Shows you a much bigger icon selection frame
Supports Macros, the Equipment Manager, Guild Bank, Warbanks and includes a search box!
(The icon selector window is no longer resizable)
Notice 2024-08-08: LargerMacroIconSelection briefly used IconFileNames as a separate addon but it's now in LargerMacroIconSelectionData, so you can safely remove the IconFileNames addon.
In reply to Ketho:
Thank you for this addon, just one request, could you make the first icon selected by default (the red question mark), similar to the default icon selection screen?
If I understand this correctly when the icon window initially shows up you want the first icon to be selected? I thought this was already the default, but not sure. Or do you mean whenever there is a new search result?
I'll look into it, but it'll maybe take around a week since I don't have access to my computer atm
The guild bank icons search bar works now :)
Hey. Love the addon. Makes my life so much easier with macro icons. I still can't believe after 10+ years of WoW development this isn't part of the default UI.
Since 7.1.5 (I think) this addon hasn't been working for me. No icons show up now in the icon selection window. Here is what I see when I open the macro icon screen: (better resolution)
(edit) that seems to be from the BetterIconSelect addon
In the latest alpha (r59) you can shift-click items/spells directly to the search box. I know there already is the Question Mark + #showtooltip, but hopefully it will be useful for those other cases
Howdy! I have a slight issue... so far this has worked flawlessly for my macros & equipment manager, but, it doesn't work for my guild bank tabs. I've not gotten any lua errors (they are enabled) and I have tried disabling (and completely removing) any addons that manipulate frames (such as MoveAnything & BlizzMove), as well as removed onebank and such, all with no difference.
(Sept 10 build).
Any suggestions? Thank you!
I didn't mention this on the addon description (sorry), but it technically isn't possible to add the search box for guild bank tabs, the Blizzard UI code doesn't allow it :(
add pls spellID search...
Searching for IDs has now been added :)
Any of the following examples will work
Curse comments need an upvote system. :D
There is a search box now for Macro and Equipment Manager icons
It's not technically possible to add the search box for the Guild Bank though
Note: there is a Blizzard bug, for anyone using a custom icon pack
(Edit 8/31) Applied a workaround fix for icon packs in v1.1.2
OMG, I love you! Thanks so much for implementing this!
Sorry for still not having it updated for search functionality after a month. Work is under way, but it has been difficult, considering performance and memory usage
I'm trying to use only the search functionality from LibAdvancedIconSelector, while still showing the Blizzard icon selection frame instead of the LibAIS one
I also use Macro Toolkit, which has recently been updated, but it calls the standard macro selection window instead of your Larger window when clicking "Change Name/Icon" or "New". Is that something that you can change (and would be willing to change), or would the MT author have to enable that functionality?
It's not a huge deal, as I can create the macro in MT and just use the default macro UI to open your frame and pick a different icon afterwards if I want.
Thanks for trying to wrangle Blizzard's icons for us!
It looks like Macro Toolkit uses its own frame for showing icons
The author could increase the amount of icons in there, or use the default Blizzard icons popup frame (if possible), then it should show the bigger macro icons window
Otherwise I don't mind to make simple changes the author requests to make it work together
(Edit) He could use LibAdvancedIconSelector instead, there is an updated version of it in Bear in Mind
I'm the author of Macro Toolkit. I'm not sure how much there is to be gained from making it compatible with this addon, but I'll have a go if there's demand.
Macro Toolkit already uses LibAdvancedIconSelector, though I've heavily modified it since the author stopped updating it.
The search is still there, but it's limited to icon names - I've abandoned the keyword thing. For reference, there is a FileDataID lookup here but it's well over a meg in size.
I've made a cut down version for Macro Toolkit which you are free to use if it's of any use (Macro Toolkit\modules\textures.lua) but it's far from ideal (or complete). I've removed paths and unneccesary text to get the file size down to just over 400k - still very big though.
Sounds like a hot mess all around! Thanks to the both of you for making macros/icons a bit easier to deal with anyway. I've actually started using Edit Macro Icons in addition to LMIS and MT. It's probably a little faster for me to open up Wowhead's icon search and find the ID I want and plug it into one of the EMI commands. It's a shame that the WoW icon database is so ponderous that going to a website and then pasting data into a command is the fast way to set an icon!
All 3 of these addons help in different ways. Thanks again!