Left clicking on the addon causes the addon to try to set the lag tolerance fitting to your current latency.
Right clicking opens the addon’s options.
This can be done automatically every X seconds as well.
“Lag tolerance” is the term Blizzard uses in their game setting for setting the cvar “maxSpellStartRecoveryoffset”. All this is described e.g. here: http://www.wowpedia.org/CVar_maxSpellStartRecoveryoffset
The addon is (quite frankly) an experiment to try to find out weather setting this regularly (to a value approximately deemed best by Blizzard (“slightly above your latency”)) has any positive effect on how I perceive the spell queuing system (more importantly: does it increase my “performance” as a damage dealer or healer).
Tbh: it is entirely possible that this setting has no perceivable effect at all. Might as well be like “better cables” for digital audio connections.
If anyone has a real therorycraft link on this topic, I’d love to have it; when I started writing this addon, I couldn’t find one.
Is this still useful?
Played around getting this working in 7.2.5
As Celebrin says below you replace reducedLagTolerance with SpellQueueWindow in the main .lua
Also relpace maxSpellStartRecoveryOffset with SpellQueueWindow as tehy seem to have merged
Lastly comment out line 79,80
to show what the current CVar is type
/dump GetCVar("SpellQueueWindow")
to manually change it type
/console SpellQueueWindow 250
(250 was pre 7.2.5 default, now it's 400)
Replace reducedLagTolerance with SpellQueueWindow in the main .lua file to make this work again.
If you are getting an error message that looks something like this when you left-click the label:
1x LDB-LagTolerance\LDB-LagTolerance-1.4-Release.lua:90: attempt to perform arithmetic on upvalue 'currentPing' (a string value)
LDB-LagTolerance\LDB-LagTolerance-1.4-Release.lua:90: in function `UpdateText'
LDB-LagTolerance\LDB-LagTolerance-1.4-Release.lua:50: in function <LDB-LagTolerance\LDB-LagTolerance.lua:40>
Add this code right after function addon:UpdateText()
currentPing = select(4, GetNetStats()) or 0
So it looks like this:
function addon:UpdateText()
currentPing = select(4, GetNetStats()) or 0
if currentSetting == nil or currentPing == nil then
Thanks! Included in the next build; Straightforward fix, I just never had that error :-)
Don't quote me on this...
I believe that hte custom latency tolerence is really only good for people who have latency above the default GCD of, i think, 500 ms (can't remember off the top of my head the actual amount). For those people, setting the tolerence closer ot their actual latency help but for those with latency near say the 100 ms mark, it really won't do anything.
"Tbh: it is entirely possible that this setting has no perceivable effect at all. Might as well be like “better cables” for digital audio connections."
Actually, it is visible:
1. Put lag tolerance to zero,
2. Use mouse wheel up/down for a casted skill, roll up/down the mouse wheel and you will notice "failed" starts within the GCD.
3. Adjust lag tolerance to good values, and the "failed starts" are greatly diminished.
Also mentioning that I got a error on startup pertaining to Ace3-timer thingy missing. Installing Ace3 libs fixed it.
any chance to have a no-lib version?
I'll give it a try.