Any chance this will get an update to include things like LFR as well? I have yet to see it in action for Dungeons, but I notice it doesn't trigger for LFR CTA's
As a healer, this addon has gotten me quite a few satchels in the past so thank you. I am testing some LFR code and will send it to you if it seems alright, if you want.
Glad to hear it! And I'll definitely take a look if you send anything over. You can send me a private message or file a ticket on the wowace project site.
Unfortunately I quit playing World of Warcraft a while ago, so I'm not updating my addons. My friend is trying to convince me to come back for Legion, but I haven't decided yet. If I do come back I'll try to update my addons, but until that time I'm not working on them.
I'd be happy to add someone as a maintainer to this project if they wish to keep it updated.
Such a thing exists? This surprises me. Unfortunately, I've pretty much quit WoW now, so it's pretty unlikely. I'd be happy to accept code from someone else to implement such a feature though.
LFG Call to Arms Broker supports any sounds that other addons have registered with LibSharedMedia. If other addons are playing sounds, but don't use LibSharedMedia, then LFG Call to Arms Broker can't use them.
When I have the time I hope to provide a list of built-in sounds as well. But I don't have any at the moment.
With the current version of the addon, you need other addons that register sounds with LibSharedMedia in order to have anything available in LFG Call to Arms Broker. When I have the time I hope to provide a list of built-in sounds, but I don't have any at the moment.
As a tank this addon is very helpful to seize the opportunity for extra goodies so I thank you for creating it! I've looked in the comments on this page about inserting a sound file so that you have an audial notification when yuor CtA is available but I'm not sure how to do this myself. Could you create a step-by-step walkthrough of how to do it or include a sound file in the next release?
Unfortunately the only way to add sounds is to include them into an addon. But maybe there's some way I can let you modify the addon to include extra sounds. Unfortunately I think doing that would at a minimum require editing a lua file, not just dropping them in (since I'm pretty sure WoW doesn't have a way to inspect the filesystem of the addon).
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I just stumbled over this addon as 'LFD: Call to Arms' ( does not work anymore.
Is there any chance to have this nice window move in so you are notified about your role being called?
Any chance this will get an update to include things like LFR as well?
I have yet to see it in action for Dungeons, but I notice it doesn't trigger for LFR CTA's
As a healer, this addon has gotten me quite a few satchels in the past so thank you. I am testing some LFR code and will send it to you if it seems alright, if you want.
Glad to hear it! And I'll definitely take a look if you send anything over. You can send me a private message or file a ticket on the wowace project site.
Any news on this LFR thing? It will be awesome to add it to this awesome addon!
Unfortunately I quit playing World of Warcraft a while ago, so I'm not updating my addons. My friend is trying to convince me to come back for Legion, but I haven't decided yet. If I do come back I'll try to update my addons, but until that time I'm not working on them.
I'd be happy to add someone as a maintainer to this project if they wish to keep it updated.
As I just within the past 48 hours hit 90 on my first ever tank, this is my new favority add on. It is a must have for any tank or healer.
hey, will the addon display LFR Call to Arms?
Such a thing exists? This surprises me. Unfortunately, I've pretty much quit WoW now, so it's pretty unlikely. I'd be happy to accept code from someone else to implement such a feature though.
yes there is since 5.4.
Yes, an option for displaying this would be great! :-)
Eridius can you explain me how to put some random sound? cause i have other addons with sounds but anyways LFG doesnt take it. Thank you
LFG Call to Arms Broker supports any sounds that other addons have registered with LibSharedMedia. If other addons are playing sounds, but don't use LibSharedMedia, then LFG Call to Arms Broker can't use them.
When I have the time I hope to provide a list of built-in sounds as well. But I don't have any at the moment.
There's no sound coming from this addon.
Did you pick a sound effect to use? This addon doesn't embed any sounds, but it can use sound effects bundled with other installed addons.
With the current version of the addon, you need other addons that register sounds with LibSharedMedia in order to have anything available in LFG Call to Arms Broker. When I have the time I hope to provide a list of built-in sounds, but I don't have any at the moment.
As a tank this addon is very helpful to seize the opportunity for extra goodies so I thank you for creating it! I've looked in the comments on this page about inserting a sound file so that you have an audial notification when yuor CtA is available but I'm not sure how to do this myself. Could you create a step-by-step walkthrough of how to do it or include a sound file in the next release?
Is there a way to add my own sound to this when the call to arms pops up it'll play that sound?
Really rather not download another addon just for sounds.
Unfortunately the only way to add sounds is to include them into an addon. But maybe there's some way I can let you modify the addon to include extra sounds. Unfortunately I think doing that would at a minimum require editing a lua file, not just dropping them in (since I'm pretty sure WoW doesn't have a way to inspect the filesystem of the addon).