"]:1120: in function `func'
[string "@ElvUI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceTimer-3.0-17/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:57: in function <...UI_Libraries/Core/Ace3/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>
(*temporary) = "AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData"
(*temporary) = "X-Revision"
(*temporary) = "Invalid AddOn name AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData. - Usage: local value = C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(name, variable)"
In reply to Devileu:
The v1.8.2 update should fix the error👍
In reply to Ketho17:
You're gonna need a 1.8.3. 😉 I posted the fix here:
hi , please mate update the addon :)
WotlK 3.4.1 issue:
1x ...roIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:132: attempt to index field 'sf' (a nil value)
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua"]:132: in function <...roIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:119>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroUI.lua"]:298: in function <Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroUI.lua:295>
info = <table> {
icons_shown = "NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN"
buttons = "MacroPopupButton"
update = "MacroPopupFrame_Update"
geticoninfo = "GetSpellorMacroIconInfo"
popup = MacroPopupFrame {
template = "MacroPopupButtonTemplate"
icon_rows = "NUM_ICON_ROWS"
icons_per_row = "NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW"
okaybutton = Button {
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = MacroPopupFrame {
0 = <userdata>
GetIconByIndex = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1521
Update = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:55
editBoxHeaderText = "Enter Macro Name (Max 16 Characters):"
SetSelectedIconText = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1499
mode = 1
iconDataProvider = <table> {
OnShow = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:3
GetNumIcons = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1529
OnHide = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:34
IconSelector = Frame {
GetSelectedIndex = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1533
OnEvent = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1446
GetMacroFrame = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:112
OkayButton_OnClick = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:88
BorderBox = Frame {
BG = Texture {
SetIconFromMouse = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1465
OnLoad = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1404
CancelButton_OnClick = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:83
GetIndexOfIcon = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1525
(*temporary) = <table> {
height = 495
width = 524.999939
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 495
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'sf' (a nil value)"
self = Frame {
0 = <userdata>
UpdateButtons = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:221
searchIcons = <table> {
frameInfo = <table> {
db = <table> {
InitGuildBank = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/GuildBank.lua:12
frameData = <table> {
SearchBox_OnTextChanged = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/SearchBox.lua:72
searchObject = <table> {
LoadFileData = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:71
OnEvent = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:91
InitSearch = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/SearchBox.lua:11
UpdateSearchPopup = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/SearchBox.lua:50
Initialize = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:118
ClearSearch = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/SearchBox.lua:41
UpdateTextures = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:274
RefreshMouseFocus = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/Classic/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:287
popup = MacroPopupFrame {
0 = <userdata>
GetIconByIndex = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1521
Update = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:55
editBoxHeaderText = "Enter Macro Name (Max 16 Characters):"
SetSelectedIconText = <function> defined @SharedXML/SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:1499
mode = 1
iconDataProvider = <table> {
OnShow = <function> defined @Blizzard_MacroUI/Blizzard_MacroIconSelector.lua:3
GetNumIcons = <function> defined @Interfa
In reply to SunfyreBlazing:
It's updated for patch 3.4.1 now but HOLY SHIT man, classic wrath now has to use both the new and old codebase.
Because the macro and guildbank icon picker were updated, except for the gear manager![](
Possible to make this work with BindPad?
In reply to GalvinSR:
I'd say it's very unlikely. I took a quick look again and they roll their own custom icon selector window, while LargerMacroIconSelection only hooks into the (newly rewritten) blizzard icon selector.
Unless a miracle happens and LibAdvancedIconSelector would be updated with the new blizzard tech so that any addon could embed that.
Thank you so much for updating this. That search feature is so handy :-)
You're welcome~
Hi !
I've got this error, I don't understand what it is, can you help me please ?
1x ...argerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:117: attempt to index local 'popup' (a nil value)
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua"]:117: in function `Initialize'
[string "@LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua"]:95: in function <...argerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:86>
self = Frame {
0 = <userdata>
SearchBox_OnTextChanged = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/SearchBox.lua:72
UpdateButtons = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:219
db = <table> {
frameInfo = <table> {
LoadFileData = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:70
RefreshMouseFocus = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:285
OnEvent = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:86
InitSearch = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/SearchBox.lua:11
UpdateSearchPopup = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/SearchBox.lua:50
searchIcons = <table> {
Initialize = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:116
ClearSearch = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/SearchBox.lua:41
InitGuildBank = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/GuildBank.lua:12
UpdateTextures = <function> defined @LargerMacroIconSelection/LargerMacroIconSelection.lua:272
frameData = <table> {
popup = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'popup' (a nil value)"
origSize = <table> {
origNum = <table> {
In reply to Choupiyanou:
That looks like the old v1.7.2 version, you need to wait until the v1.8.0 non-beta release
In reply to Ketho17:
Thank you !
Strange, I tried to use v1.0.8-beta on WoW retail (because its game attribute mentions v10.0.2), and I can't do anything with this addon.
It appears in the addons list, but no action activates it.
Even "/lmis" does not activate the addon.
Maybe it's because all slash commands are located only in file "Classic\LargerMacroIconSelection.lua", so they work only in Classic WoW?
In reply to AlexL1118:
It no longer has a slash command (on retail) since it currently can't change the size of the icon selector. The addon is supposed to load automatically when you create a new macro, instead lf any manually activating. But otherwise I'm not sure why the current beta version wouldn't work for you.