Provides info about spell teaching items. Covers all recipes, mounts, mini-pets and class books.
To see LibTextbook in action check Auctionator_RecipeList
type,itemName,teachesSpell,reqSkill,reqSkillLevel,reqSpell, binding,quality,reqLevel,reqClasses,reqRaces, reqFaction,reqReputation,unique,note = LibTextbookInfo(itemID,resolveText)
- itemID
- resolveText - if not false nor nil some values will be returned as text (see bellow)
5 posible values:
- "BOOK"
The name of the item. English and Russian only for now... sry.
The ID of the spell that the item teaches. If resolveText than "spellName (spellRank)" will be returned instead.
The ID of the skill required to use the item. If resolveText than skill name will be returned instead.
The level of the reqSkill required to use the item.
The ID of the passive spell required to use the item. If resolveText than spell name will be returned instead. E.g.: Mooncloth Tailoring, Artisian Riding,...
The binding type of the item. If resolveText than the text value will be returned.
- "Binds when picked up",
- "Binds when equipped",
- "Binds when used",
- "Quest Item",
- "Binds to account",
The quality of the item. If resolveText than the text value will be returned.
- 0 "Poor"
- 1 "Common"
- 2 "Uncommon"
- 3 "Rare"
- 4 "Epic"
- 5 "Legendary"
- 6 "Artifact"
- 7 "Heirloom"
The character level required to use the item.
Classes the item is restricted to. This field is a bitmask.
- 1 "Warrior"
- 2 "Paladin"
- 3 "Hunter"
- 4 "Rogue"
- 5 "Priest"
- 6 "Death Knight"
- 7 "Shaman"
- 8 "Mage"
- 9 "Warlock"
- 11 "Druid"
The value is a sum of 2^i over all included classes. If resolveText than the text value will be returned instead (like "Warrior, Paladin, Hunter").
Races the item is restricted to. This field is a bitmask.
- 1 "Human"
- 2 "Orc"
- 3 "Dwarf"
- 4 "Night Elf"
- 5 "Undead"
- 6 "Tauren"
- 7 "Gnome"
- 8 "Troll"
- 10 "Blood Elf"
- 11 "Draenei"
The value is a sum of 2^i over all included races. If resolveText than the text value will be returned instead (like "Human, Dwarf, Night Elf").
The Faction who's reputation is required to use the item. If resolveText than faction name will be returned instead.
The reputation standing with reqFaction required to use the item. If resolveText than reputation standing text will be returned instead.
How many items the player is allowed to have. If resolveText than "Unique (n)" will be returned instead (n is omitted if =1).
4 posible values so far:
- "fake" - the item probably exists in game database but is unobtainable for players
- "removed" - the item is removed from the game at some point
- "beta" - the item existed in beta but never got into live
- "trainable" - the tradeskill has become available from trainers at some point, but the recipe might still exist in game
At this moment, all strings returned when resolveText == true are in English or Russian (thanks to StingerSoft). If anyone is eager to help by providing text in some other language feel free to contact me.